
5.4K 104 111

Thanks to Kieran2022 for the request!!
V much angst with even more fluff.
Possible CW for sensory overload/meltdowns!


Marcy clutched the hem of her dress as she stared at the entrance to the school building. She had been waiting for her senior prom since she was in middle school, but the noise and lights coming from the building were giving her second thoughts.

"You guys promise you'll be close the whole time?" She asked, her voice coming out as a whisper.
Sasha spoke up, swinging an arm around her shoulder. "Of course, girl! C'mon, it'll be fun!"
Anne nodded and grabbed Marcy's hand. "I promise I won't leave you alone, okay? And if it gets to be too much, let us know."
Marcy sighed hesitantly, but squeezed Anne's hand in return and nodded. "Okay, let's go."

The three entered the building, gasping in awe at the lights and decor-- the gym had been decorated with vibrant flowers and twinkling lights, their classmates dressed in suits and long, sparkling dresses. It made Marcy feel almost underdressed, as she wore a simple, sleeveless lavender dress that went down to her ankles. Anne wore a dress similar to hers, but in navy blue, with longer sleeves made from lace. Sasha, however, wore a black suit with a red flower tucked into the pocket.

The music was loud, but surprisingly bearable. Marcy found herself enjoying it so far, smiling as the three girls made their way to an empty corner of the room. They chatted for a good fifteen minutes before someone asked Sasha to dance, the pair disappearing into the crowd, leaving Marcy and Anne to themselves.

"I can't believe it's prom already! Can you believe we're graduating soon?" Anne spoke suddenly, looking up at the lights around them. Marcy hummed in agreement, leaning into Anne's side. She focused on the sound of Anne's voice and closed her eyes, ignoring the faint throbbing in her head.

"Hey Marce, I'm gonna get us some drinks! I'll be right back, promise!" Anne carefully stood up from the bench they sat at as Marcy nodded, Anne kissing her forehead before making her way into the crowd of people.

Without the sound of Anne's voice, the music suddenly sounded ten times louder than before. Marcy rubbed her temples and adjusted the collar of her dress anxiously, pulling her knees up to her chest. 'She'll be back soon, focus on something else' Marcy thought to herself.

Minutes passed, and Anne still hadn't returned. Marcy could barely form a coherent thought at the moment, but she knew it had been way too long to be getting drinks.

Panic flooded her brain. 'What if something happened to her?'

Marcy groaned in pain, pulling at the sides and collar of her dress. The material felt like it was strangling her, and she could feel the tag on the inside of it. The gentle flicker of the lights seemed to send pain shooting through her head, the noise only making it worse. She couldn't form a single thought as she dug her hands into her hair and stumbled through the crowd to search for Anne.

Bad idea.

Hundreds of bodies brushed against hers, and she let out a cry of pain at the burning sensation they caused. There were so many people, too many people, and Anne was nowhere in sight. Marcy shoved her way through the crowd, stumbling mindlessly into another person, causing them both to trip and fall over onto one another.

Marcy opened her eyes in fear, sighing with relief when she realized it was just Sasha. Sasha stared at her in confusion, opening her mouth to speak, when another voice spoke out from behind them.


Sasha pushed herself away from Marcy, standing up and brushing herself off quickly. "Anne, that was definitely not at all what it looked like" she explained. Marcy rubbed her eyes and stood, reaching out to Anne, but Anne was already out the door.

"Oh Lord." Sasha muttered under her breath, exhaling deeply. Marcy crumbled and curled into herself, covering her ears as much as she could to block out the noise. Sasha scooped her up and set her on a bench in the corner, away from most of the crowd. "Okay Marcy, I'll be back, you stay here. I'll talk to Anne."

Sasha took off towards the exit, checking the entire area outside of the gym. When Anne wasn't there, she opened the doors to the outside of the school building, shivering at the cold. Sure enough, Anne was seated on a bench just across from her. She seemed to be crying, but it was hard to tell.

"Anne? Can we please talk?" She murmured and took a seat next to her friend.

"Go away."

"Anne, please listen. Just give me five minutes to explain."

Anne sighed and wiped away a tear, looking up at Sasha. "Fine- five minutes."

Sasha grinned, speaking quickly. "Okay, listen, i dont even know where Marcy was or what she was doing. But I was dancing, and I saw her walking towards me, but she looked really out of it. I think- I think it might have been the noise? I'm not totally sure-- but she wasn't really looking where she was going. I swear on God, she stumbled into me and we fell, that's it. I was about about stand up to help her, but then you got there. I promise you Anne, I wouldn't do something like that- to you, or to Marcy."

"Is Marcy still in the gym?" Anne gasped, eyes widening.

Sasha nodded, looking away. "I brought her to a quiet corner. I wasn't sure what to do, I think she was looking for you."

Anne brought Sasha into a tight hug, wiping away the last of her tears. "Thanks, Sash. I'm really sorry I ran off like that. Is it cool if I go look for Marcy?"

Sasha nodded, and Anne ran towards the building entrance, rushing into the gym where she spotted Marcy in the corner. She sat herself down next to Marcy, careful not to touch her or become loud.

"Hey, Mar-Mar. Sasha explained everything to me- I'm not mad at all," Anne started, "Can you take your hands out of your hair for me? That'll only make you feel worse. You can squeeze my hand instead if you want."

The younger girl grabbed Anne's hand as fast as humanly possible, her free hand tapping against her side. She let out a choked sob, practically collapsing onto Anne, who gently picked her up and began to carry her out of the gym. She found an empty classroom and dimmed the lights, setting Marcy on the floor against the wall. The noise from the gym was extremely muffled from the room they were in, the only sound being Marcy's quiet hiccups as her crying slowly subsided.

Marcy moved to lean against Anne's chest, still clutching her hand. "Why were you gone for so long?" She whispered, listening to the steady thump of Anne's heartbeat.

"A girl in our class started up a conversation as I was getting the drinks, and it took forever for me to be able to leave. I'm so sorry, Marce. I should have stayed with you."

"It's okay" Marcy whispered, sitting up to peck Anne on the lips. The two giggled, smiling softly.

"Do you know how to dance?" Anne asked suddenly. The other girl shook her head in confusion as Anne stood and offered a hand out to Marcy. "I'll teach you, then".

Marcy laughed and accepted the hand.

"Here, put your hand on my shoulder, and I put my hand on your waist", Anne explained, "and you step forward with your left foot, step sideways with your right foot, and bring your left foot back up next to the right."

Marcy copied Anne's movements carefully. "Am I doing it right?"

"Yeah, you got it!" Anne laughed and leaned into her girlfriend. Marcy wrapped her arms around the taller girl's neck as they continued to dance around the empty classroom. The two looked at each other and leaned into a kiss, when Marcy misplaced her foot and tripped, sending them both falling to the floor. Marcy groaned and sat up, beginning to laugh. Anne laughed with her, both girls laughing until they couldn't breathe, wiping tears from their eyes.

Anne exhaled happily, looking down at Marcy. "I'm glad you're mine, you know that?"

Marcy laughed a little. "Aw, Anne. You know I only have eyes for you." she smiled, leaning into Anne's chest once more.

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