Little Moth

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Yippee (insert autism creature yippee thingy) agere Marcy again

But yea uh this is a v late update bc I had final exams and then I got sick BUT ITS SUMMER BREAK NOW WHICH MEANS I GET TO WRITE MORE OFTEN

Anyway I think little Marcy would be even more obsessive with rules and stuff & would have an even harder time struggling with changes (major changes as well as small ones). So I incorporated a tiiiiiinnnnyyyy bit of that in here. She's also more sensitive ("picky") to food textures n stuff

Title is the song Little Moth by Chloe Moriondo


Anne was late to their sleepover, having needed to help her parents with the restaurant again.

Which wasn't usually a problem; Sasha and Marcy had hung out without Anne dozens of times. This time, however, was different.


Sasha adjusted the phone in her hands, anxiously waiting for Anne to pick up. "Hold on, Marce, I gotta... talk to Anne real quick..."

Marcy crossed her arms and huffed, crawling over to where Sasha sat on the bed and shaking her arm.

"Marcy, just give me a second, please?"

At last, Anne picked up. "Sash, I'm working! Why are you calling?"

At hearing the annoyance in her tone, Sasha almost hung up right then and there, but then looked back to Marcy- who was still trying to get her attention- and decided against it.

"Listen, Marcy's- she's like, little, I guess. Whatever, point is, I don't know what I'm supposed to do."

"It's not like you haven't seen her like this before, just do what you normally do! I'm busy!" Anne whispered into the phone. Shuffling and other voices could be heard in the background, muffling the audio.

"Yeah, but you're normally here! Anne, I don't even know how old she is or anything. You're the one who deals with this stuff, not me!" Sasha whispered back.

Marcy perked up at hearing Anne's name and she shuffled over to the phone. "Annie!"

"Hi, Mars-bars! Are you being good for Sasha?" Anne asked, voice softening.


"That's awesome, Marce! I'll be there soon", Anne said, then lowered her voice to a whisper, "she regresses anywhere from two to five. She's mostly nonverbal at two and three, so it sounds like she's maybe four or five right now. Listen, I need to go. Just... I don't know, ask her what she wants to do. Oh, and please try to have her eat an actual meal. If she can't, it's fine, just give her goldfish or graham crackers or whatever. There's mint chocolate chip ice cream in the freezer, but she can't have any until after she has dinner. You'll figure it out, I'll be there in a few hours."

"Wait, Anne-"


The phone call ended with a click, and Sasha groaned.

"Are you mad with me?" Marcy asked quietly. Sasha's annoyed expression faded into a much softer one.

"No, I'm not mad, alright? Just... a little stressed, is all."

Marcy frowned and climbed into Sasha's lap, hugging her tightly. "Anne gives me hugs when I'm sad, and then I feel all better. I don't like it when you're sad", she mumbled.

Sasha smiled and laughed, most of her previous anxiety fading. "Thanks, Marce."

After a few moments of awkward silence, Sasha spoke up again, clearing her throat. "Is there anything you want to do, or...?"

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