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You guys are INSANE. 3.5k reads and 100+ votes. Thank you sm?? I never expected this fic to get much more than 100 reads. You guys are incredible ily all.
Anyways!! This was requested by _im_rin_!!
TW/CW for panic attacks, and a very brief mention to suicidal thoughts.


The sky clouded over with the promise of a storm, raindrops already beginning to darken the sidewalk. Marcy picked up her pace, trying to get Sasha and Anne to do so as well, as she watched the sky grow darker and darker with each passing minute. They still had a good fifteen minutes before they reached Anne's house, and Anne was the only one who brought her bike to school. There was no chance all three of them would fit on it at once.

Marcy could feel her heart beating rapidly, her breathing coming out in short gasps for air. She couldn't tell if it was because of how fast she was walking, or because of anxiety- or perhaps both. The rain was only coming down harder, going from a few droplets to a drizzle.

"Ugh, we're gonna be soaked by the time we get home. You guys didn't bring umbrellas, did you?" Anne sighed. Marcy and Sasha both shook their heads, earning another sigh of frustration.

Marcy looked at her shaking hands, raindrops quickly covering them. The rain was getting increasingly worse, almost at a downpour. Anne and Sasha were giggling in the rain, holding their backpacks above their heads to avoid getting wet.

A boom of thunder sounded above them. Marcy covered her ears, trying to keep composure, but she could feel her clothes clinging tightly to her skin. Panic spread throughout her body like a wildfire. It was all too similar to that awful wetsuit she had worn during her days in the rejuvenation tank, stuck with nothing but her own incoherent thoughts, unsure if she would ever be rescued.

The thunder was so loud. It seemed to shake the ground around them, flashes of lightning filling the sky. She could briefly register Sasha's voice calling out to her, but she couldn't hear anything over her own thoughts. Her hair and clothes were soaked by the rain. She wanted nothing more than to get home and dry off, but she couldn't bring herself to stand from the spot she sat on the pavement. Breathing was so hard. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get air in. The pressure made her head spin, the world around her going in circles. Her hands, god, she couldn't even see her hands through all the rain and tears.

A sob escaped her throat as she clawed at her chest, hands resting upon the scar given to her by King Andrias. It was on her back as well as her chest, running all the way down her spine. When she finally made it back to Earth, the doctors had told her it was a miracle she was even alive. With how many major organs the sword had gone through, it should have killed her. Sometimes, she wished it had. Plagued by nightmares and flashbacks, not to mention the chronic pain she had been left with, it was all too much sometimes.

The scar would never go away- Marcy knew it wouldn't. Part of her had accepted it, but the other part still hated herself for it. It was just another reminder. She felt her hands shake even harder and pulled them away from the scar.

"Hey, hey, I need you to breathe, Mar. In and out." Anne instructed, demonstrating for her. Marcy followed suit, watching as the rain began to let up, the sky slowly returning to blue.

"You wanna head back to Anne's? Dry off and watch a movie or something?" Sasha asked softly. Marcy nodded with a smile, too weak to talk, and stood on shaky legs while leaning against Anne and Sasha for support.

They walked the rest of the way to Anne's house and changed into pajamas before piling into bed together, desperate for warmth after being in the freezing rain for half an hour. Marcy was still shaking, but much less than before. She smiled gratefully as Sasha threw an extra blanket over her lap and turned on Suspicion Island. Although she would never admit it, Sasha enjoyed the dumb reality show just as much as Anne and Marcy did. 

"Feeling better?" Anne murmured. Marcy nodded quickly, snuggling further under the blankets.

She was fast asleep within minutes, the show long forgotten.


I'm sorry if this isn't exactly what you wanted!! I started this w tons of motivation, but lost it towards the end. So it's not great.
Very off topic but I watched Encanto!! I can confidently say it's my favorite movie. I loved it

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