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Request for a_dam_lesbian !!
You used they/them pronouns for Marcy in your comment, and i wasn't 100% sure if you wanted me to do it in the story too, buuuuuttttt I did it anyways cause nonbinary Marcy just makes sense to me.
TW/CW for night terrors/nightmares, panic attacks, and kinda but not really graphic description of marcy being stabbed? Idk how to explain it help


"Marcy? Marcy!"

Marcy woke with a start, heart pounding in their chest. They looked around and quickly realized that they weren't in their bedroom, rather, they were in Anne's bedroom. Anne and Sasha were staring down at them expectantly, worry in their eyes.

"Why do you guys look like that?"

Sasha looked taken aback, letting out a dramatic gasp. "Uh, rude. I look great. You, on the other hand, looked like you were about to have a panic attack- in your sleep!"

Anne chimed in, shooting a playful glare at Sasha. "You fell asleep during our movie. Is everything okay, Marce? You looked like you were having a nightmare."

Marcy groaned and sat up, their head pulsing with an oncoming headache. "I'm fine, I'm fine. Just tired from studying, my dad's been extra harsh about grades lately" they muttered, rubbing their temples. Even with the reassurance, Anne and Sasha continued to stare at them nervously, silently hoping for more information.

When Marcy said nothing and tiredly slumped over, eyes drooping once more, Sasha scooted closer and began peppering their face with kisses.

"Sasha! What are you doing?" Marcy giggled, eyes wide open now as they tried to shove Sasha off.

"Stop... falling... asleep!" She shouted, batting Marcy's hands away as they tried to push her away.

"Wow, super mature, you guys" Anne smirked, watching the two play-fight from the other side of the bed. She quickly realized her mistake when both Marcy and Sasha turned their attention to her, smiling wide.

"Aw, are you jealous, Anne?" The blonde teased. Marcy giggled behind her. Despite her protests, Sasha practically launched herself at Anne, covering her face with kisses and laughing.

The next time Marcy had nearly fallen asleep, they were in school. The three were sitting in their Science class, one of Marcy's favorites- which is why it was so concerning when Anne and Sasha noticed them beginning to doze off, head resting on the palm of their hand. They had only written a few sentences down before dropping their pencil and closing their eyes, notes long forgotten.

Anne frowned and gently nudged Marcy. They woke instantly, grabbing their pencil and continuing to write as if they'd been doing so the entire time. Anne decided to brush it off, but shared a troubled look with Sasha before returning to her work.

Marcy noticed and sat up straighter, but kept quiet.

The third time it happened was during a game of Vagabondia Chronicals, one that Marcy had forced Sasha and Anne to play. Anne quickly noticed when she realized Marcy wasn't winning anymore, hardly moving their controller as they fought sleep.

"Marce, you're falling asleep... again. Didn't you want to play?"

Marcy sat upright, looking from their controller to Anne. "Hm?"

"The game? I thought you-"

"Oh! I did want to play! Frog, sorry, I didn't even realize I was so tired!" They laughed nervously, trying their best to turn the attention back to the game. Sasha and Anne stared at them, concerned, and paused the game.

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