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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

We were all sat in the Great Hall. Something about this year gives the castle a dark aura. I looked to the Gryffindor table to see Potter was not there yet. I looked to Draco next to me who had a glum face. I knew he was thinking about Dumbledore. He just looked into the distance. Food went onto the tables as everyone started to eat but Draco. I had noticed he looked different. More Gaunt, he wasn't eating.

'Draco you have to eat' i explain

'I will, just later' he mumbled

'Don't play that trick on me Draco Malfoy' I paused

Then the doors opened to see Potter walk in with his bloody nose me and Draco had given him. I smirked and nudged Draco who looked at him, but didn't care.

Soon after some chatter Dumbledore got up to the podium and walked forward. Who knew this would be the last speech Dumbledore will ever make.

'Very best of evenings to you all. First off...let me l introduce the newest member of our staff, Horace Slughorn.' Dumbledore gestures to the frail man

Father used to tell me all about Slughorn. I was wanting to meet him straight away. I started to clap along with the others. Slughorn stood up smiling before sitting back down

'Professor Slughorn, has agreed to resume his old post a Potions master. Meanwhile, the post of Defence Against the Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape' Dumbledore exclaimed

I knew how much Snape had wanted to be the DADA teacher, I feel extremely happy for him.
All of the Slytherin's started clapping the most as the others looked pretty upset

'As you know each and everyone one of you was searched upon your arrival tonight, and you have the right to know why. Once there was a young man, like you sat in this very hall,walked this castles corridors stepped under it's roof, he seemed to all the world a student like any other...his name.....Tom Riddle' Dumbledore said ovbiously on edge

Everyone started looking at me, everyone was on edge but I didn't feel anything. I mean I was his daughter. I looked back at the eyes that were on me as they looked to Dumbledore. My heart started to skip a beat as I looked on. The atmosphere was quite daunting. Dumbledore did make it creepy and there was no lie in that.

Today of course is known all over the world by another name which is why as I stand looking out upon you all tonight I'm reminded of a sobering fact, every day, every hour, dark forces attempt to penetrate this castles walls In the end their greatest weapon is you, there's something to think about....now off to bed pip pip' he said as everyone just stood there frozen with fear. Everyone started to disperse as I got up, I looked at Draco who had his head resting on one of his hands

'Come along, Draco' I said tapping him as he snapped out of it and just nodded. Since when was Malfoy mute?

I didn't take much notice so I went up to my room to see another bed there. Soon a little giddy first year came in and her smile faded as she looked at me in fear

'And you are..?' I looked confused at the girl

'Oh, erm. Leonora Harlow.' She cleared her tiny throat

The girl was so tiny, she looked up at me fearfully

'Blood?' I asked

'Oh erm Halfblood' she trembled

Oh great another filthy Halfblood. I scoffed

'Listen girl, stay out of my way then we will have no problems.' I eye her before waking over to my bed

'I know who you are. The girl they all talk about' she smiled

I mimicked her mockingly

'Of course it's me, who else would be the infamous y/n Peverell-Riddle?'

'I-I'm sorry, I'm new here'  she looked down

'Well of course you are. Listen, I know everything about everyone and who they are. I can get them killed with the snap of my fingers. So watch your back little one' I smirked

She then opened the door and ran out the room. If I was going to become a parent it's not my fault if my kids run away.

I looked at my timetable I was handed. Potions was first, how great! I better start getting ready for tomorrow. But I was bored so I went downstairs. I saw Draco by the fire looking into the dancing flames. He looked lost.

'Stressing?' I asked sitting next to him

'I don't want to die' he started to shake

'Your not going to, not under my watch your not' I smile

'Make me a promise. Never sacrifice yourself for me. Never die for me, okay?' He asked

'I can't keep that promise' I smile weakly

He hugged me.

'This is going to get harder and I-I'm scared. We have to succeed' he leans his head on my shoulder

'I know. But the cabinet can't be far from here. Tomorrow at twilight we will look for the cabinet.' I smirk

'Okay, see you in potions then' he kissed my forehead

'Bye' I got up and walked to my room

I saw that little girl, on my bed holding a photo. The one of my father and my biological mother

'Sentimental?' She smiled

'Oh you little first years give me issues. Now get off my bed!' I shout as she obeyed and went into her own

I set the picture frame down on the nightstand.

'Is it important to you?' The girl called

'I don't answer' i clamber into my bed

'Well I think—'

'Look I find first years annoying can't you get the message I don't want you here? Or are you little first years not that mature to see it?' I snarled

'You don't have to be mean' she crossed her arms hugging her little teddy

'You know why I find you annoying? It's becuase you don't keep your mouth shut' I turned the lamp off

I saw her come out beside me and turned the lamp back on

'God your more aggravating than when I first met Malfoy!' I shouted chucking a pillow at her in rage.

Oh Merlin help me

Soz for the late update!
I hope you love this and I'll see you soon!


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