𝙾𝚗𝚎 𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚏𝚞𝚕 𝚕𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚗

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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

We all went to our first lesson. I was walking alongside Malfoy. He gripped my hand as we both entered the room. Late. People looked at our interlocked hands as I pulled away

'Ah! Mister Malfoy! Come on' she clapped her hands

Malfoy walked to his seat next to Crabbe as I stood there, I found a seat next to mudblood, well that was the only seat left.

She looked at me

'Hello Mudblood' I smirked

She didn't reply and looked to Umbitch

I took my wand out

'Oh no dear you will not be needing you wand' Umbitch said to me

'Why the fuck not? It's defence against the dark arts not Mudblood studies' I scoffed

'I know farewell what this lessons is, miss—?'

'Peverell-Riddle, y/n Peverell-Riddle' leant back in my chair with a smug expression

She looked a bit frightened at the name.

I then saw on the blackboard that there was O.W.L's written on the board.

'As I was saying, study hard and you will be rewarded,fail to do so and the consequences may be severe' she smiled

We all saw her tap her wand and the books all came out. I looked at it and my jaw dropped. We are not beginners in DADA. Who does she think she is?!

I looked to see Mudblood and everyone had the same expression.

'Previous instruction in this subject has been disturbingly uneven but plead to know from now on you will be following a carefully structured approved course of defensive magic' she continued as I flipped through the book there was nothing about magic. Was this even a class anymore?
I then looked to the side to see Mudblood raised her hand, Umbridge nodded as she spoke

'There's nothing in here about using defensive spells.'

'Using spells? Haha, well I can't imagine why you would need to use spells in my classroom.' Umbridge came forward looking at Mudblood

'Isn't that what this class is for? Leaning how to use spells. Plus this isn't your classroom, I bet there had been many others that can't even last a year' I glared at her

Umbitch looks at me but didn't dare speak

'We're not going to use magic?' Weasley looked at her

'Weasley, do you have ears that's exactly what is happening' I rolled my eyes as I felt Mudblood scowl at me

You will be learning about defensive spells in a secure risk-free way' she told all of our bored faces enthusiastically

'What use is that if we are going to be attacked it won't be risk free' Potter interrupted

'Students will raise their hands when they speak in my class' she turned her back

'What for stating the facts. Oh please. If I have to listen to anymore of your nonsense I'll just make myself jump off the astronomy tower.' People were shocked, even Potter and his gang were shocked I was actually agreeing with him

'It is the view of the Ministry that a theoretical knowledge would be sufficient to get you though your examinations which after all is what school is about' she cough in her high pitched voice

'Firstly Miss whatever your name is, have you even been to school. It's not all about learning, plus why do you even use the Ministry as a defence on your behalf. I mean have you even taught a class?' I scoffed leaning forward

'Like Riddle said, but how's theory supposed to prepare us for what's out there' Potter throes his hands up

'There is nothing out there, dear. Who do you imagine wants to attack children like yourself' Umbitch laughed

The audacity—

'Umbitch do you even live in this world. Your deluding yourself' I shouted

'Oh I don't know maybe my father'
'Oh I don't know maybe Lord Voldemort'
Me and Potter both said sarcastically, everyone looked at us as I stared at Potter.

She looked from me to Potter. There was a huge silence and I only heard someone's pencil drop.

'Now let me make this quite plain. You have been told that a certain dark wizard is at large once again. This. Is . A.Lie' she came down the aisle of people staring at me and Potter

'It's not a lie I saw him I fought him!' Potter shouted

'Detention! Mr.Potter.' Umbridge screamed

'So according to you Cedric Diggory dropped dead of his own accord' Potter stated

'Cedric Diggory's death was a tragic accident' she looked at Potter

How dare she?!

'Don't you dare speak his name in that way! It was murder he was killed by my father you must know that!' I shouted standing up

'ENOUGH! Enough. Miss Peverell-Riddle, Mr Potter. See me later,my office.' She smiled sickly

'I'm not finished! You and everyone in this room might think that Potter is the only one that saw....well he wasn't' I looked to see everyone staring at me, so was Potter. I walked over to Potter, and stood next to him

'I was there, and I saw everything Potter is saying. The graveyard...Cedric' I looked at Umbridge who had an unreadable expression

'Miss Peverell-Riddle, sit down at once!' She stomped her foot on the floor

'You' Potter whispered standing up facing me

'You were that deatheater that took flesh out of my forearm. That out my blood into that cauldron' he looked at me

'What are you talking about?!' I rejected

'Lift up your left arm' he orders

'What no! I'm not a deatheater' I walked back

'Give me your arm, Riddle' he grabbed my left arm. I tried to run around the room


I went to the front and lifted my left forearm up.

'See Potter? I'm not one of them, when I touched the cup first I did get transported but I apparated' I had an evil glint in my eye

'Sorry I don't know what got to me' he ran his fingers through his hair

'No problem' I nodded

I took my place next to Mudblood.

We worked in silence as we all got dismissed. That woman is so annoying

Harry's pov

Why was y/n being so nice?? She stood up for me agains that cow. And she had no mark on her left forearm. Nothing made any sense in this world, I felt as if the world was out of place. I walked out as Hermione and Ron followed

Who knew what y/n was up to. But it certainly wasn't good, but this made me change perspective on her.

Harry is filling himself! But damn nearly got exposeedddd

Anyway I'll see y'all's tomorrow and I hope you have a good day. Lmk what u think :)

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