Please don't leave

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This is kinda maybe possibly a vent.
TW for self hatred, self harm, breakdowns. All that jazz


Marcy was alone.

Completely and utterly alone.

Nothing but darkness surrounded her, taking up every inch of space as far as she could see.

It was so cold and so, so lonely. She wanted nothing more than to let herself slip away, to let the darkness swallow her whole. It's what she deserved.

Out of thin air, Anne and Sasha began to appear before her, their backs toward Marcy.

"Anne? Sash?" She whispered out into the darkness, reaching her hand out toward her friends. They began to turn around, but their expressions were dripping with disappointment. Disappointment and utter hatred. Their expressions morphed into disgust as they saw Marcy, and they started to turn away, as if it was painful just to look at her.

Marcy held back a sob. "Please, please don't go! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I know what I did was super dumb and selfish, I know I shouldn't have done it. I wish I could go back in time. Please don't leave me," she finished, the last part coming out as nothing more than a whisper. She wasn't even sure if Sasha and Anne had heard her, as they stayed in their places, unmoving.

Anne whipped around to face Marcy once more, outright loathing written all over her face. "We want nothing to do with you, ever again. Why can't you get that through your head? I don't care anymore, Marcy." With a final shake of her head, Sasha begun to fade away, followed by Anne.

Marcy's legs gave out from under her. They didn't hate her, no, it was much, much worse. They didn't care. They held no hatred, no resentment- they simply had no interest left for her, good or bad. And that, somehow, was far worse than anything else.

A sob ripped its way through Marcy's throat as she threaded her hands through her hair and yanked. She tugged on her hair as hard as she could, scalp burning. Good, pain was good. She deserved nothing more than to feel pain. She ruined everything, all because of her selfishness. She deserved every bad thing in the world.

'They want nothing to do with you, Wit. They never have. They've always hated you, couldn't you see?' The Night's voice echoed through her mind.

Marcy screamed. "Shut up! Get- get out of my head! Please! Please just leave me alone!" She cried, but to no avail.
The Night continued on. 'You're only upset because you know I'm correct. You're a truly terrible person. Were you really so simple-minded to believe they actually cared?'

Marcy scratched at her face, begging, pleading for the voice to leave her alone. And at last, it did. The Night's awful voice faded away, leaving her with deafening silence yet again.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." She whispered to herself, begging for forgiveness from Anne, from Sasha, from herself.

She fell silent, too tired to keep her eyes open, and allowed the darkness to consume her.


A vent cause my friends lowkey suck and im rly lonely lmao
I'm sorry this isn't exactly autistic Marcy content, but yk. Shes still autistic in this fic obviously. I promise I'll try to work on some happier oneshots, but for now, yall get angst. Ur welcome.

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