𝙵𝚊𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚎𝚋𝚛𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚊𝚗 𝙱𝚕𝚊𝚌𝚔

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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

It was now only me and Harry in the tent. We sat at opposite ends, both in silence.

I then heard Dumbledore call him out as I saw his face full of fear. I smirked but I needed to plan how I was going to steal this egg. I heard cheers and 'ooo's' filling the air.

It was a while and I looked around and I was the only champion left. I stood up

'Now our fifth and final contestant. Y/n Peverell-Riddle!' I heard Dumbledore's faint voice ring

I did not show any sign of weakness as I trudged toward the cave entrance. I heard cheers erupt from the stands. I took a look around until I went flying and hit the side of the wall, i grunted as all the crowd gasps. The tail of the Hebridean Black had hit me into the wall of the stands.

I fell to my knees and looked at the beast like creature. I got up and started running towards it. It growled as I hid behind a piece of rock looking around. I was panting until I found my wand in my pocket.

'Reducto' I shouted hitting it, the dragon looked at me with hate before it breathed fire as I dodged out the way.

I then had to think of a plan. I stood up and started firing all sorts of spells. I climbed up on a rock to get a better view when one of the horn then ripped off my shirt revealing my sports bra and my toned sandy skin. I saw everyone look at my abs and my muscular body but I had to keep in form. I then felt claws then digging into my flesh as I looked down to see the deep scratches embedded in my skin. I stumbled back with sweat tricking down my face. I then saw something glisten in the corner as I started chasing it. The dragon started firing fire as I tripped over inches before the glistening was...the sword of Gryffindor. I the crawled forward. I felt the dirt all over my face as I felt my hand clench the sword. The Dragon swept me away dragging me and launching me in the air. I then plummeted

'Aresto Momentum' I shouted as I grunted hitting the ground in pain. I then remebered the sword which was now under the dragon.

'Oh for Salazar's sake' i mutters. I saw that the Dragon didn't see where I was, so i took it as my chance to run forward and I dropped to my knees leaning right back as I slided under the dragons tummy clutching the sword as I came out the other end. I started to run as it's tail started chasing me around. I soon then saw a ramp like rock as I charged right at it, facing the dragon I ran up the ramp and jumped toward the dragon. I held the sword in the air making an expression of desperation. It felt like slow motion as I felt the sword blade slit the throat of the beast. I fell down with the sword in my hand looking at the dead dragon.

I looked around to see everyone's shocked faces. Soon someone picked me up and I saw it was Cedric. He hugged me tightly as I hugged back

'I knew you'd do it! You gave me a real fright' he said

I got let go and fetched my torn shirt from one of the corners and wrapped it around my hip.

Dumbledore announced me, Ced and Potter were all tied for first place. I looked to Barty smirking as he nodded. I blew some of the whisps of hair out my face, I continued to walk back to the castle as I got congratulated by many people. I soon got back to the common room and went upstairs into my own room. I took a shower and came back down. But the only thing in my mind is...why did the sword of Gryffindor's present itself to me...a Slytherin.

I then walked until I got stopped by some ragged voice

'Well well well...look who it is, the little traitor' I turned to see Pansy, Crabbe, Goyle and Malfoy..also most of Slytherins looking at me

'What?' I asked

'The sword presented itself to you. I mean what Slytherin has done that? Your probably not even a real Slytherin.' She sneered

'For you information, Parkinson. You do forget I am the heir of Gryffindor and Slytherin. So no wonder it presented itself to me, I am both worthy of being a Gryffindor and Slytherin' I said before turning on my heel and walking outside. I was walking down the hall in my normal clothes until I bumped into someone.

I looked to see Cedric standing there, smiling.

'I-er, was coming to look for you' he said nervously

'Why?' I asked folding my arms smirking

'To- say, well done for erm, defeating the Dragon. That was hard, one point I thought you'd die' he laughed slightly

'Well, I'm here now.' I smiled

'I wonder what the next task is, I hope it isn't too bad' he looked down

I took my hand and brought his head up by my finger

'Your Cedric Diggory, nothing can stop you' I smiled

Was I...becoming. Soft? No. This cannot be happening, I then composed myself and I looked around.

'I-I've got to go.' I said turning to run away

'Wait, but I got to tell you something' I heard his voice call out as I was already halfway down the hall. Leaving him.

Only for him, I was becoming soft. Only him.

Cedric's pov

I felt like it was the greatest time to ask her out. Did I do something wrong? What happens if I hurt her feelings? Will she ever speak to me again?

I hope I haven't offended her. I'll maybe just try some other time. She's so pretty, her hair is to die for. Her toned and tanned skin shimmering. She looked good even covered in dirt. But Malfoy has been a bit close with her recently, she might not notice. But I do, the way he looks at her, and even Potter himself! I have competition, but I know I'm closer with her than anyone. So it shouldn't be that bad? Just hope Malfoy doesn't buy his way through because if his good looks like he does with every girl in Slytherin. His gazes are full of lust, and not love. Only passion and desire for the girl.

I just wish I could of told her sooner. People have asked me to go more for this girl called Cho Chang who has taken a liking to me ever since I asked her about what subject I had with her. Ever since then, she is confused I like her.

But only y/n. Only her that I want.

Ahhh I'm back! I hoped
You liked it and see u tomoz :)


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