Chapter 12.

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You were wandering around Mondstadt, your harem surrounding you. "Thank gosh there's no dragon around to interrupt the tour this time! But is it always so quiet?"

"No, it's not." Spoke a new feminine voice. An adorable girl with bunny ears ran up to you. You couldn't help but coo at the sight of her.

"Why hello there! I don't think we managed to get each others names."

"Oh, hey Amber!" Aether happily greeted her before turning to you. "Amber here is an Outrider for the Knights of Favonius- she guided me into this city and gave me a wind glider before I met you."

"Aether, who is this?" Asked Amber, feeling very much out of the loop. "Ah, sorry Amber! This is [Name], a Traveler from another world, just like me! They're looking for their friend and for their boyfriend." He sulkily said the last bit.

He wouldn't deny it, he was a bit upset at the pain 'Kokichi' had given you. You hadn't even explained it, for Archons sake! Amber took notice of the sour face Aether had when he said 'boyfriend' and slightly giggled- knowing he was jealous.

"Yep! Aether described it exactly right! It's a pleasure to meet you Amber, and please, I don't need any more interrogation. The rest of my harem has already done that and I've been here for several days already. Oh! And Jean might have told you about me." You said, radiating happy energy.

Amber's eyes popped as she looked at the group surrounding you. "Jean has told me about you! Her new valet, correct?"

You vigorously nodded, relieved that the information spread that quickly. Amber couldn't help but blurt out a question that bugged her. "So this is your new relationship? Isn't it a For only a few days?" She asked.

Your face turned cold, sending shivers down her spine. Geez, your mood swings were crazy. "My relationships are none of your business. And it's meant as a joke, I'm not dating anyone." You stated, feeling offended at her implications from her questions.

Amber quickly backtracked, realizing what her questions meant to you- and Aether tried to save the shoddy introduction. "Amber, you need to be aware of what you ask. And [Name], chill. She didn't mean it like that."

You nodded and sighed, trying to relax. "I'm sorry for my behavior, Amber." You ran your hand through your (h/c) locks and fiddled with the scarf.

Amber startled, "No! It should be me apologizing, I should have been more considerate, I can't blame you. Would me treating you to a meal make you feel better?"

You blinked before considering something. This place was a lot more open with same-sex relationships. 'A question to ask about later.' You filed it in the back of your head.

Quickly tuning back in to your surroundings, you remembered Amber's question before nodding happily. "Definitely! And let's get to know each other more while eating, shall we?"

Amber grinned before leading you (and the group) towards Good Hunter before turning around and flourishing. "And this is Good Hunter! One of the best places in Mondstadt to get a meal, and they have a delicious Sticky Honey Roast!"

"I've heard Paimon talking about that dish and I've been so curious to try it!" You gushed excitedly, Amber smiling softly as she realized that her worries about you had already vanished completely.

"Hey! Paimon wants one too!" Pouted a slightly angered Paimon. "Of course!" You nodded, a sick smile spreading itself on your face. "It'll make you taste better when we ration you!"

Paimon pouted and crossed her arms. "What the loony doesn't know is that Paimon doesn't get fatter!"

You frowned. "Oh well, it was worth a shot. Come on then, you gremlin- float on down." Paimon squealed, not even noticing the 'gremlin' part and obliged. You chuckled and reached your hand to her head, underneath the halo thing- and gave her a head pat.

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