Chapter 20.

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A sudden feeling of overwhelming fear overtook you, but then you thought about something that caused you to relax a tiny bit. This was a dream.

Why were you feeling like you were tumbling into a void? It was your own dream. Dreams don't have physics, or a sudden sinkhole. At least normally.

It was a normal dream, what happened? It was just you and Maki, Maki teaching you self-defense. Just in case of the worst. 

Then you landed on 'solid' ground amidst your musing, where you suddenly came face to face with...yourself?

But this version quickly shifted into Kokichi, then Rantaro, then Maki, before settling back on you. Well, you with pitch black eyes.

Which was pretty damn scary, but you felt more...intrigued then anything.

"Who are you?" You said cautiously, wanting to break the ice. You stared back

Screw it, you'll just call the other you Bob. Bob seemed like the name of someone who would have pitch black eyes and go on to cause war crimes. Which this you certainly would do.

Bob suddenly broke out into clapping, surprising you. "Why are you...?" Bob chuckled, which raised your hairs on your neck. It was just so unnerving being around someone exactly like you, save the eyes.

Bob studied you after faltering his clapping. "Too bad I have to explain, seeing as you won the bet." He grumbled, seemingly grouchy about that.

"Wait, I knew you?! I don't recall you and I ever talking. Or even making bets. You're literally me, I should know," You pointed out, throughly confused. He scoffed and stared at you like you were an idiot. 

"I've been trying to get you here, dummy! But you resisted every single time, even when the bargain is useful to you only now." 

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what you're talking about!"

"Well, you would know if you stopped interrupting me!"

"Fine!" You snapped at Bob, plopping yourself down. You still didn't understand how this void had a floor, but hey. At least you weren't free falling anymore, and were stationed in one place. That's a win for you.

Bob idly waved his hand, which caused an inky chair to appear. He sat in it and pondered. "Why don't we start with a re-introduction?" You said gingerly, wanting to know his connection to you.

"That would be a good place to start, wouldn't it?" Bob's face turned into one of Kokichi's creepy smiles, and though you should've been scared, you were used to it. Which was made evident by you grinning brightly at him.

You semi-wished for Bob to turn into Kokichi or Rantaro again, much to your guilty pleasure. Your cheeks warmed slightly and you looked at Bob, waiting for him to start. 

"Well, you met me when you were fresh out." He stated matter-of-factly, looking at his nails. "Fresh out? As in freshly dead?" You didn't like the thought, but it made the most sense. If that was the case, it would connect the dots. 

The never leaving feeling that you were dead. The blood. That kind of cheery stuff.

He raised an eyebrow, impressed. "Exactly. Glad to see some intelligence, seeing as you were quite the fool in the past."

You flushed in embarrassment and looked away from Bob. "That was a really long time ago. I've learned since I ran with Rantaro and Kokichi. How do you even know about that?" 

You sneered, knowing exactly which portion of your life he was talking about. Maybe you were wrong, but you were willing to bet you were right.

You were wrong. Oh well.

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