𝙾𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚐𝚘𝚘𝚍

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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

I woke up to screaming. I jumped out of bed, I looked next to me to see Draco was asleep. I suddenly felt sick, a little too sick. I gagged and ran to the toilet. I threw my guts out in that toilet. Draco joined me.

'Love, are you okay?' He asks

'Not really, can you not see I'm—' I thee up content into the toilet

'Sick' I look down

'It's not usual of you to be sick, especially in the morning' he looked down

'Unless...' he trailed off

He rushed out to get his wand.

'Unless what?' I asked

I saw Draco incarnate something on my stomach area. What the hell was he doing. He soon stopped. His face broke into a huge smile, the biggest one I've seen.

'Y/n you pregnant!' He shouted jumping around

'Oh motherfucker. We've only fucked like twice' I said

'So? I'm going to be a father, and the best one' he said holding my stomach

'We aren't to tell anybody, alright? Not until after the war.' I conclude

I went to look at the daily prophet, nothing new. Only attacks of mudbloods hapoening more frequently. Soon I heard more screaming.

'What was that?' I perked my head up

'Love you need to rest, a little Malfoy is inside you' he smiled

I got up.

'No..no, I need to check who it is' I said

I didn't care if I was in my pyjamas, I rushed down to the basement to see Wormtail torturing..Mr Olivander.

'Stop this at once!' I shouted at Wormtail who bowed

'Y-yes heiress, right away' he scurried away. I looked at Olivander covered in blood

'Your here to torture me more aren't you?' He asked weakly

'No, I'm not as evil as you think' I help him up

'Why are you helping me?' He asks, his legs giving way but I caught him

'Because, your still the kind chirpy man i met at Diagon Alley when I was eleven. And you are innocent' I plopped him down next to one of the pillars

'H-he tortured me' Olivander quivered

'I'm so sorry, is there anything I can do to help?' I asked

'I need food, and water. I need warmth.' He shivered

'O-okay stay right there, I'll be right back' I said running barefoot up from the basement past the destheaters. I went into the kitchen and got any food I saw in sight. I got a glass of water and a blanket from my room.

'Who's that for?' Wormtail asked

'Myself, it is ruddy cold in the basement. So why not make torturing more fun' I lied

He bowed a i ran downstairs to the cold and dark basement. Olivander was ghostly pale.

'Here' I gave him what he needed

'Oh thank you, bless you dear girl' he said trying to smile as he examined my face, holding it

'Oh dear y/n. Be safe' he said concerned

'I am, believe me. All of this will be over, and you will have you shop again' I smiled

'I hope so.' He said before we both heard people coming into the basement. I quickly hid the things I got for Olivander as I pretended to torture him. Of course he played along with our act

There I saw Lovegood in the hands of Deatheaters

They all bowed and left.

I helped Lovegood up

'How did you get here?' I asked her

'Oh! It's quite simple actually. You see, I was walking along the hillside me and my father live on. Until I felt myself being kidnapped my deatheaters. And I ended up here. In a basement, with you and—oh hi Mr Olivander!' Lovegood waved at Olivander who waved weakly back

'Why did they take you, your a pureblood' i loool skeptical

'They didn't like that my father said in the Quibbler about you people and that we supported Harry Potter. So they abducted me so now I'm here! ' she smiled

She had bruises and cuts here and there.

'Lovegood, I may think your weird but. I have got to get you out of here.' I looked around

'That's nice. I mean I've never been in a situation like this' she smiled

'You don't want to be' I warned looking to a weak Olivander

'Well, I will be fine' she said in her dreamy voice

'Can I get you anything?' I asked her

'A blanket would be nice. That's all...y/n' she looked around

'Accio Blanket' i summoned as I wrapped the Willy blanket over her shoulders

'You are so kind. But you never show it' she observed

'That's because I'm not made to be nice, I was brought up like this. But I've realised it's a whole lot bigger than this' I looked around the dark basement

'You'll be fine! I forgive you my way. You just tried to do what's right' she smiled sitting down next to Olivander


'Call me Luna, I find it nicer' she told me as I looked at her

I clenched my jaw

'Luna—just, be safe' I said going back upstairs

I went back to my room.

'Hello, how's baby Malfoy' he asked touching my stomach

'Draco, you know it's not a foetus yet. It's probably still a cell' I laugh

'Still, baby Malfoy will be here soon' he knees and hugs my stomach

'Okay okay. I need rest' I flopped down on the bed

After that I started having weird cravings. Like ice cream and carrots.

Who even eats that!

Or Avacado and Bertie Bott's every Flavour beans

It was crazy. Even Draco looked disgusted

'How am I going to tell mother and father?' Draco paced the room

'What about mine?' I asked stuffing my face with sugar quills and a muggle food called broccoli

'We will say after twelve weeks.' He said rummaging though the books looking for once's about babies

'Your taking this so seriously, aren't you? We are like eighteen and I'm pregnant. I mean it's crazy' I said

'Well during a time like this, it couldn't be better' he smiled

Le gasp Ty For 1k READS


Pregnant??? Whosudkskdidj
Anyway I hope you enjoyed and the fkr reading <333

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