Chapter 12

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Long awaited request for 2009hondacivic !
I'm sorry it took me forever, I've had such little motivation lately. Hopefully I can start to work on some requests soon though :) I'll be doing all of the requests that were commented, so if you haven't done yours yet, I promise I'll get to it!


Marcy sat at her desk, tongue out in concentration and she hurriedly scribbled out notes and plans on the papers in front of her. She had finally gotten the energy to work on the bridge plans she was been putting off, after multiple days without an ounce of creativity or motivation.

"Marcy! How is the planning coming along?"

Marcy jumped in her seat, startled by the king's booming voice behind her. She momentarily turned to grin at him, then turned back to her writing as she replied. "Really good! I've got so many ideas all of a sudden. I'll for sure be able to finish these plans by tomorrow!"

Andrias laughed and patted her on the shoulder, nearly making her fall out of her chair. He studied Marcy's frantic scribbles for a moment, watching carefully as she worked. "I must say, you're very smart for someone so young. I don't think I've ever met a newtling quite as studious as you. You must have been popular in your school back on Earth", Andrias said with an approving smile.

Marcy hesitated for a moment before letting out a quiet laugh, keeping her eyes on her paper. "I don't know if popular is the right word to describe it."

"Well then, how would you describe it?"

Marcy set down her pencil and pulled her knees to her chest. "I'm book smart, but I'm not people smart. Middle schoolers don't care about intelligence, they care about how you act, the things you do. Sasha, the ones I told you about- I don't have any friends other than them. Sure, people come to me when they need help with homework, but that's really the only thing I'm good for."

"Why do you think that's all you're good for?"

She sighed and rubbed her temples. Part of her was getting tired of answering so many personal questions, but another part of her was enjoying being able to open up to someone. She was almost positive Andrias wouldn't judge her. "Well, I'm awful at communicating with people. No matter how hard I try, I always mess something up, and people get weirded out. I'm, uh, autistic." Marcy paused, considering if she wanted to continue or not. She took a deep breath as she realized Andrias was still listening, and continued. "I don't get social cues, I talk and move around way too much, I freeze up around others- and people think it's weird. Nobody thinks I'm good for anything but being smart. And I guess they're kind of right."

"I certainly don't think that's all you're good for. Being intelligent is a very valuable skill, but you aren't just intelligent. Take Newtopia as an example. You were transported to a whole other dimension, and you were still able to make plenty of friends here. Even if those people at your school can't see it, I know and your friends know that there's much more to you than just 'being smart'" Andrias replied.

Marcy felt her eyes water at the compassionate words. I wish I could stay here forever.

"That really helps, actually. I don't see much of a need for a ton more friends, anyway- Anne and Sash are more than enough. I don't think either of them have many more friends either, so it's kind of just us three. I don't exactly mind it, the familiarity is nice. And I don't think they mind either" Marcy smiled.

The king nodded with a smile. "I certainly agree. Better to have a few close friends than a bunch of bad ones, right?" He asked, standing to leave. "Well, I'll leave you to finish planning!"

Marcy waved happily as he left the room, smiling to herself.


Merry Christmas if you celebrate!! What did you all get??
I've got a ton more requests that I'll be getting done throughout the next few days, so please be patient!!
I hope this was written okay, I'm awful at writing about Andrias.
ALSO, I FINALLY GOT MY AO3 ACCOUNT WORKING!! If you wanna follow me on there too, It's the same username!

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