Chapter 23.

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You blacked out immediately as you got onto the bed in the room Diluc had given you. Sure enough, you got yourself into another dream. What now?

"Hey Miu, I've been curious about your lab! Can you show me some of your inventions?" You knew this was probably a terrible idea, but you wanted to try to at least get to know her better.

Her comments to Angie made you semi-admire her, after all. "A gay virgin like you wants to see my lab?" She sneered, but you wanted to keep trying. Maybe a bargain would do?

"I'll sing your favorite songs for you after...?" Damn, you were scared of this, but what the hell. What's the worst she can pick?

Yeah, you would probably eat those words. Eh. "Ha-ha! Does my golden brain make you that desperate?"

You sweated and tilted your head. How do you even respond to this? "Sure?" You were used to being surrounded by people and giving out smiles, not this.

"Then get on your knees and beg me to let you into my lab, peasant!" Alright, no. Kokichi didn't want to make you his co-leader for nothing.

"No thanks! If anything, you should be begging me! Everyone here knew who I was, but not the so-called 'golden brain.'"

"Heee! Don't get so assertive!" You raised an eyebrow. You knew she got like this from the first...trial.

"I'm still right. But..." You sighed and tousled your hair. "I really do want to get to know you."

You blinked your eyes, groggy. That was weird. You actually had a decent dream that lasted until you woke up? Wow!

You took a look around and impulsively startled; you weren't in a room that you recognized. You quickly sat up, patted yourself and then the space around you.

Then you felt like an idiot as your memories resurfaced from last night. This was the room Diluc had given to you, and who knew how long you slept.

And then the whole thing with the juice registered. You immediately flopped yourself back down and groaned as it hit you. Damn your sleepy self, you knew you tended to act more emotional the sleepier you got.

You grumbled into the pillow, suddenly missing your room at the Winery. Too bad Aether couldn't teleport you back there before the whole thing with your eyes happened.

Speaking of which...where was he? Where was everyone? Were you alone?

You felt fear from the last question you asked yourself. You didn't want to be alone. You couldn't be alone, you needed to know that you hadn't caused the worst to happen.

With a sudden dash of adrenaline, you ran from the room to the bottom floor, a sigh of relief escaping you as you saw some familiar heads. You quickly composed yourself, not wanting to show off your weakness so soon after what had happened last night.

"Hello?" You called out to get their attention, and well. It worked, but you sweated as you saw Jean amongst them.

"Oh, hey [Name]!" Aether greeted you first, and you did a goofy wave back. Everyone else must have caught him up for him to be greeting you so cheerfully.

"Sorry about ditching your place last night, Jean." You were radiating chagrin as you shuffled in place, embarrassed out of your mind.

You were expecting to get scolded, but Jean gave you a gentle smile. "It's perfectly fine, [Name]. As long as you're safe, it's alright." You blinked, legitimately surprised but quickly shook it off.

That's right, you're in a different place now. Not there. You would've gotten in trouble there, but here it's fine. It's fine. You're fine. You don't have to deal with them anymore.

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