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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

I was waiting in the common room for Draco. I didn't want to get out my robes because I couldn't be asked. Soon I felt someone come up behind me. I turned around.

'Ready?' Draco asks

'Obviously. Now we have a vial of liquid luck all we have to do is find it. But we can't use this vial yet, it's too precious' I clutched the vial and put it in my pocket

We both walked out silently to the common room, we slithered down the halls as silent as snake. Then we heard Filch and his cat. We were halfway down the hall as I started to panic. I grabbed his hand and opened a small cupboard. I pushed him in before he had a chance to speak as I got in.

'What are you—' Draco got interrupted by my hand slapping over his mouth

'Shut up' I hissed

'But we're prefects, we can do whatever we want' he whispers

'But patrol times are over, it's literally one o'clock in the morning you think there's going to be people patrol that late?!' I roll my eyes

'Show yourselves' I heard Filch shout

It was kind of a tiny cupboard. We were on two different sides just staring at eachother. I had never really thought about dating....since..Cedric. We both then felt steps come towards us. I gripped my wand.I could see panic start to form on Malfoy's pale face. Soon we was Filch open the cupboard door ever so slightly

'Stupefy' I said calmly as he went flying back, knocked out.

'Y/n! You just knocked a teacher out!'

'Well he's more of a Squibb so that dosent really count' i smirk at him as we watched a knocked out Mr Filch on the floor.

'Let's go' Draco gripped my hand as I hid my wand in my pocket. We had finally after some time made it to the seventh floor.

'There is only one place it could of been hidden' Draco states as he yanked me to a wall, a black detailed door appeared.

'The room of requirement! Genius, Dray' I opened the door as we were engulfed in junk.

'But how are we going to find it in here?' I asked looking around at all the piles of chairs, books, old things. Unused. They covered every inch of the room. It was barely noticeable, more like a storage cupboard.

'We are just going to look' Draco declares

'You serious?' I scoff

'Do you want to die?' He ran his hands though his hair

'I can salvage myself, it's you that needs to worry more' I start rummaging though the pieces of old furniture. We walked around looking for it but it was no use.
I even found a stash of alcohol hidden in here. It had a name on the bottles

'Oh my god, you never believe it but Trelawney hides her alcohol in here. HAHA she's an alcoholic' I laugh

He laughs along with me, looking at the bottle 'Pure Malt Whisky'

'Want to try' I smirked, there will still a bit left

'Well yeah, anything to get my mind of things' he sighed

'Accio shot cups' I said as two little shot cups flew into both our hands. I poured it for me and him. We looked at eachother, we had grown a strong bond, even stronger than before. I smiled as he showed his front teeth.

'Okay on the count of three' I look at the tiny glass

'One' he said

'Two' I replied

'Three' we shouted chugging down the alcohol. We were not of age, but who cares.

It was spicy, but my whole mouth began to burn but I liked it. I set it down. I smiled. Next minute we had downed all of her stash. I started to feel a little tipsy. We were now both drunk idiots moping around.

'Draco your so pretty, can I have your name?' I slurred

'Your kinda hot do you want to know my name? It's Wilma Dickfit' He started walked as my vision was wobbling

Draco had the same problem, we couldn't even walk in a straight line, and was talking absolutely gibberish.

Soon I felt so tipsy I ended up falling over some way and then I felt myself crash into something.

'Oh shitting Salazar, can't these people look were they are going ' I got up and started to go off at a random chair which at that time, I thought it was a person. I thought the whole room was full of people

'You stupid cow it's a chair' Draco said nearly falling over himself.

I then looked around to see a weird looking thing with an old blanket over it.

'Draco look at this old woman' I said touching the blanket

'She has horrible taste' he laughed

I took the blanket off to reveal a black cabinet.

'My Merlin this woman just stripped' I hid my face

Draco his his as he pulled me closer. My gaze was blurry, I couldn't see right. I then felt someone kissing my lips, our drunk breaths as one. It was Draco's. He still had a hint of mint, and that same smell in the Amortentia. Our lips danced like I did at the Yule ball. He then pressed me against the naked woman. Until I fell over.

I looked around to see that I was in the woman's butt crack.

'Uh I don't think that's a naked woman, y/n' Draco said sleepy

I got up and stumbled a bit i looked to see it was some sort of cabinet. With two doors opening

'Oh yeah this is a cabinet, crazy me thought it was a naked woman, silly bastard' I laughed

I soon dropped to the floor sleeping. I had no clue what had just happened, but my mind cleared itself.

Pls this was so fun to write! I hope you liked this and I will see you soon!


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