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If any of you try to sexualize this whatsoever, get off my page. Age regression/littlespace is a coping mechanism.
This isn't a request, I just felt like Little Marcy would be cute. I saw a Little Sasha fic the other day and got inspired. I'll get to some requests soon (:
This is post-amphibia, so they're like 15ish? Idk, it's up to your imagination. Marcy regresses because of her autism/sensory issues, and her trauma/PTSD from amphibia. (She regresses to 4 in this fic).


Marcy absent-mindedly clicked buttons on her game controller, trying to push away the cloudiness creeping into her mind. The fan in Anne's room made a quiet whirring noise, hurting her ears more than it usually did. She tried to focus on the game, but her thoughts were so jumbled up, and she was preoccupied with resisting the urge to chew on her hoodie strings. All of her senses were heightened. The flashing lights from the game she was playing with Anne and Sasha made her look away, shutting her eyes tightly.

"YES! I told you I'd beat you eventually, Marbles!" Anne cheered as Sasha threw her controller down, groaning.

Marcy covered her ears and kicked her legs, frustrated. Too loud.

Her friends took notice immediately, worry filling their gaze. Sasha got up to dim the lights as Anne scooted closer to Marcy. "Marce, are you okay?"

Marcy responded with a whimper,  chewing nervously on her fingers and burying her head in her knees. She felt herself slipping rapidly into headspace, despite how hard she tried to fight it.

Anne and Sasha shared a look before Anne spoke up. "Are you feeling small, Mar?"

"No! 'M not- I'm not small!" She shouted and crossed her arms, partly trying to convince herself she wasn't slipping. She didn't want to ruin their sleepover, but she knew there was no fighting it. She hadn't regressed in weeks, and with exams next week, she was more stressed and in need of a break than ever.

"That's a shame! I was just about to say we could make cookies, but I suppose you wouldn't want to help with that anyways", Anne started. Marcy lifted her head slightly. "That's okay, I can just get Sash to help. Right, Sasha?"

Sasha nodded with a smile, playing along. "Right. I'm sure Marcy has much better, more grown-up things to do than make cookies. I'm sure she'd rather do something like study-"

"NO! I mean- um. I wanna make cookies" Marcy whispered, hiding her blush. Anne and Sasha grinned at each other. They knew how stressed the other girl had been, studying each day for hours on end. It was difficult just to convince her to hang out, even on the weekend.

Marcy stood and hurried over to her bed, grabbing her stuffed dog. "Can Cocoa help?" She asked, holding the plushie in front of her face.

"Obviously! We need all the help we can get if we're gonna make the best cookies ever" Sasha replied and ruffled Marcy's hair, who immediately reached out her arms to be carried. Sasha picked her up and set her down on the counter once they reached the kitchen. Anne busied herself with preheating the oven before looking back to the other two girls. "Alright, what cookies are we making?"

Marcy gasped, swinging her legs. "Icing! Can we put icing on them?"

"Icing? I guess if we make sugar cookies we can do that" Anne shrugged. Marcy flapped her hands excitedly, earning a laugh from Sasha.

Sasha looked up a recipe on her phone, and Anne started to pour flour into a measuring cup before Marcy spoke up. "Can I pour it? Pretty please?" She asked, dragging out the words. Anne nodded with a smile and helped her off the counter, handing her the measuring cup. "Be careful, don't spill it. We need three cups, and I already added one. Do you know how many more we need?"

"Two! I can do it, I'm super careful!" Marcy exclaimed, sticking her tongue out in concentration as she poured the flour into the bowl. "Done! See, I didn't spill!" She said proudly.

"Good job, Marce!"

Marcy bounced happily in her seat and watched as Anne stirred all the ingredients together, while Sasha worked on making the icing. Anne gently swatted Marcy's hand away from the bowl as she tried to reach for the dough, laughing. "We won't have any cookies if you keep trying to eat the dough! Why don't you go sit with Sasha? She might let you have a taste of the icing, you know."

Marcy gasped excitedly and rushed over to Sasha, climbing onto her lap. Sasha laughed, struggling to mix the icing around the other girl. Once she finally finished the icing, Sasha handed Marcy a spoon. "You can have a small taste, okay?"

Marcy took the spoon as fast as humanly possible.

"Does it taste okay? I'm not exactly the best at bak-"

She was interrupted by a hum of delight, Marcy flapping her hands again.

"Well, there's your answer" Anne laughed, putting the cookies into the oven. "We have 15 minutes until they're done. Anything you guys want to do in the meantime?"

Sasha gasped dramatically. "Oh no... Marcy, you're not afraid of monsters, are you?"

Marcy's eyes widened, but she shook her head, holding her plushie closer to her chest.

"Well, that's certainly a relief. You know why?" Sasha asked the younger girl, who shook her head in confusion.  "Because I think the cuddle monster is here!" She shouted, scooping Marcy up into a tight hug.

Marcy squealed with laughter, trying to shove the blonde off of her. Anne joined in, wrapping the two in a tight hug. Marcy continued to giggle happily as Sasha carried her over to the couch, covering her with her weighted blanket. The two turned on a cartoon as they waited for Anne to finish icing the cookies.

Not even five minutes later, Anne entered the living room, handing Marcy a plate of cookies and a cup of apple juice. Marcy accepted it gratefully with a wide smile and snuggled into her friends.

It didn't take long before Marcy had finished her cookies, resting her head on Anne's shoulder and drifting off to sleep.


I dont love this but I also don't hate it. Idk, please lmk if you like this okay or not lmao
I might write another agere oneshot in the future, but w little Marcy & Olivia and Yunan. I love their little family dynamic

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