𝙳𝚊𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝙿𝚛𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚎𝚝

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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

I stayed in the library for some time before heading towards the common room. I hadn't been in there because of what happened to Draco. The word 'girlfriend' kept coming up in my head when Rita said Pansy was his girl. That's supposed to be me.  I walked out with rings around my eyes sleepily opening the common room door to see everyone stop their conversation and look at me. I looked around to see that Malfoy was out, but he wasn't in a good state, neither was Pansy who had a black eye.  Everyone just stared at me until someone whipped something infront of my face

'Read it, Riddle' someone said as I grabbed one of the copies of the Daily Prophet from the side

              Is the Truth. Really the truth?
Y/n Peverell Riddle aged 12, attendee of Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry, is bad news. Earlier yesterday she attacked a boy Draco Malfoy and girlfriend Pansy Parkinson, who both gave interviews on this moment.

'Look! She is so violent she even gave me a black eye!' Pansy has told us

'She is nothing but a psycho sadistic. She was like a dog! She jumped on my chest nearly killing me?!' Master Malfoy has said

Today, Miss Peverell-Riddle has denied these actions and accusations of fellow people in her house.

Her mother, was dead. No wonder she is psycho and sadistic enough to nearly kill someone. Everyone must stay away from her! Otherwise we can never be happy. She also must feel mournful but is trying to hide it that her mother is affecting her so much.

Plus she is a champion in the Triwizard tournament by cheating her way through! Watch out everyone for her schemes for who know you could end up like Mr Malfoy and Miss Parkinson. Who have been severely injured. Other attacks at that school have been going up by the minute! Everyone, for you own safety stay away from y/n Peverell-Riddle. For who knows you could end up at St.Mungo's.

This is a warning. Do not skip past this! Keep reading til page 5 for more.

Pg 15: Champions of tournament! Featuring Harry Potter

Rita Skeeter.

I read it. None of this was even true, first I wasn't 12 I was 14. Secondly my mother isn't even dead. Well I don't know that but still. I'm not dangerous until someone makes it dangerous. I only attack because I had a reason too! If anyone heard my side, they'd believe me rather than making me the villain everyone thinks I am. I looked at everyone

'Do you all really believe this?' I said in disbelief

Nobody said anything

'Don't believe what Skeeter's saying. Plus you can tell she is lying' I tossed the paper into the fire

'Yeah right. Say that to Pansy's black eye and Malfoy's body! That article was everything you are. Don't try to deny it , Riddle' Greengrass shouted

'Oh, so I'm the villain because of my last name. Well listen here. Do you really want to know what happened that night' I walked around the room

They all shared looks

'Yeah, whatever' one says

'So I was out for a walk, and I came back to see miss Petty over here. And Mr Malfoy having sex on my bed. And if you want to know what this has to do with me. I think Draco can tell you' I smirked

Everyone turned to Draco and Pansy as they tried to hide their faces obviously embarrassed.

'What didn't you tell us, Malfoy' Crabbe said sharply

Everyone looked in anticipation as Malfoy didn't know what to say

'Cmon Malfoy. Tell them' I grinned

'I—er, w-well...I'm basically engaged to y/n. But I— ' Malfoy got cut off by gasps and whispers

'So you cheated on her?' Crabbe asks

'Exactly, Crabbe. So if you want anyone to blame. It's him and that pug' i spat before leaving. And going to my room

I sighed before flopping on my bed. I'm going to get Skeeter back for this.

I then apparated to father. He sat in the drawing room staring into the fire.

'Ahhh, my darling y/n!' He said

'Father I have news, have you looked at the Daily Prophet' I looked intently at him

'Yes, I have. And I'm afraid you want me to do something about it' he smiled

'Certainly, she cannot make me look bad. By the way I have entered the tournament and got close with Potter. Meaning that I can take that to my advantage' I smiled

'Very good y/n, you remind me of myself. Yes Barty has told me everything. Now get back to your studies, you need to be educated enough to become powerful' his snake voice called out

'Yes, well. Goodbye' I said

I was back in the room. Only my bed was there now. People say you cannot apparate in and out of Hogwarts. Well, with the power I hold. It is rather easy.

Well, I hope my father gives Skeeter a little visit.

Hiii I hope you liked this chapter!


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