𝙾𝚛𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚆𝚒𝚣𝚊𝚛𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙻𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚕 𝙴𝚡𝚊𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜

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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

The final day of exams, and the week before we are due to go home, and the week I get the Dark Mark.
Malfoy and I were not talking, well he tried to but I just ignored him. The last of the exams were DADA.

We all were waiting outside the great hall. I was sitting on the steps going over the last few pages of the full book. I looked up to see the Weasel twins laughing and holding brooms. I walked up the steps to see what they were doing

'What are you doing?' I asked

'Nothing. Well we figured we want to mess with Umbridge' they sniggered

I thought about this, but why not join

'Count me in' I smirked

They were surpised before their smiles turning into a mischievous one. They then passed me one of their brooms and a sachet of fireworks. I looked around the corner to see everyone had gone in.

'Right, mission is go' I smile

They then released a single firework and it made a huge bang.

'Ready?' They both asked me

'As I'll ever be' I smirked

Soon we both pushed off the ground as we saw that pink lump coke out the door. We zoomed past her nearly knocking her over. We all then swooped down and made everyone papers fly everywhere. Soon I released many fireworks as the air became Smokey, a firework nearly hit Malfoy in the face as his face was then imprinted on the wall: I chuckled before high five both the twins. We kept on throwing loads of fireworks. Soon we stopped to see everyone laughing and looking in wonder clapping.

Soon we all then got a big firework as I looked to the twins.
We all threw the firework in the air as it took form of a dragon. It went straight for Umbridge as it then chomped her, she started running out as we zoomed out of the Great Hall and out into the courtyard. I saw they had released another firework in a shape of a 'W' which was their last name.

I dismounted my broom to be engulfed with everyone clapping. I then turned to see Potter on the floor, Mudblood crouched next to him.

The only word I needed to hear was

'Sirius' Potter said

And that was it, I needed to go to the Department of Mysteries at once. To alert everyone Potter and his friends are coming to get what my father wants.

I soon ran back inside and got my broom. And went to the astronomy tower, I then mounted my broom and went off into the sky I noticed. I flew over miles until I saw London. I dismounted and ran to the same red telephone box. I then made it go down until I saw I was now in the Ministry, swarmed in many workers. I then started to run to the Department of Mysteries avoiding any guards. I had my wand on me, I opened the door and I saw all the crystal balls. They lighted up the dark and it was pretty. I came across one with my name on it

The Dark Lords Daughter born months before the seventh month. Seeks nothing than to fulfil her fathers wishes, but with the power she holds, power that is unknown to many can vanquish the Dark Lord along with the Chosen one. She may be on the dark side and learn to love and nurture like her mother. When the time comes, she too cannot live while the other survives' I heard Trelawneys face pop up as she speaks. I look at it, what does it mean?
'Cannot live while the other survives' what can it mean?

I then ran down as I looked to the next one which had Potters name on it. I soon found Step mother and gave her a big hug

'Y/n my love' Bellatrix hugged me

I gave Lucius a cold stare as mother helped me get into a deatheater costume.

'You do me proud' bellatrix kissed my forehead smiling

I loved having her back. But all we have to do is wait for his friends. And I don't think it will be long.

I put on a smirk. But my mind was swirling with my prophecy.

I liked being apart of the dark side, I was the villain, I was the feared one. I was powerful, cunning, ambitious. And I liked it.

I stayed my Bellatrix's side as she held my hand.

'What's Azkaban like?' I asked

'I've been locked up in that stinkhole for more i can remember! Oh it is worse than death y/n. But mind you I am set free now so I can do whatever I want!' She cackled

'Obviously with me by your side' I smirked

'That's my little deatheater' she smiled

And we await the arrival of Potter and his gang

Hiii I'm updating as much as I can! I hope you enjoyed and I will see you soon!


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