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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

I didn't bother showing up to Diggory's funeral. I just stayed in my dorm room. People thought that I was broken by it but I wasn't, it was just like a random person. I learnt to switch my emotions off from my father. Thankfully I'm leaving Beauxbatons and coming here. I didn't need to be sorted because I already have been. I got my robes along time ago and even fashioned it to make it look like something nobody's ever seen.

I packed the last of my things in a trunk and I told my owl to send a letter to the Riddle and Malfoy manor. Father says I'm to be staying at the Malfoy manor because it was the spot where they hold deatheater meetings. Me and Malfoy were not speaking to  eachother after Diggory's death. He still blames it on me?! Why does it have to be me?! Blame it on Potter he was closer.

I looked at the clock and we had ages til we leave. I needed to find a way to talk to Malfoy again because we have such a great bond I guess.

I went down to the common room to see Malfoy sitting there reading a book

I didn't say anything but I went over and sat next to him. He shuffled away but I kept on sucking towards him until he reached the end of the sofa.

'You didn't go to the funeral?' Draco mumbled looking at the book

'Lay it of Malfoy. It would of been worse if I went. I'm staying at your manor this summer. Father insisted, and of course we are getting married so I'm sharing your room' i said disgusted

He looked to me shocked
'Seriously?! Now I have to share a bedroom with you? Not after what happened last time, absolutely not' he obligated

'What, afraid I would find something of yours' I say in his ear

'Y/n do not do this here. We are in a common room not a dorm room' he scoffed

'Oh Malfoy, you can't resist, darling' I smirked

I looked down at his trousers to see he had gotten a boner. He quickly tried to cover it up. Feeling embarrassed.

'No need to feel embrassed, Draco. I mean who wouldn't get a boner  just talking to me' I said now sitting on his lap.

I felt his cold hands caress my curves and thighs, we both locked eyes. I was about to kiss him until Snape walked in. I immediately got off of him and stood up.

'Professor Dumbledore would like to see you in his office' he looked at me then to Draco

'Sure' I crossed my arms

'Also keep you and Mr Malfoy's private life somewhere else rather than the common room' he drawled as Malfoy went red

I opened the door of the common room and trotted out and down the hall, students looked at me as they had seen a ghost. Once I got to Dumbledore's office I slammed it open

'You wanted to see me?' I smiled sarcastically

'Indeed, have a seat' he gestured at the chair infront of him as I sat down

'It has come to my attention that Polyjuice Potion was stolen from Professor Snape's office, not to long ago Alastor Moody attacked Mr Potter and we had found out it was not him, it was Barty Crouch jr in disguise, now tell me y/n. Did you have anything to do with this? Or the whole third task?' He leaned looking into my eye, I'm not fooled by this oaf. I know he was skilled in reading minds.

'No, Professor. I didn't, I mean you only interrogate me because if my last name. I'm not fooled,Albus.' I say smoothly

'Barty Crouch Jr was a known deatheater. People have been wondering if you to associate with him. Or you knew he was in disguise' he questioned

I looked deep into his eyes

'No, I only saw him as a dark arts teacher. Mind you, he did play it very well.' I smiled

'Is there...something you wish to tell me,y/n?' He examined me

'No, Professor. Nothing' I found it hard to crack a smirk

'You do trust me don't you?You do awfully remind me of him. It's like I'm talking to him ' He asked

'Why are you so unsure, never be hesitant. And if you were smart you probably had already figured it out anyway' I got up and left the room.

I needed to find Potter, I knew he had something to do with this.

I found all three of them walking down a hall.

'Potter?!' I shouted down has they all turned

I saw Weasley look utterly terrified. I charged at him and pinned him to the wall.

'You told Dumbledore about me didn't you?!' I looked maliciously at him

'I—I' he stuttered looking around

'Don't lie to me, I know you accused me. Don't think you're so perfect Potter. Because you can be really stupid. I knew you did it,you don't strike me for a fool Harry Potter' I released him, because of my right grip he lost balance and collapsed on the floor. His little friends helped him up

'Beware. Potter' was the last thing I said before going to Hogwarts station to catch the Hogwarts express.

I knew this wasn't going to get any better. I met Draco on Hogwarts express and we went off. But I knew Potter had his suspicions, even if potter does accuse me of being a deatheater he had no proof, I haven't got the mark yet. But I will.


Hi I'm back soz if this was a short one but I hope you enjoyed and I will see you in the next one. Lmk what you think and thanks for reading!!lol when Snape interrupted Draco and y/n


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