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i came downstairs to see my father and his gang by a big black long table, with throne like seats.

'Ahhh come here my love, you haven't met these fine people' My father beckons me to come next to him, he wasn't in his human form, more like a baby. Wormtail had him in his clutch, he told me all about 'FamOus HaRrY POttEr'. Ugh I cannot stand him, making my father feel like a joke to society that night at Godric's hollow.

'My lord, who is she!' A deatheater shouted

'Quiet, this my friends, is the Heiress, my successor if I shall decay.' He announces

I smirk and confidently shout

'Y/n Peverell-Riddle, now you will treat me as equally as my father,as I will be in charge, unless you would want to suffer a fatal death I shall hope you will remain loyal to my father under all circumstances' i death glare them all with my illuminated green eyes.

All of my fathers 'friends' looked at me in shock

'My lord? A Peverell? Isnt that the legend of the three brothers were Peverell's, she's the heir of Gryffindor and Slytherin.' A bleach blonde long haired man called out, his wife I sensed was next to him, she was fairly pretty

'As it is so, Lucius. I hear your boy will be joining us soon, he will not fail' my father hissed as I patted Nagini. People looked at me, I was like the replica of my father, my mother went missing years ago and never found, sad really. But my father didn't care for now I have a step mother,Bellatrix who I aspire to be . I look to a non occupied seat and pointed to it

'Who is that seat for? Are we expecting a guest?' I asked

'Ahh, that seat is for your step mother, most loyal of mine, very high ranked among us she is' my father looked at the chair

'Well, where is she?' I turned my head upwards

'You will, she has been sent to Azkaban because she is a follower of mine, but we will hope to get her out soon, child' he smiled showing his white sharp teeth, people laughed nervously

'Now I called you here because I need to discuss an event, for those who would want not to partake please stand' my father orders as several people stood.

'You fools.Avada Kedavra!' My father shouted to one and looks to me
I raise my wand and raised my eyebrows.

'Avada Kedavra' I shouted venomously looking at the lifeless body collapse onto the wooden floor. Soon all seven were dead.

'Now, there is an event coming up, World Cup for stupid people, I want you all to invade and destroy it all! Kill whoever comes in your way. If you shall flee, I will find you and kill you. Understood?' My father shouted as people flinched

'Oh and Lucius, dear Lucius, I hope your son will be ready, he..like my own, will get their marks by their 6th year. They ought to marry after they graduate.' He grinned

'Certainly, sir' Lucius quivers before all of them were dismissed. And for the record, I was a parselmouth, I inherited low from my father than my loathsome mother.

I was home for the summer, i attended Beauxbatons academy. It was a beautiful place, but I heard this year will be..different. My father told me about a school called Hogwarts, he went to it. I asked if I could go...but he objects to such things. One day I will attend, I will stop at nothing for I am the heir of
two of their houses and founders. My father taught me spells and I was a skilled at anything Hogwarts or Beauxbatons would throw at me,for the most powerful wizard is my father. I would be going to the Quidditch cup tomorrow, I will be with the Deatheaters giving them signals to retreat or start terrorising the people who are inferior. I always ask Snape about Hogwarts because he is a professor there, he's like a spy on Harry which is great for us to gain more power. I walk upstairs and knocked on some random persons door, yes we were at the Malfoy Manor, it was not as big as the Riddle Manor but a nice size for secret meetings. Everyone thinks my father is dead, but he is much alive.

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