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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

I woke up and immediately remembered my little chat with Flint the other day. I put on my beauxbaton uniform and little heels and waltzed down the stairs to his office, I knew where it was. I basically knew the whole of Hogwarts because I've read about it. I rushed down the dim hall until I fell to the floor

'You should watch where you are going mudbl—'

I was on the floor I looked up to see that I crashed into Malfoy who was looking at me on the floor outside Snape's office.

He gave out his hand but I refused, I sighed and got up myself, I brushed my blue clothes off and folded my arms

'What are you doing here Malfoy, snooping I suppose?' I gesture at him

'No way, the only life I would ruin is Potter,Weasel and mudblood Granger. I was waiting for Snape as you can see, because Miles told me to meet here to see Professor. And what are you doing here Peverell-Riddle?' He asks

We were now facing eachother.

'Sketchy, Flint told me the same. Are we being set up?' I look around for any people about

I saw Malfoy flush red


Soon we saw Snape slam the door open and look at both of us.

'Get.In.Now.' He drawled as I stuck my tongue out at Malfoy as we entered.

'Sir' he said

'Sir,what in Merlin are we doing here. Especially with him.' I look dissatisfied at Malfoy

'You filthy—' Malfoy started to lunge too me from the next seat

'Quit the squabbling we mustn't waste time' Snape looked at us with the same cold eyes.

'What is it you want, sir?' I tense

'Well, I don't know if your father has told you this but you and Mr Malfoy will wed after you graduate, no discussion needed. It will do the deatheaters proud and to honour your father as you are married into a wealthy yet powerful bloodline. Not to mention that you are both pureblooded and shall not tint any of the pureblood line with muggles.' He said looking at me

I gaped. I leant forward nearly having a panic attack.

'What! That's unfair I don't want to marry that arse of a Malfoy. Their family is a disgrace! I won't allow it!' I shot up from my seat. This is not okay.

'These are not my rules only your father has agreed.' Snape replied

'No! I cannot spend the rest of my school years with him let alone marry him! That's absurd, anyone but him, I demand for another person' i growl

'Hey, darling. Don't need to get so angry' Malfoy touched my hand as I yanked away

'No! Don't touch me. Leave me alone! How could my father think it is a good idea for me to wed!' I said getting up to go to the door

'Well, it will do well for my father—' Malfoy scoffed

'Shut up Malfoy! Your father was an imbecile and a vile man!' I spun around to face him

'Your father is worse! Your father has killed more people I could count! You have the audacity to say mines worse?!' He steps forward, his veins bulging.

'I don't care what you think I could get you killed or perhaps I'll kill you myself.' I spat at him before turning around and slamming the door.

I ran back to the common room to see my big bedroom had another bed in it. Soon I saw Malfoy come in.

'Hi, darling. Oh yeah, Snape didn't tell you. I'm your new roommate. So you know we can—' Malfoy started

'Don't even think for one second I'm doing anything with you. And not call me darling. You have no right to. Now I will stay on my side, and you will stay on yours.' I smile sarcastically as he rolls his eyes

'We will see about that, darling' he smirked

'You have a joke of a girlfriend, petty Parkinson? Isn't it?' I look at him unpacking

'I'm breaking up with her. Well I have to because i had to be in whatever this is' he looked at me

'Whatever' I rolled my eyes.

'I never wanted to share with you. When I could be banging my ex, now' he looked out the window, I saw him look at a photo of both of them as I come closer and snatched it from his hand and threw it at the wall. I then got my wand and lit it on fire so all was left was a pile of ash.

'Well it needed to be done. I don't want you moping around with that picture' I said

'Riddle I might as well file the divorce in advance' he scoffed

'Good idea. I'll get my quill!' I smirked

I then got my books and went downstairs to see Pansy crying, I then saw Malfoy follow

'It's all your fault,Peverell' she whined

'Oh what a shame. Let me guess Malfoy broke up with you because you're too insufferable to cope with' I smirked before leaving her wailing like baby, I heard Malfoy follow close by laughing

People either call me 'Peverell' or 'Riddle' becuase it's too much of a mouthful to say it at once.

Malfoy stuck to me all the way. We walked in silence, I was still not going to let my guard down because I do not want to feel vulnerable .

'So. Er, who was your mother?' He asked awkwardly

'I do not answer that question.' I walked more fast has he had to run to catch up with me

He then ran infront of me and stopped me grabbing my shoulders.

'Stop.' He said looking into my eyes

'Stop what?' I glare at him

'Stop pretending to be someone your not. I know your past. We are going to be married so at least try to make an effort, y/n' he looked at me

I felt a sense of warmth again from when I first saw him but I shoved him off

'Whatever. I don't want to and you can't make me' i trotted down the hall to Barty/Moody's class leaving Malfoy clueless in the hallway.

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