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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

I woke up, I had a massive headache. And I wasn't in my room? What had I been doing?! I looked next to me to see Draco zonked out on the floor of the Room of Requirement. What was I doing? I looked to see the vanishing cabinet. My vision was slightly blurry. I was in my Hogwarts robes. Draco wasn't, he was in his right black suit.

'What's day is it? What time is it? How did I get here?' I rubbed my head standing up, my legs were so weak I fell back down.

'Draco' I groggily pushed his side

'What?' His eye flickered open and he sat up immediately

'What we're we doing? What happened?' He looked around. We both looked at the cabinet infront of us

'Well at least we found it' I shrugged. I finally gained my balance and stood up. We were both in a horrible state, my hair was all messed up. I started looking around until I came across the empty alcohol bottles.

'I think I know why' I turned to Draco with an empty alcohol bottle in my hand

'That explains why we are having such a bad hangover, we still have school' Draco sighs

We both found our way out, despite us both knocking over things and falling over. We stumbled out like we were drunk. And we was, we got all off stares from many as they were passing by.

'What time is it?' I asked a random fifth year

'Er—well you missed breakfast and first class.' He said

I probably had charms as I dragged Draco but i went into a random first year class and sat down.

'Miss Peverell-Riddle your lesson isn't til after lunch' Professor Flitwick scolded

'Yeah yeah' I said before falling asleep

Soon what felt like minutes I woke up and everyone was gone. Flitwick was staring angrily at me.

'Oh hi Professor Flitwick? What am I doing here? I thought I was in potions' I stood up my legs still wobbling from the hangover

'You interrupted my lesson! You came right here and started sleeping! Five points from Slytherin. And you stayed here all day'' he ordered

'Thanks sir' I smiled before trying to walk out but I nearly fell over, I caught myself in time as my hand rested against the doorframe

'Are you okay?' He asked

'Oh brilliant!' I tried to walk in a straight line but it was practically impossible

It must of been dinner because everyone was now in the Great Hall. My wobbly vision wandered over to the green table and sat next to Draco.

'How was classes?' I asked setting my head in the table

'We should of never done that. I walked into Slughorn's class and started brewing random potions in a second year class. Now he thinks there's something wrong with me. You?' He asked

'Walked into Flitwicks class, full of first years and started to sleep the whole day.' I laughed quietly

'I wish I knew what we actually done, we couldn't of just gotten drunk.' He said laying his head on my shoulder. Soon I fell over the bench as everyone turn to look I had passed out.

Nobody's pov

Both Riddle and Malfoy had fallen back and onto the floor, passed out. Everyone shifted their heads to see what had happened. They had to get two teachers to drag them out the Great Hall and to their common rooms, everyone thought it was weird. Had they been spiked?

Everyone the resumed to what they were doing

Y/N's pov

I woke up and looked around. I thought I was in the Great Hall. I felt sick, time and Draco must of drank too much. But it helped, I got my mind off things. I felt a bit okay, I mean I could walk without wobbling or falling over. Which is good. My vision was near enough perfect and I haven't fallen or passed out yet.

I looked out the window to see it was now night. I went out the room to see Draco waiting for me.
I then remembered something, about the Opal necklace I had, Borgin said it was cursed. I ran back in my room and looked for that necklace in my trunk. I came across the box, I did not dare touch it.

I ran back out.

'Draco I have a way of killing Dumbledore' I said excitedly

We were now back to normal.

'What?' He asked

I gave him the box.

'It's cursed, if anybody touches it. It would kill you instantly' I smile

'Where did you get this?!' He looked shocked

'The day we got our marks, I purchased it from Borgin.' I half smiled

'Hogsmeade is tomorrow,  maybe if we get someone to deliver it?' He asked

'But who to give it too? Someone trustworthy, someone...Longbottom?' I suggested

'No, he's a friend of Potters, erm..Mclaggen?' He looked at the box

'No, why not it be a girl?Hmm, what about that Bell girl? She seems trustworthy. And she's a Gryffindor, and everyone knows Dumbledore favourites them' I smirked

'But how are we going to get it too her?' He asked

'We will both put it in the girls bathroom. It will be addressed to Dumbledore. So when she goes, she will no doubt pick it up.' I crossed my arms

We both then exited and went to the Room of Requirement.

We then found the cabinet. But don't know how to fix it.

'How do we fix it' I asked

'No clue.' He replied as the vanishing cabinet creaked.

'Maybe put an object in?' I looked to my right, he was tensed

'Maybe, but we have to plan to kill Dumbledore with that necklace. If that doesn't work....then I don't know' he looks at the box in his hands. We then lead ourselves to the Astronomy Tower. It had a pretty view.

'Do you ever think what it's like to live on the light side?' He asked

'All the time. If we were, this would be a different story' i lean on the railings

'I wish we were on there. This would of been easier, all the support. The love. We get nothing' he grunts

'But we can't help that, and I know your afraid' I put a hand on his shoulder

'I'm not afraid' he snapped

'Just admit it. Draco, your afraid, I see the way you look at my father, the way your face turns miserable.' I turn to look him in his ice storm eyes

'Your right. I-I don't want to die. I-I want to life and be with you, forever' he took my hand

'You will be with me, I assure you Dray, nothing will happen. You'll be with me forever, no matter what the circumstances are' I smiled we rested our foreheads on one another's looking into eachothers eyes.

I wasn't quite sure that what I said will be true, but to give him hope.

Eeeeeeeee idk what to say but I hope you liked it and I'll see you soon!

Ty for reading <3


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