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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

I woke up feeling horrible, I knew Olivander and Luna were suffereing downstairs and there was absolutely nothing I could do. Stretched as I looked to the daily prophet as my eyes widened in shock. Potter and his friends were seen at the Ministry?! Oh my Merlin. It talked all about how they snuck into Gringotts under effects of Polyjuice potion.

I have to admit, that was smart

I hope they are okay. They have to be.

'How's my little Malfoy doing?' Draco asked

'Potter was sighted at the Ministry!' I said shoving him the paper. His eyes widened

'How?' He asked

'I don't know, I hope he's safe because believe it or not he's the only chance we have of actually having a future' I ran hands though my hair

'Shhh, clam down. Your stressing baby Malfoy out' he touched my stomach

'Are you kidding me?' I looked around the room, Draco was shirtless. Of course he was

'I hope baby Malfoy has my looks, I mean I am half-Veela after all' Malfoy mumbled slightly

'Well, if he or she has my attitude, they will be having some fun at Hogwarts for sure' i laughed

I kept staring at the Daily Prophet. I went downstairs to see Lucius and Narcissa arguing, not even noticing I was there

'We are going to get killed for Merlin all I know' Lucius shouted at her

'I didn't know Harry Potter was supposed to walk through the front door like it's nothing, Lucius' she fired back sarcastically

'Now he will have our heads, Potter has slipped through our fingers and it's our fault because i work there' Lucius screamed

'The only thing I want is Draco to be happy, you doing the opposite Lucius. I don't care about anything, him and y/n are the only thing that the Dark Lord decides to keep us alive for!' Narcissa's voice breaks

'I don't care! I need to fulfil the Dark Lord because we are at the lowest of our ranks. And by turning Harry Potter in all will be forgiving! But no! He gets away with it again' Lucius knocks something over in anger

'Do you even care about our son?! Y/n is the only one ever there for him?! Don't you think he wishes to at least have a little bit of love?! Rather than to be infiltrated with the Dark Lord?' Narcissa screams

'Draco has nothing to do with the dark lord. We are on the verge of dying!' Lucius shouts back

'Draco and y/n is all we have! Lucius I don't care if I die tomorrow our boy is getting sadder and sadder!' Narcissa is on the verge of tears

I just stood there. I then felt quite sick. Soon they found me standing there

'Oh y/n! Lovely to see you' Narcissa composed herself wiping her tears

'Narcissa, are you okay?' I asked

'Fine fine!' She played it off

I gave a dirty look to Lucius before returning to the basement. I saw Mr Olivander and Luna there. They looked even more paler.

'Oh hello y/n' luna never holds back from breaking a smile

'How are you?' I asked

'Quite fine, Olivander isn't the greatest, I hear You-Know-Who wants something, I don't know what it is' Luna replied

I did. The Elder wand. The wand that flew out of Dumbledore's hand when I disarmed him.

'I do, and I know father wants it. And Potter must do too' I bow my head

'You better get going, I don't want you dying' luna said as I went back upstairs

I rarely come out of Draco's room anymore. Neither did Draco, it was just us.

'Hey y/n.' Draco smiled hugging me

'Hey Dray. How are you?' I ask slouching on the bed

'I'm alright, I just wish this war was ending, to know people die every day...' he trailed off

'I mean I feel sorry if Potter, I mean he has a big part. And the daily prophet has gone wild now it is controlled by deatheaters. It fascinated me how they got past them' I looked up at the ceiling, sighing

'There's a deatheater meeting soon. I don't think it will be a good one' Draco sighs

'No meeting is a good one, it always involves torturing, dying or just bad schemes my father creates' I look at him

He rested his head in my stomach as we both laid on the bed looking around the room in silence

'Well this will be a year to tell baby Malfoy' Draco fantasises

'Yeah it would wouldn't it?' I smiled

I loved Draco with all my heart. And we will have a beautiful future together.

Nothing really happened at the Malfoy Manor, usually many people are sent to Azkaban.

I soon fell into a dreamless sleep.

I rlly wanna finish this book! Ty so much for the love and support <33 appreciate it


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