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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

That very night we went back to the cabinet, we went to the vanishing cabinet and Draco had gotten one of his green apples that he always eats and puts it in.

'Harmonia nectere passus' we both incarnated

Soon we heard something thud inside. It must of transferred.

We both opened and looked to see that the apple had gone.

I closed it again. Come on...

'Harmonia nectere passus' we both said facing the cabinet

We both looked in and I took the apple out. It had a small piece missing, I showed it to Draco who looked doubtful

'Shit, it's still not fixed' i mumble

We are running out of time. And fast

Today we all go back to our homes. I heard Weasel and Brown are together. I would of thought Mudblood and him made a better couple. I heard that Gryffindor's best Slytherin in the quidditch game. Which is embarrassing. Me and Draco were going to the Malfoy Manor. Like usual, we were sitting in a compartment on the Hogwarts express.

He rested his head on my shoulder as I was reading a book. Many people passed looking into our compartments

It was a long journey and I felt myself falling asleep. Soon someone shoved the door open to see people getting off, me and Draco must of fallen asleep. Draco helped me get off as I smiled. I held his hand as we both apparated to the manor. I was greeted my Bellatrix

'Ahh y/n you've finally come home!' Bella hugged as as I smiled hugging back

'Hi mother' I smiled

'Oh darling I've missed you' she smiled looking st my face

'Me too' I smiled before greeting Narcissa and Lucius.

'Sweetie got to your room. Me and some other people have something to discuss' Bella said as me and Draco went up to his room.

It was the same as I imagined it. I slumped down in his bed,exhausted. Draco sat down next to me.

'I know this hasn't been easy, ur we are in this together' he rubbed my leg

I kissed him as we sat there in silence thinking about our life. Until Bella came into the room.

'Come on y/n! Let's ruin the Weasel's' she smirked

I couldn't stand down. I stood up and looked to Draco. I smiled sadly before leaving, I had my deatheater mask on. And we the. Disappeared with Greyback. We soon we're flying without broomsticks and in black smoke. We landed at the Weasels house as me and Bella set a ring of fire around it. I saw Bella then run into the weat. I heard her screaming

'I killed Sirius Black I Sirius Black' her faint cackles

I soon disapparated and flew right into the Weasel's house. And for the first time, I felt bad. Soon the Weasel's house set fire as we continued to destroy it more.

I then landed back in Draco's bedroom, and I broke down in tears. Draco got up from reading his book and came to comfort me, he set me down on the bed as I cried

'I mum a monster, I just destroyed the Weasel's house. I was forced to, it went up in flames. Oh Draco what have I become' I cried into his chest as he cradled me. I cried for some time.

It was night and dinner wasn't pleasant, I scoffed it down my throat before going to Draco's room

'You can't sleep in here. You have your own room' he said taking his shirt off

I looked at it as he smirked

'Or...I could stay here' I smiled

'Okay fine' he said coming into bed. I then fell into a slumber

Summer was horrible, deatheater meetings here and there. Father asking about to cabinet and assassination of Dumbledore. I heard that Bell girl hasn't got out of St.Mungo's yet.

This was bad. father was suspicious. Ever since Lucius failed to retrieve the prophecy, thinks haven't been looking good for the Malfoy's. They were basically hanging on for dear life. Which was bad, I didn't want Draco to die, the only thing that's holding them from dying was mine and Draco's engagement.

I didn't celebrate Christmas, I didn't want to. Malfoy Manor was so dark and gloomy I don't know how they live with themselves half the time. I have no clue we're father was, mother only cared about me when I had a task to be brought out by father.

I woke up to find Draco playing the piano in the bedroom. I walked over and sat next to him

'Draco I have an idea on how to assassinate Dumbledore'

'This better work' he replied

'It will. We give a bottle of alcohol to Professor Slughorn addressed to Dumbledore as a present. Of course he wouldn't be that deluded to open and use it, so we can infiltrate it with poison'  I smirked

'Genius. Where will we get the bottle from?' He asked

'I will get the position from Severus. And you will get it from Diagon Alley. Okay?' I said

I got dressed and kept myself on a low profile I went to Spinner's End and knocked on the door, Wormtail opened the door as I pushed past him

'Oh Miss y/n! How wonderful to see--'Wormtail started

'Shut up' I said as he bowed I opened the door to see Severus.

'Give me your poison' I demanded

'What why?' He drawled

'To give it to my father. What do you think?' I said sarcastically

'Sarcasm won't get you far, y/n. I know why you
want poison but it is not mine to give away' he said

'Why is it not? You can get it? I'm too young to purchase it. I know you have some and give it to me at once!' I ordered

'And what if I do not?' Severus asked

'You die, simple as that.' I shrugged smirking

'Fine, but if you dare show this to anyone I will make sure to give you the worst punishment' he gave me the bottle of liquid. I put it in my pocket before going out.

I apparated back to see Draco in his room. He came forward with the bottle of liquor. I then poured the poison in. And put a little red ribbon and a note.

'There, this has to work' I said writing up the last in the note

'If this doesn't work I don't know what will' he sighed heavily

Christmas went by badly, my mental health was on the low. And me and Draco are the only ones that have eachother.


Hellooo I updated again! I hope you liked it and I will see you very soon


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