𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚖𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚏𝚘𝚢'𝚜

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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

The days went by and everyone clapped for me and Potter in DA. I hate to admit it, but it felt good. But if father found out that I was associating myself with Mudbloods and Blood traitors he would go mad.

He made me a skilled Legilimens and Occulumens. But I didn't need it, I have trust in...people.

I got an owl from Narcissa that I was again, staying at their Manor. Meaning I'm going to have to spend Christmas with Draco. I noticed he was more stressed than ever, and I know he doesn't want to get the dark mark. But tough luck and deal with it.

I mean I'm in the same boat.

We both apparated to that depressing black house with no life whatsoever.

I went to my usual room passing all the painting of the generations of Malfoy's. All of them had beauty, and I mean everyone in that bloodline was just...gorgeous.

To be honest I never pictured myself as a Malfoy, let alone be married to one, to be honest the only thing that's been on my mind has been becoming a deatheater and following my fathers footsteps. I haven't known anything different because I am the heir to Slytherin and well, the next line of deatheaters.

I unpacked quietly, I've never really known where my father was. He had never been around much, not even in my childhood years. I would just stay over at some other persons house until he came. I would only see him at deatheater meetings. But that's my father, he's reckless and I am too.

I heard someone knock on the door, I walked over and opened it to see Draco standing there in his black suit.

'I-do you want to take a walk?' He asked

This was utterly random but I nodded as I put my coat and gloves on. We went outside as the cold hair bit my skin.

'You know, there is a lake near our house. I think it's frozen over. Want to see?' He asked

'Sure' I smiled as he took my hand, we raced though the snow to see a beautiful lake before our eyes

'It's beautiful' I said

'I come here whenever I need air, or to read or practice spells' Draco looked out

I took i step onto the lake and it had held my weight

'Hey! Come on!' I said taking his hand as he tripped on the thick ice

He gained his balance as we started skating on the lake. It was fun, the most fun I'd had in ages. We danced, fell over. Everything just seemed like a dream.

'Hey, I was wondering if, you could perform a Patronus?' He asked

'I've never tried, but I know how to do it' I looked down to see my wand in my coat pocket

'Why don't we try together?' He asked leading me off the lake

'Okay, so you have to think of the most powerful happy memory you have, and say 'Expecto Patronum'. Got it?' I asked adjusting his wand as he smiled at me, sprinkles of snow landed on us. What a time.

'Have you thought of one?' I asked as he nodded

'Expecto Patronum' Draco shouted to his wand but nothing came out, he looked down

'You try' he said glumly

'Expecto Patronum' i incarnated

I thought of father and me him using me as an example of an ideal deatheater.

I saw nothing. How was that now powerful enough?

Is it because  we are dark wizards?

We kept trying but nothing. Utterly nothing.

'Come on stupid wand' i started to get angry

'Let's try one last time' he looked at me

I held his hand as I allowed this memory to fill me up.

'Expecto Patronum' me and Draco said at the same time

We closed our eyes and opened them. To our joy there was a dragon flying around us and an inland taipan snake. I've heard about them being the most venomous n snake in the whole world. I smirked as the dragon and the snake started playing with eachother.

'Who did you think of' Draco murmured

The person, the happiest memory I had was.


'You.' I turned to him

He then leaned and kissed me gently. Our Patronuses went but I melted into the kiss.

My heart loved him deeply, but who knows what could happen.

We headed back after a long day and we continued to read books in the library with eachother.

It was fun at the Malfoy's accept the tension between Lucius and I. Narcissa was nice, I have no clue why she married such a vile man. Draco had never been one to ever share his feelings. But I know, I already know what he's feeling like.

He's feeling the same as me. We both want to live up to our name. We both don't want to be a disappointment. We both were unexpectedly engaged. We both are going to become deatheaters.

We all when it came to the 25th exchanged presents. Again, I didn't receive anything from my father. I got wedding pictures of venues from Lucius and a book on blood purity. I got a new set of clothes and lovely jewellery from Narcissa and Draco, well he got me a little music box, of the Yule Ball song. But it only reminded me of Cedric .

But after this...I know it will get worse.

But to everyone we are never enough. And me and Draco know that, and that's what makes us more inlove.

I AM determined to get this book finished! Anyways I hope you liked this book and I will see u soon


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