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A request done for Chaotic_Lesbean !
Purely sashannarcy fluff.


"Can I open my eyes now? I'm not saying I don't trust you guys, but I feel like I'm definitely gonna trip again", Marcy said nervously.

"Nope, not until we get there! It's supposed to be a surprise!" Anne laughed, leading Marcy away from a pole she was just about to walk into. Sasha giggled as Marcy groaned, holding Anne and Sasha's hands in a death grip as to not fall or run into anything.

"Aaaand... we're here! Open your eyes!"

Marcy slowly opened her eyes, looking around. "Wait, is this-"

"That new arcade you've been bugging us about for ages? Yep! And, we're paying for everything- so you can play as many games as you want. Well, until our money runs out", Sasha grinned. Marcy's eyes widened as she looked around excitedly. It wasn't like most arcades with bright flashing lights, loud noises, and cheap prizes. It was a real, old- fashioned arcade- the best kind, in her opinion.

"No way! You're really paying for everything? Are you sure?" Marcy gasped, barely able to contain her excitement.

"It's your birthday, ya nerd. Of course we're sure", Sasha reassured, pulling some cash from her pocket. "We have to go exchange this for tokens first though, c'mon!"

Marcy rocked back and fourth on her heels, beaming, as she waited for Sasha and Anne to finish getting the tokens.

Anne held out a small bucket of tokens to Marcy and Sasha, taking one for herself as well. "Okay, my mom said to be back by 6. So that means we have three hours to use all of these! Anything you wanna do first, Marbles?"

Marcy hesitated and looked around for a moment. Her eyes landed on a colorful looking game, and she rushed over to it immediately, inserting her tokens to start. Anne ran over to watch her, while Sasha played a nearby game. It didn't even take two minutes before Marcy had beaten the game, clapping her hands eagerly.

"Aaaand, that's the last of my tokens" Sasha groaned.

"I think all of us are out, now. Let's go count them!" Marcy cheered, struggling to carry all of her tickets.

"Jesus, Marce! How many games did you win?!" Anne exclaimed. Marcy answered with a shrug, putting her tickets into the machine. "Guess we'll find out."

All three girls leaned over the machine as it displayed the ticket count, eyes going wide.

"You got over 3,000?!" Anne and Sasha stared in shock. Marcy didn't seem overly phased, and just grinned, clapping her hands excitedly. "Let's go get prizes!" She shouted, already rushing over to the counter to look at the prizes above. Sasha and Anne followed, Anne's eyes landing on a small newt plushie for 400 tickets. She groaned, realizing she only had 280. As Marcy was gushing over the fact that they had succulents as prizes, Sasha looked over at Anne. "What'cha looking at?"

Anne sighed dramatically. "I was gonna get that plushie up there for Marcy, but I don't have enough."

Sasha nodded, thinking. "It's for Marcy? I can help- I don't have a ton of tickets, but it should be enough if we combine some of ours, right?"

Anne gasped excitedly. "Really? You'd do that? Thank you Sash!"
Sasha rolled her eyes, but smiled, giving Anne just enough tickets.

Marcy ended up spending her tickets on a succulent, gaming headphones, and a few pieces of candy. Anne and Sasha both spent half of theirs on the plushie, Anne using her remaining tickets on a frog Keychain, and Sasha using hers on candy.

"Marcy, guess what?" Anne shouted, holding her hands behind her back.


Anne held the plushie out to Marcy with a grin. "Look what Sash and I got! It's for you!" She exclaimed.

Marcy gasped, taking it from Anne's hands. She realized just how soft the material was and hugged it to her chest, smiling brightly before giving Anne and Sasha each a kiss. "Oh my god thank you so, so much! I'm naming it Olivia! It looks just like her, isn't it perfect? I love you both so much, thank you so much!" she rambled, eyes sparkling. Sasha laughed and ruffled Marcy's hair affectionately.

"Oh, shoot! It's almost six, we need to get go!" Anne said. She giggled as Marcy sighed dramatically. "Don't you want cupcakes and ice cream? We got mint chocolate chip!"

Marcy perked up immediately, grabbing Anne and Sash's hands and pulling them out the door. "Okay, let's go!"


I'm ngl this one is kinda lazy BUT IT TOOK ME FOREVER CAUSE I HAD NO IDEAS.
I absolutely LOVE old fashioned arcades. I could spend hours at them.
And I headcanon that Marcy claps her hands as a stim cause I clap my hands as a stim so

I ALSO headcanon that Marcy celebrates her birthday w the Boonchuys cause her own parents dont care a whole lot ab her birthday. They give her a gift or two but don't do a party or special dinner or anything

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