𝚀𝚞𝚒𝚍𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚌𝚑 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚊𝚌𝚔

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Today was glorious day! We attack the quidditch World Cup! How lovely. I waltzed down the green marble stairs of the Riddle Manor Into the drawing room.

'Ahhh my child' Father says giving me my deatheater mask

'For me? But I'm not a deatheater yet?' I question

'But I can't trust you will be' he smirks as I take my mask

'If anyone fails you, kill them' he warns I jumped upstairs screaming happily! I just got my first Deatheater mask, this one was different it had green gems around the sides and a intricate pattern,none of the other deatheater masks have one like mine. This must of been handmade. I put my outfit on and stuffed my mask in my nylon bag, I looked in my golden mirror.  I looked badass, I quickly put my eyeliner on and put on my snake earrings, I had to look the part so I then  apparated to the Quidditch World Cup, I was swarmed with hundreds of sweaty people, I gagged. I soon went up to the stadium where people were heading to. I gave the signal to hidden deatheaters to do it after the match, I walked up the steep stairs, I got into a high row and sat down next to a pale girl with a bob cut. We were surrounded by peoples chattering. It was weird.

'That seats taken. Scram mudblood'  she says turning in her seat to face me

'Mhm, does it have a name on it?' I challenge crossing my arms

'Er that belongs to Draco Malfoy, the Draco Malfoy, your too poor to even be in his presence!' She remarked and I whispered closely in her ear

'Actually I am the opposite, do not test my power because I can crush you like a bug, you do not want to mess with someone like me' i smirked

'How do you know what I am?! I've never seen you now get out!' She tried pushing me off but I grabbed her wrist

'Your lucky I didn't tell my father about you, or you you'll be dead like Potter's parents' I snarls

'Ugh, look over there that's him, here he comes now get out so I can see my Dray!' She squealed as he came through the row of people with chocolate frogs in his hand.

She's dating him? Well that's new?

'Dray can you tell this little Mudblood to get out your seat' she looked expectantly at Draco

I just stared at him, that was the same boy I encountered, he looked at me wide eyed I stood up nearly tripping over. We stared at eachother until The pug broke it.

'Well? What are you waiting for Drakie,do something!' She started to get angered

'Y-you' he huffed in disbelief

'Yes, me' I said smiling wickedly

He then snapped out of a daze and turned to Pugface

'Pansy, let her sit here. I'm sure you won't get to jealous of some 'mudblood' right' he mocks before he sat next to me, she huffed back looking down

The game commenced, all I could think about was the attack.

Soon they finished, I did like quidditch but I wasn't as passionate as the crowd, I descended the stairs and out into the forest where we all met. I made sure everyone was there before we all changed into our big black cloaks and masks.

'Now if you mess this up you will suffer' i seeth pointing my wands at them all we marched out of the forest

We then went into a line formation, we all got logs from the woods and set them alight.

We soon started chanting setting tents on fire and killing people, smoke erupted every inch of the atmosphere, I heard all of them run and scream in fear, people started to get back to portkeys. We kept on marching through the tents, in a matter of minutes, the whole quidditch cup place was up in flames, I laughed before pointing my wand up into the sky and shot a green bullet out of it, it exploded into a green deatheater mark, with a skull and a snake moving coming out of its mouth. I cackled before kicking the ruins and burnt down tents, people have now fled the scene so it is just us. I walked over to Barty Crouch Jr who was looking at someone in the distance. The sweet stench of death filling the air was heavenly.

'Who is it' I whisper, I walked over the dead bodies and rubble to see a knocked out boy with circular classes and thick brown mid length hair, he was sprawled out on the floor actually looking like a dead body. But I looked at his forehead to see a lightning bolt scar on his skin. Harry Potter he was. I pulled my wand out and put it to his forehead, he was still alive, soon I saw him look at me, well my deatheater mask anyway, he tried to wiggle but  have my wand now, at his throat. Soon I went tumbling back into a tree? He must of hit me with a spell.My hair flew out from under my hood but gladly not my mask. We soon started to duel before I knocked him out on the floor. I went over to Barty

'Keep an eye on him' I mutter as he nods

'Yes,certainly' he mutters keeping a close eye. I apparate back tired but satisfied

'Father it is fulfilled, nobody backed down, everything has been done' I say like a robot

'Well done my girl' he comes and hugs me, he never shows emotion to anyone but only with me.

But those ocean-grey eyes is all that played on my mind.

Him, Draco Malfoy. Father told me I was to wed someone but he has never said who. I locked myself in my bedroom and put my mask into a cabinet with my wand, I keep my prized possessions in hay canner, like the one photo of my mother. Lolanthe Peverell.

Well, soon I'll be going to school, Beauxbatons bring it on.

I've learnt most things that they learn in 7th year. That's how advanced I am, even Madame Maxime could see I was not ordinary, but powerful. And it was dangerous.

Hiii, hope you like it! See your soon! I forgot to mention that Voldy was literally a baby, he is not a human...yet.


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