You're gonna wish you believed me

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I've been wanting to write a song fic for a while, so I'm finally getting around to doing it. The song is linked above.
Request from Kieran2022 !

HUGE TW FOR THIS CHAPTER. PLEASE don't read if you think you'll be triggered by topics like suicide, self harm, abuse, etc. This chapter is seriously rough. Stay safe and take care of yourselves <3


You're gonna wish you believed me
God, I wish I was happy.

"Dad, I'm sorry, I didn't mea-"

Marcy flinched as her father slammed his fist down on the dinner table. "I don't want to hear excuses. We've done everything possible to make you happy, and you want to sit here and tell us you think you're depressed?" He shouted, standing up from his seat. "You've had a good life, you don't get to complain. I'm not buying any of this- you aren't depressed."

Her mother spoke up from the other side of the table, disappointment filling her expression. "I'm beginning to think you're just getting lazy. Your grades have been slipping- don't think I didn't see that test from the other day. A 75, Marcy? I thought you were better than that!"

Her father shook his head in disapproval. "Go to your room. And I better not see you talking to those friends of yours until you've raised your grades to an A+, you hear me?"

"Yes, sir." Marcy murmured, holding in tears. She rushed up the stairs and into her room, shutting the door as quietly as possible.

The fraying threads of recovery
Crushing me from above and underneath
You're gonna wish you believed me.

Marcy didn't have the energy to study, despite what her parents said. It's not like they would check on her anyways.

She bit her hand to muffle her cries, sinking to the floor as her legs gave out beneath her. She didn't have the energy for anything anymore- whether it be hanging out with Anne and Sasha, or just taking care of her basic neccessities. She couldn't even remember the last time she'd had a shower or eaten a real meal. She'd eat a snack here and there, but it wasn't nearly enough. It's not like she was trying to starve herself- she just couldn't find it in her to make real food. Her parents never cooked, and she'd rather starve than eat the cafeteria food at school. She only ate real food when she went to Anne's house, which didn't happen often anymore. Every time Anne would ask her to hang out, Marcy would brush her off with the excuse that she had to study- which wasn't entirely a lie, considering how harsh her parents were when it came to grades.

Marcy wiped away her tears, then reached into her bookshelf for her pencil sharpener. She took out the blade, staring at it with exhaustion-filled eyes.

Fell asleep in the kitchen,
Slowly dissolving into my seat.

Marcy let out a tired yawn as she sat down in her seat, just before the bell rang. As her English teacher began to lecture, she felt herself falling asleep at her desk, but forced herself to sit uprifht. She'd never slept through class before, and she wasn't going to let it happen now, no matter how little sleep she had gotten the night before.

She began to take notes, shivering. Had it always been this cold in the school building? 'No, I just haven't eaten', she thought logically. She knew the kinds of things that could happen when you didn't get enough nutrients- she just didn't care enough to be worried about it.

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