Chapter 7

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Request for Marblade (:
Marcy has a comfort stuffed animal that she sometimes takes to school, cause I do that and half of these oneshots are just me projecting.
Pretty big TW for ableism!!


Marcy pulled her headphones over her ears and pocketed her Nintendo as the dismissal bell rang, signaling the end of the day. She tucked her little stuffed dog safely under her arm while she hurried to her locker for her backpack. Typically after last period, Marcy would meet up with Anne and Sasha by the front of the school to walk home together. However, just as she shut her locker door, her headphones were yanked from her.

She whipped around, annoyed. "Hey! Wh-"

She paused, looking up at the two guys standing in front of her. They were people from the 'popular group', though Marcy couldn't understand why, seeing as they were also some of the biggest jerks at her school.

"Why are you always wearing these?" One of the guys asked, holding them just out of Marcy's reach.

"Why do you need to know? It's none of your business", Marcy grumbled, nervously avoiding eye contact. The other guy smiled, looking at the stuffed animal in her arms. "What's that? Still taking toys to school?"

Marcy tucked the plushie behind her back, looking for a way past the two boys. They were blocking her way out, and they moved to block her every time she tried to leave. "Can I just go? I don't get what you're trying to do here, but its dumb. Give me my headphones" she muttered, making another attempt to leave. This time, the boy grabbed her stuffed animal with a smirk.

"Are you seriously just gonna take all of my stuff?" She spoke quietly, trying to sound annoyed, but panic was beginning to show in her voice. She'd dealt with people like this before, but none had ever been this persistent.

"Is this thing really that important to you?"

Marcy didn't answer, looking at the floor.

"Are you slow, or do you just not know how to speak? I guess it isn't that important, then." He laughed, reaching over to dangle the stuffed animal over the trashcan. Marcy's voice was stuck in her throat as she watched him carelessly throw it away along with the headphones, laughing with his friend as they finally walked away.

Marcy slid to the floor, sending a text to Anne and tucking her knees to her chest. It wasn't even five minutes before Anne reached the hall she was in, Sasha trailing right behind her.

"Marce! Did something happen? We were wondering where you were" Anne exclaimed, out of breath from running the whole way there. Marcy nodded, too tired to talk. Anne brushed away the tears that were forming in the other girl's eyes, worry filling her expression. "Do you wanna tell us what happened?" She asked. Marcy shook her head, leaning into Anne's touch.

Sasha hesitated, confused. "Hold on, where'd your headphones go? And your-"

She was interrupted by Marcy pointing a finger over to the trash. Anne and Sasha glanced at each other for a moment, concerned, before Anne carefully lifted the lid of the trash, pulling both the headphones and plushie out. "Ugh, yuck- okay. It's okay, we can go back to my house and wash these. What even happened?"


"Wanna type it out instead?" Sasha asked and handed Marcy her phone, which she gratefully took, and began typing into the notes app. After a moment or two, she handed the phone back.

'Popular jerks. Called me slow and threw away my stuff. Dont know why'

"Are you kidding me? I swear to God I'll- okay, you know what, they don't matter right now" Sasha sighed, irritated. Marcy curled into herself, sniffing.
"Oh man- I'm not mad at you, Marce, I swear. I'm just mad at them", She murmured.

"We can go back to my house. I'll wash your stuff and we can put on a Ghibli movie, if you want. Does that sound okay?" Anne asked quietly. "Can I pick you up?"

Marcy nodded weakly as Anne lifted her up, handing their backpacks to Sasha.

Anne set a sleepy Marcy on the living room couch, gently tossing the remote over to her. "You and Sash can pick a movie to watch, I'm gonna make hot chocolate and put your stuffed animal in the washing machine. Oh, and my mom said you both can stay the night if your parents are cool with it."

Sasha nodded and sat down beside Marcy, covering them both with a blanket. The smaller girl leaned into Sasha, clicking on Ponyo. Anne entered the living room with three mugs of hot chocolate and handed one to each of them, sitting down on the other side of Marcy.

She smiled softly into her mug and snuggled further into Anne and Sasha.


Yesterday I gave you fluff, today I give you angst. You're welcome
And woah thanks for 1k views. I didn't expect this fic to get more than like 200

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