𝙼𝚘𝚘𝚍𝚢 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙼𝚊𝚕𝚏𝚘𝚢

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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

I walked upstairs but I got grabbed and pushed into a dark classroom.

'Heiress, it is I...Barty' the man looked around closing the door of the classroom.

'Barty? Barty you sneaky man.How did you even get in here?' I came forward to look at him

'Well, I stole Polyjuice potion. And here I am...Barty as Moody. And I need you to help me' he looked at me with an evil glint in his eye

I giggled lowly before leaning in

' I'm listening' I said

'Well. I was thinking we sneak into the Great Hall and put Harry Potters name in the goblet. When it comes to the third task, I will know in advance. So we can ambush and trick him. Your father agrees' he looked proudly at me

'Are you insane, of course I'd love it! Seeing Potters life be ruined is like winning a million galleons.Pfft. I can't wait to see their faces when they find out it was all a game' i cackled

'Very well Heiress, meet me at twilight infront if the Great Hall. We will put his name in then, a day before the names of the champions are being drawed out' he whispers

'Great! Night Barty' I said going to the door

'You won't tell anyone about this, not even the Malfoy boy' he guarded the door

'Of course not. He is not to be trusted, plus his parents are pathetic, ha! Imagining being married into that joke of a family' I wipe away a tear from laughing

'Of course!' He laughs nervously before letting me slip out the door.

I ran down the hall and opened the door of the Slytherin common room. I saw everyone stop and go quiet as I walk in. I smiled sickly before walking down the stone stairs, all you could hear was the clicking of my little heel.

I then saw the same bob cut hair girl rush and fall to her knees kissing my feet.

'I'm so sorry! Forgive me, I-I don't want to die! Spare me! I beg of you!' She started breaking down crying

I kicked her off and looked at her disgustingly. My foot hit her in the face as she looked at me.

'Get off of me, don't ever speak to me...your lucky I'm feeling generous you don't know the things I could do' she nodded rapidly before getting to her feet

'Thank you! Oh, thank you' she bowed a lot of times

'Just shut up and stop embarrassing yourself, you fool' i sneered before pushing past her

'Oh Drakie, she's hurt me! Do something!' She started crying going to the sofa and clinging into the boys arm.

He shoves her off and stood up to come over to me. I look skeptical, I don't like anyone really invading my presence.

'What on earth in Salazar's sake are you doing' i scoff

'What, don't like me? Wow that hurts my feelings' he pretended to faint as people sniggered

Nobody makes a joke out of me

'Malfoy, your family is such a joke they have to beg for their lives to me and my father' i laughed as he froze, everyone did too.

He soon came back to life

'W-well you're a murderer. I've seen it! And plus me and my girlfriend Pansy are inlove, your so cold you don't even have a heart to love someone other than yourself' he shot back

I turned to him, it kind of hurt. But I didn't let it show

'You're just saying that to cover your own embarrassment, pathetic! Take your own advice and leave me alone!' I looked angrily at him

'Awh is Riddle sad? Hey look everyone Riddle is sad!' He pointed to my face as many Slytherins to laugh.

I got my wand out and made it expand into a staff and pelted it at his stomach, he doubled over as I pull him up and push him roughly to the wall. He started to whimper

'W-wait til my father hears about this' he breathed out scared

'Awh is Malfoy being a scaredy-cat? Hey look everyone, Malfoy is a big giant scaredy blonde haired freak! Don't be shy come out and play, if you're so brave, oh what's wrong Malfoy? To scared to even fight back?' I shouted at everyone letting him go, mocking him. Pushing him back into the wall harshly.

Everyone howled as I used his quote as karma.

Malfoy then got up and hid his head out of shame, limped up to his room as many bitchy girls followed to 'comfort' him'

'Oh and Malfoy!'

All of his friends including him turned around

'Wait til my father hears about this! He'd love to hear all about our little chat' I shouted

I saw the life leave his eyes before they all ran up to Malfoy's room.

I laughed and grabbed a book and quill and started to draw in my journal. I leant on a shelf drawing what I saw, I was rather a good artist if I say so myself. But not that I'd let anybody know.

'You're a rather good artist' someone said behind me as I jumped and shut my book I swung around and hit them in the face.

They grunted and fell to the floor, it was a boy with brown curtains

'Merlin that hurt more than a bludger' he got up and rubbed his cheek

'What do you want?' I look at him

'S-snape wanted to see you, tomorrow' he said Boeing before leaving

'name?' I ask

He pointed to himself

'M-me?' He asked

'Yes who else' I roll my eyes, I saw he was in a quidditch uniform, he must be in the team. He froze

'Well spit it out, or are you too nervous' i smirked

'M-Marcus Flint' he said before running away

Nice name for a boy. But I could care less. I went up into my room. Father wanted me to have my own so I got granted a whole chamber to myself. I had a beautiful desk and a big bed which was what I wanted.

I set up my things and went into my pyjamas and hung up my Beauxbaton uniform ready for tomorrow.

Hiii again I've updated! Anyway I'll update tomoz now!


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