Chapter 11.

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Eventually, the party you had formed (flowers included) made it back to the Winery. You did want to plant the flowers before seeing the pillow room first, but you could only hope that Diluc would allow these to be planted somewhere around the Winery.

You bit your lip in nervousness after you sent Kaeya (the one person that wasn't holding a pot filled with flowes) inside to ask Diluc for permission about his land. You turned to Aether and Paimon to try and distract yourself from dying of nervousness.

"So Aether, why don't you tell me more about yourself?" You asked, semi-awkwardly. "I know that you lost your sister, but not much more than that." You added on as an afterthought.

He sullenly replied: " and my sister are realm travelers, going from one world to another. But as we were traveling, this goddess appeared. She trapped my sister in a prison and took her and my ability of world jumping away." He sighed.

"I'm sorry to hear that." You genuinely replied. "I'm sure that she'll be extremely proud of you though...since you're doing good for this world until you get her back." You cheerily attempted to encourage Aether.

"Paimon agrees with [Name]! Maybe [Name] isn't such a loony after all." Paimon chirped.

You had to tease Paimon, so you sent a quick wink to Aether before turning on your Miu mode and saying: "If being loony means that I'll always be sexy, then please, always call me loony. Or maybe you have some other name-calling kink that I don't know about. Would daddy suit you better?"

You chuckled after saying this, glad that you had Miu as a close friend just for the reactions you received when you mimicked her. Yes, Miu did have a soft side, but her inflated ego and self-confidence (when she wasn't being a masochist) would definitely rival a hot air balloon. Her pervyness was off the charts too.

Damn, you missed her and everyone else. You couldn't help but wonder how she was. But wait...why didn't you recieve a memory of her when you looked at Kaeya's and Barbara's Visions?

You figured it was because of the injury that you had; you could always just reinspect Kaeya's Vision later. He was almost always with you anyways. Focusing back, Paimon had developed a horrified face.

"Since when did Paimon ever bring that up?!" She asked/shrieked, mildly petrified. You laughed, extremely amused at her. "You didn't, but you never said that I couldn't." You swiftly replied.

"And you're not denying it either, are you Paimon? I'm with you on that." Cut in Aether's voice. You were about to say something similar, but Aether got to it first. After recovering from the red hue that covered his face of course.

You quickly became flustered, your face becoming a bright red. You mouth flapped uselessly, trying to find words but failing. "Hey! I thought you were on my side, Aether!" You whined, turning to complaining as a way out.

Though Aether had watched in pure glee that he actually caught you off-guard. He raised an eyebrow with a sly grin plastered on his face. "You're right, you thought. I never said anything though." You grumbled playfully as a result, though both of you knew that it wasn't anything serious.

Aether did grow extremely curious of your world though...never did he ever set foot in a world that would give him reactions that violent as he had observed. Deciding to give in to his curiosity, he asked. "What about your world though?"

You sighed, anticipating this. "I have no siblings," You started carefully, shuffling your feet. "But I'm glad that I don't. I don't like imagining what would have happened if they were involved in what I was. It was extremely unusual what happened though, at least compared to everything else in the world."

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