I Knead You

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This chapter is a bit shorter than usual, sorry!! I've had a massive headache all day, but wanted to finish this up anyway.
This chapter is named after one of my absolute favorite comfort songs, linked above!

Anyway, never thought I'd say this, but here's our last chapter. Enjoy <3


"What are you thinking about, Mars?"

Marcy stared at Sasha, blinking and tilting her head. She was saying something, asking her a question... but she just couldn't figure out what it was she was saying.

"Mars, bud? You alright?" Sasha asks again, reaching out to gently ruffle her hair.

"Mmh-" Marcy tried to speak, but couldn't get anything out. She huffed and whined to try and get her point across, kicking her legs, resulting in a softened gaze from Sasha.

"Are you feeling a bit littler than usual, sweetheart?"

Marcy sat for a moment, thinking. God, words were hard.

"Do you want to show me how old you're feeling?"

Okay, Marcy could grasp that. She hummed softly and held up one finger, staring at Sasha with wide eyes.

Sasha smiled at that, showing no judgement or anger. "You are feeling little, aren't you?"

Marcy didn't really understand what all she said, but she nodded anyway, reaching out to be held. Sasha wasted no time in scooping her up.

Marcy wanted something else, but words were still so far out of reach. She felt so, so fuzzy and so small. The whole world seemed huge.


Thankfully, Sasha seemed to understand her incoherent babble well enough.
"You want a bottle?"

She nodded excitedly at the fact that Sasha got it, kicking her legs again and grinning.

"You want juice?"

She received another excited nod.

Sasha made quick work of filling her bottle- which she hardly ever used, considering she was almost never this little- and carried Marcy back upstairs.

"You wanna FaceTime Annie? She's got a minute or two."

Marcy nodded again, even more excitedly this time, and babbled more nonsense as Sasha sat down on the bed and pulled her into her lap, handing her the bottle. She took it gratefully, watching Sasha set up the call with wide eyes.

"Sash, hey! You wanted to call real quick, is everything-", Anne paused, noting Marcy settled in her lap, "hey there, Mars! How you feeling?"

"Bububububu-", Marcy babbled, reaching out a hand to grab at Anne on the screen and frowning when she couldn't.

Sasha smiled. "We've got a baby on our hands, Anne", she laughed. Marcy looked up at her and smiled, enjoying the sound of her voice, although she wasn't quite sure what she was saying.

"Is that so? Well, I'll be home in a few minutes, I'm about to finish closing up. Can you wait for me Mars? I know it'll be SO hard to wait for your favorite person to get home", Anne sighed sarcastically.

Marcy squealed with laughter and shook her head, falling back onto Sasha.

"Okay Marce, I have to go now, okay?" Anne said softly.

"Say bye, bud!", Sasha added.


Sasha laughed and waved a goodbye to Anne before ending the call. She sighed, pressing a kiss into Marcy's hair and holding her close while she babbled away.

"What are you going on about, hm?"

Marcy giggled and reached out a hand towards Cocoa, squealing when Sasha picked him up and placed him in her hands.

It wasn't more than twenty minutes before the telltale sound of keys at the door could be heard, and Marcy shot up straight, glancing excitedly back at Sasha.

Sasha stood from the bed, and Marcy immediately whined and reached her arms up.

"Jeez, kid, patience! I got you!" Sasha joked, lifting her back into her arms with ease. Sasha hurried down the stairs, almost slipping on the last one; Marcy was too impatient for Sasha to "take her time" going down, and ironically, Sasha didn't exactly have the strength to say no to Marcy when she was little.

Her puppy eyes were incredibly convincing, although Anne would claim otherwise. (Sasha knew she was lying anyway.)

The door clicked open, and Marcy squirmed in Sasha's hold, immediately reaching for Anne before she was even fully inside.

"Ma! Mamamama!"

"Mars! Hey baby!", Anne exclaimed. "Hey, Sash", she said just a bit more quietly, stealing a kiss from her before taking Marcy into her own arms.

Marcy squealed and held onto her tightly.

"I think someone missed you", Sasha murmured with an amused smile.

"I was only gone for a few hours!", Anne laughed. "What did you get up to today, huh?"

Marcy just babbled out nonsense, waving her arms around as if to emphasize what she was saying.

"No way! Tell me more!" Anne gasped as she headed back upstairs, Sasha not far behind.


"Oh my goodness, she didn't! Sasha did that? That's crazy!"

"Mars, are you talking about me? Behind my back? I can't believe this!" Sasha gasped.

"Mamama! Ba!"

"You are talking about me! I thought you loved me!"

Marcy reached out and patted her on the head, giggling.

Anne simply shook her head at the two, already yawning. Sasha and Anne got ready for bed while letting Marcy continue playing- which really looked more like she was just speaking nonsense to Cocoa- before helping her brush her teeth and get ready for bed as well.

Before they could even set up a kids show on the tv for her to fall asleep to, Marcy was out, snuggling up to them with a soft smile on her face.


And that brings us to the end. I know it was short but I really do hope you liked it!

Thank you everyone for reading this, whether you've been reading it since 2021 or you've been reading it since today! It truly means the world to me to have this many people enjoy and take comfort out of what I've written. I love that I was able to make so many of you so happy with these oneshots!!

In a way, writing them helped me embrace and accept myself both as autistic and an age regressor. It's nice to see so many people like me enjoying this.

I'm so happy I even got one read, let alone 50k! I would've never imagined that many! Not to mention I think my writing improved a lot as well!

Anyway, this book is ending, but don't unfollow me! I'm hoping to create another oneshot book for specifically agere oneshots, likely closer to June! I will be taking requests later on for that too!!

Thank you guys so much for everything! It's been amazing getting to know so many of through through this book! I've even made some best friends on here!

Thank you everyone! I love and appreciate every one of you so much! ❤️

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