I'm getting tired, and I need someone to rely on

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Title is a mix of two lyrics from Somewhere Only We Know <333

Anyway, IM BACK BABY!! Kind of.
Im still gonna be pretty inconsistent with posting, I've been hella busy BUT im super glad I can get a new chapter out at last. And for my friend who requested that one on insta recently- im still working on it!! Im around halfway done with it :)) it'll be out fairly soonish?

Hope u guys like this chapter after such a long time of not posting!!


Marcy didn't close herself off often. Whether she was sad or upset, even angry, she'd at least try to talk about it, maybe even try to draw it out. She just wasn't the kind of person to avoid contact when she was struggling. She'd gotten better, she'd healed from that mentality. More often than not, even when she felt like a burden, she tried to open up at least a little on her harder days. She'd grown up and learned that it did much more good than hiding away had ever done in the past.

That's why both Anne and Sasha immediately knew something was seriously wrong.

For starters, Marcy wasn't talking. Not when she woke up, not when Anne made breakfast, not when Sasha told a story about one of the kids at work.

Okay, so maybe she was just having a non-talking day. Maybe she didn't have the energy. It happened.

Except for the fact that, when both Sasha and Anne gave her a quick kiss before leaving for work, she didn't reciprocate, didn't even look in their general vicinity. She just continued mindlessly sketching on her tablet.

They shrugged it off as her being too hyper-focused on her work to notice.

The final hint was when they got home. All the lights were off, all the doors shut, and Marcy's tablet left abandoned on the couch, tv running on low volume in the background. It was the only sound they could hear throughout the entire house.

They shared a quick look before going to knock on the door of their shared bedroom, extra careful not to be too loud.


Sasha's concerned expression turned into one of fear as she knocked again, louder this time.

Again, nothing.

She quietly opened the door, half expecting the worst, but only saw a Marcy-shaped lump huddled on the floor, blanket pulled over her head.


There was a significant pause before they heard a muffled, "Go 'way!"

"Marce, what's going on?" Anne murmured, sitting down next to the lump and lifting the blanket.

Marcy immediately turned away from her, curling into herself with a sniffle.

"Do you want to talk about what's wrong?"

"No!" She shouted. Anne quickly picked up on the clues Marcy was unknowingly giving.

"Can you look at me? Or sit up?" Anne tried again, her tone even softer this time.

"Nuh-uh!" Marcy squeaked, half-heartedly shoving Anne away from her.

Sasha joined Anne on the floor, putting a hand on Marcy's ruffled hair. "Marcy, we don't shove", she warned.



"Noooo", she whined even louder.

"Would you like us to leave?" Sasha asked.

"NO!" Marcy yelled, sitting straight up.

"Marce, indoor voice. Can you please not shove? We want to help you."

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