𝙼𝚎𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚎 𝚂𝚕𝚞𝚐𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚗

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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

Okay I overslept. I missed breakfast and I quickly flew on my robes. I looked to the bed with that girl on it, stupid thing didn't wake me up. I quickly ran down the hall, took some lefts and rights and walked in to see everyone shift and look at me. I stuffed a piece of gum in my mouth to keep my stomach at bay. Slughorn's face turned pale, he looked like he'd seen a ghost

'Tom?' He asked

'Slughorn, how wonderful to see you. Y/n Peverell-Riddle' I smirked before taking my place next to Draco.

'M-Merlins beard. It's like seeing your father again. You resemble him a lot ' He huffed looking horrified

'Nice to know' I smirked

He then couldn't take his eye off me, it was like he was....scared of me? It was like he was nervous.
I saw he started to shake

'As I was saying, I prepared my concoctions this morning, any ideas what these might be?' Slughorn asked all of us coming out from the desk and next to the potions.

My hand shot up. I was the only one as he looked like his life flashed before his eyes. I knew everything about him.

'G-go on then Miss Peverell-Riddle' he said quietly

I was like my father, very smart.

'That one there is Veritaserum...it's a truth telling serum, it's terribly tricky to make' she said looking at the potion. I looked at the small vial

'Yes, yes and the next one?' He asks quietly

'That one there is Amortentia, the most powerful love potion in existence,It's rumoured to smell differently to each person according,what attracts them. It was considered to be a powerful and highly dangerous potion. As stated, it was dangerous to underestimate a powerful infatuation. Despite its power, Amortentia did not create actual love; as it was impossible to manufacture or imitate love. It caused a powerful infatuation or obsession from the drinker. It had a distinctive mother-of-pearl sheen, and steam rose from it in characteristic spirals.' I finished triumphantly as everyone turned to look at me wondering how I know. I saw Mudblood raging.

I gave him my signature smirk that father used to do. I knew it brought him back memories.

'Well sniff it then' he gestured to move towards the swirling potion.

I looked around and sniffed it. I smelt mahogany apple. Books, cologne, ink and wet grass. I frowned at it...Draco? I scolded myself, what if he didn't smell the same?

'Well, tell us what you smell.' Horace smiled

Shit. Er-make something up!

'Nothing, I smell nothing' I stared blankly at Slughorn who looked most surprised

'But how? I remember your father telling me the same. But that can't be right' he said as I walked to my original position.

Slughorn talked about what I said

The girls started to inch near it as he closed the lid, all the girls looked distraught

'And for that reason, it's probably the most dangerous potion'

'Merlin y/n, I know you didn't smell just anything in the potion. Wait til after class' Malfoy said in my ear as he brushed his lips over my ears inching closer.

'Malfoy will you keep your sexual activity with miss Riddle outside the classroom' Slughorn said

I felt embarrassed.

'Sir he was just telling me something.' I spoke up

'Then would you like to share?' He asked

I knew this is what teachers do to humiliate pupils, most of them would back down.

'He just wanted to see me after class.' I smirked as he nodded

Tracy then gestured to a tiny vial.

Ah yes, you see before you , ladies and gentlemen. A curious little potion' Slughorn unclamps the tiny vial.

'Known as felix Felicis, it is more commonly referred to as'—-

'Liquid luck' Hermione butts in holding her book
'Yes Miss Granger, Liquid luck, tricky to make, disastrous should you get it wrong' he held the tiny water like vial. I then made a loud bubble with my gum and it popped making everyone's head turn towards me. I smirked and gave them a bitchy dirty look whilst chewing.

'One sip and you will find all your endeavours succeed' I looked at it eagerly, I saw Draco snap his head up. I know we were thinking the same thing.

I needed that. I had to get it, we just...had to.

Slughorn went on about how we could actually win this. He then told the page number as I hurried to my station. I didn't need a potions book, I had already mastered most of the advanced potions becuase Severus would always come over when I was small and teach me all about the art of Potions. By 5 I was able to brew the Draught of Living Death, which is what we had to make.

I started started to get all my ingredients and brew them. I saw everyone was following the instructions. Snape taught me different. Your meant to crush not cut. All the ingredients were flying everywhere. Someone's cauldron even blew up. Some peoples even started spluttering green goo.  I even saw Mudblood know-it-all struggling with her hair all poofy. Malfoy had taken his robe off, I then started walking around the room, i spat out my gum and put it In Finnigan's cauldron and next minute I knew the potion blew up in his face. I went back to where I was

'How are you doing it?' Malfoy gritted his teeth

'Intuition. And remembering' I smiled.

Everyone accept me and Potter were struggling.
It was funny to watch, even Slughorn regretted setting this task. This was advanced potions not a toddler's play.

Soon everyone had, I guess finished. I smirked proudly as he dropped a single leaf into the mixture as it disintegrated immediately .

'Merlins beard. It is perfect! Utterly perfect. I'm my years I haven't seen this since—' he then trailed off looking down

'Since what?' I asked

'Your father...' he then went over to Potter and had the same reaction. How is he brewing it right? I'm the potions queen?!

He then called me and Potter up.

'Two vials of Felix Felicis, use it well' he gave us both the little bottle. I looked at Draco who nodded excitedly, this gives us a bit of hope. Slughorn started clapping as I nearly burst out laughing at everyone's expressions, they were either burnt, or something went wrong.

We all got dismissed but Slughorn kept me behind

'I'm not sure if I properly introduced myself, sir' I shook hands with him

'I was wondering if you'd like the more attend a little get together I do every year.' He asked

I knew what this was, the Slug Club. My father was in it so why deny?

'Certainly' I shook hands

I hope you liked it and I will see you soon! Ily all for reading <33


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