Love Letters

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I'm considering drawing my own cover for this fic since it's getting a lot more attention than I expected. Should I draw one, or keep the current one??
Anyways, here's a Marcanne oneshot for 2009hondacivic!


Marcy plopped down on her bed with a heavy sigh, pen and paper in hand. She rubbed her eyes wearily and checked the clock.


She groaned, knowing full well the lack of sleep would catch up to her tomorrow. However, she pushed the thought away and leaned back against her bed frame. Sleep could wait. She was determined to finish this tonight, no matter how long it took her.

Marcy put her pen to the paper, determined.

Dear Anne, She wrote.

It's funny I have to write this out. I feel like I'm in some cheesy romance movie, like the ones you sometimes watch. I've never understood how you can watch those and enjoy them. 

I guess I could have just texted this to you, but that seems pretty anticlimactic, don't you think?

I'm awful at figuring out my own feelings, let alone telling people about them. I can't put things into words. For that, I apologize. I wanted to really tell you, instead of telling you on paper, but I don't think I would have been able to. It's hard enough just writing this.

I'm never sure about what exactly I'm feeling, but I am sure about this. I don't think I've ever been so sure about anything in my life before now.

Anne, I think I love you. I know we've said that millions of times to each other, but this one's different. I don't love you like how friends should love each other. It scares me sometimes. My parents think girls should only like boys, but I think otherwise.

Loving you is such a different feeling than what I'm used to. I don't think I've ever loved anyone before, not like this.

Everything you do seems to make me love you even more. You laugh at the worst jokes, but when you laugh, I do too. You're both an amazing cook and an amazing athlete, while I've never been either. My parents tried to put me in soccer when I was little- needless to say, it didn't go well. I sat down on the field, right in the middle of the game, and picked flowers. No matter how many times they told me off, I kept doing it. They took me out after a week, and never tried to get me to join another sport after that.

Your smile is contagious, I think. Even the very first day we met, I couldn't help but smile when you walked up to me, sitting alone in the corner of the playground.

I didn't talk to anyone at school or on the playground, did you know that? I think people eventually gave up on talking to me when they realized I wasn't going to answer them back. You didn't stop, though. You kept talking to me, and I listened. It took weeks, but I did talk back at some point, and you gave me the biggest smile.

I started talking more after that.

This letter is getting to be too long, so I guess I shouldn't write too much more. If you don't feel the same way, I understand. I hope this doesn't make things weird with us. I just really needed to tell you, one way or another, even if you can't return the feelings.

Marcy frowned and fidgeted with her pen for a moment before finishing the letter, writing as neat as possible.


She added a few quick doodles at the bottom of the page before folding it into a small square and tucking it in the front pocket of her backpack.

When she got to school that morning, she slipped it into Anne's locker before heading to class.


That afternoon, Marcy opened her locker to put away the last of her textbooks, but was met with a slip of paper falling out. She picked it up and carefully unfolded it. For a moment, she had been scared that Anne had returned her letter, but she quickly realized it was quite the opposite. Anne had left a letter of her own.

It was a fairly short letter, but it got the point through.

Marcy stuffed it in her pocket and grabbed her backpack, practically running towards the school gates- where she typically met up with Anne after school ended.

To her relief, Anne was already there, scrolling through her phone while she waited. Marcy ran up to her excitedly, opening her mouth to speak, but found no words coming out. She stood there for a moment, flapping her hands as she fumbled over words, until Anne placed a gentle kiss on her cheek.

Both of their faces went bright red as they stared at one another.

"So you- the letter- I wasn't sure, I thought maybe-"

Anne laughed, interrupting Marcy. "You thought I was lying about feeling the same?"

"I just didn't think you would! I was so scared you would hate me!"

"Marbles, I would never hate you." Anne murmured, pulling her into a tight hug.

"Does this mean we're, uh, dating?" Marcy asked, blushing yet again.

"If you want to, yeah"

"Yeah, I think... I think I'd like that" Marcy answered, hugging Anne tighter.


Happy new year!!
I go back to school soon :(( I MIGHT not be posting as frequently, cause of school and cause January is always so depressing

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