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Another reminder that this IS NOT sexual, because some people are dumb!!

Anyways. I probably write about agere marcy too much but whatever



Math was confusing.

The words that usually made sense were beginning to sound like complete gibberish, numbers and letters becoming a jumble of nonsense.

Marcy knew full well what was happening, but she ignored it and continued to take notes, pencil trembling in her hand. If she could just get through the class period, she could tell Anne and Sasha. They'd understand; they always did.

Marcy let out a breath she didn't know she was holding when the bell rang. A single class had never felt so long before.

She grinned as she spotted Sasha waiting outside of her classroom, tongue sticking out in concentration as she stared at her phone.

"Sash, I'm-"

"Marcy, thank frog- you think you could help me with this science homework? I have no idea how to do it", Sasha interrupted, holding her phone out to show Marcy the assignment.

Marcy's heart sank in her chest.

Its just one assignment. I can tell her after.

"Yeah, for sure! Let me see it!" She flashed a smile, silently hoping Sasha didn't notice the way she struggled to get the words out.

The two sat down at their desks as Marcy began explaining the instructions, working out a problem as she showed Sasha.

By the time the bell rang again, Marcy had done over half of the questions on the assignment.


"Thanks a ton Marce, I'll see you at lunch!" Sasha said, throwing her things into her bag and waving. She was out of the room before Marcy could even complete her sentence.

Marcy inhaled deeply, holding back the tears that filled her eyes. I'll tell them at lunch. I can wait just a little longer.

Marcy set her lunch down on the table with shaking hands, perking up when she saw Anne and Sasha join her.

"Anne? I-"

"One sec Marcy, you gotta hear this. Sash, say that again", Anne exclaimed, nearly incomprehensible through her laughing. Sasha rolled her eyes, but went off into talking about something from her last class.

Marcy zoned out the whole conversation, chewing on her sleeve absentmindedly. She didn't even realize it until Sasha called her name with a slight hint of annoyance in her voice.


"Were you listening?" Sasha frowned.

"Oh, uh, 'm sorry. I think I zoned out."

Sasha sighed, and Marcy trembled with how hard she tried to hold back her tears. She's mad at me. They're both going to leave again, just like last time, she thought.

"Woah, hey, Marcy, what's wrong?" Anne asked, gently putting a hand on her shoulder.

Marcy jerked away from it and shook her head, quickly wiping her tears with her hoodie sleeve. She hadn't even realized she was crying until Anne had said something.

"I keep messin' up. Didn't mean to", Marcy hiccuped, trying to hide her face in her arms.

Sasha's eyebrows furrowed as she tried to make sense of what she was saying. "What do you mean, 'messing up'?"

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