𝙼𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙿𝚘𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚛

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I was sitting in the great hall, and yes because I'm the heir of two houses people wouldn't stop staring. I stared down at the food. Not talking but consumed in myself. Soon someone tapped me on the back I turned to see a brown haired boy who was also in Slytherin

'Theodore, Theodore Nott, pureblood.' He took his hand out as I stared at it

'I do not shake hands.Well not with you anyway' I smirked

He looked at me and went back to his friends, I wasn't one for interacting with people

I turned around to look at everyone, they all stared back at me wondering. I tilted my head and made my eyes slits. I then made eye contact with a boy with rimmed glasses, the boy at the quidditch World Cup...Harry Potter. He was very good looking no wonder my father is crazy to kill him. I looked at him and got up from my seat, everyone stopped as I walked like a ghost toward him and a orange haired boy next to him. I walked towards him and took out my hand. He looked up at me with hate

'Y/n Peverell-Riddle, not mistake me for my father, but I'll have you know I hate you just as much as my father does. I've waited many years for this moment. Don't underestimate me, you never know what one is thinking until you see it' I smiled

He looked at my hand and look back up at me.

'Your father killed my parents how dumb can you be, Riddle? Why would I accept this hand, you heartless person' he growled

'My father killed him. But I'm the heir of Gryffindor too, so you treat your heir with respect. Don't be fooled Harry Potter, for whatever you do, I'll have my eye on you' I hissed, I sounded a lot like my father. I walked backwards to my table. Everyone kept their eyes on me as I smirked.

Harry's POV

Okay, she was hot. I mean drop dead gorgeous, how can an ugly snake produce a girl from heaven. But I shan't be dumb and not look at the obvious. She's a Riddle. Yeah she is a Peverell too, which is odd.

'The Peverell's, they are known as the family in the legend of the Three Brothers. They did have a sister, Lolanthe Peverell, she was very beautiful. Yet powerful . She must of married Tom Riddle when they were young. All for we know...she isn't good news but she is the heir of our house. Or houses no doubt' Hermione looked at us eating a carrot and looking at the Peverell family tree in a book she was looking in.

I then got tapped on the back, I looked at Ron who whimpered, I shifted to look on my right to see her, I looked to see her arm stretched out, she did look so much like him, I could hardly tell the difference.

'Y/n Peverell-Riddle, you must not mistake me for my father,but I'll have you know I hate you just as much as my father does. I've waited many years for this moment. Don't underestimate me, you never know what one is thinking until you see it' she smiled wickedly

She was up to something. And it cannot be good.

I heard Hermione's breath hitched. Yes she was a beauxbaton and in their uniform but no doubt she was not like the others. She was intimidating.

'Your father killed my parents how dumb can you be, Riddle? Why would I accept this hand, you heartless person' i seethed back

She didn't even look offended, she just stared at me like she was about to laugh. Was this all a joke?

'My father killed him,yes. But I'm the heir of Gryffindor too, so you treat your heir with respect. Don't be fooled Harry Potter, for whatever you do, I'll have my eye on you' she hissed like a snake. Her low voice sent shivers down my spine, it was like I was talking to him in the chamber all over again.

I'm feeling sick thinking about it. She turned to walk effortlessly back to the snake table as I watched her. I felt everyone intense faces relax.

'I don't want to get on her bad side' Ron whimpered

'Nobody does, she can have anyone killed in an instant, Harry you should be more careful' Hermione looked at us

Yeah no shit.

'You think I don't know,Hermione? She is trouble. With her around, who knows what will happen' he grumbled

'Think about it mate, she is pretty hot. But you could befriend her and find out her schemes with her father' Ron whispers to me, I felt Hermione glare at Ron from across the table.

That wasn't a bad idea. But it was risky, but I don't know...she seems pretty hard to crack.

Dumbledore then talked about the speech, I saw even the Professors look a bit on edge and pale. I look back to her eating quietly.

I looked at my filled plate, I hadn't eaten. All I could think about was her. We all then saw a freaky looking man walk in a shake Dumbledore's hand Dean said he was Alastor Moody known as Mad-eye. I can see why. He was an ex-Auror. I saw him drink something but it wasn't pumpkin juice.

Am back! Hi hru all? Well I hope you liked it and see u soon!


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