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Y/N's pov

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Y/N's pov

Father was angry. The wand he used had failed him against Potter. And he also heard about Fleur and Weasleys wedding and want us to attack there. But that's too much, I mean to ruin a wedding. That's just rude,

But I had no choice, and neither did Draco. We all put our deatheater robes and mask on. We then started to fly in the air surrounded by black smoke until  the Weasley burrow came into my view, I saw lights. And people dancing. Now I wish I could be that happy. I heard music come closer as I then felt myself crash into the big tent. I got my wand out and lit the place on fire as people started to scream and run around, it was chaos. It turned into a whole battle. I took on Lupin, I fired and he blocked. I felt deatheaters set more things on fire. I knew my father a little while ago had killed the Minister of Magic, and I know he had plans on making Pius the new Minister. Out the corner of my eye I saw Mudblood,Weasel and Potter disapparate. After a while if more destroying peoples lives I retreated. Me and Draco landed on the floor of the Malfoy Manor.

'We have to go after Potter' I said getting out my robes and into my usual clothes

'Your joking?' He said hyperventilating

'We have to see where they are, for our lives' i exclaimed

We got changed, I held hands with Draco. The world around us swirled and I felt myself on the streets of London. There were so many mudbloods and things like cars. And red big busses. I found Draco as he looked as confused as I was.

'We need to find Potter' I said walked swiftly up the London roads.

'How?I mean, England is huge' Draco caught up to me. I rolled my eyes

'I'm hungry' Draco whined after a while of walking around

'What am I supposed to do about that?' I scowled at Draco

'Uh buy me something' he chucked

I pulled him into a random food store. It was called, Tesco.

We looked around, because we have never been in a Mudblood store, we had no clue what to do. Our younger selves had never thought about ever stepping foot in a store like this. Let alone buying something

We saw other people get a basket and pick random things up.

'What do you want from this Mudblood joke store?' I seethed

I followed Draco up and down the aisles of food. He picked something up, and it looked like sweets.

'What is that' I pointed in disgust

'Something called Cadbury Galaxy bar' he exclaimed looking at the wrapping.

'Sounds disgusting.' I grimaced

'Please get it' he pleaded

'How, we have no money. Plus we are on a mission!' I hissed

He dropped to his knees in the middle of the shop almost crying like a five year old. People gave us odd stares

'Alright alright. Now get up!' I helped him up as he hugged me, I got some other stuff like drinks and something they call crisps. We waited in the line and we finally got to the checkout point.

The woman chewing gum, she had many piercings and pink hair. More like a punk girl, if they call it that.

'That will be ten pounds' she concluded scanning the little chocolate bar and other things

I had nothing, I rummaged through my pockets to see a galleon. I placed it on the counter looking at her. Draco next to me was about to burst out laughing. The lady just looked at it

'We don't accept Kids play money' she said

The nerve—

'But is isn't money, that's a galleon' i smirk

'It's not the 1800's anymore. To me that's a kids play money' she said handing the money back

'But it's real money. Do you not know what's galleon is?' I started to get irritated

'Miss we only accept sterling money. Surely you know what that is' she scoffed

I laughed nervously. Of course I didn't. We don't come from here

'Pffttt of course I do, let me just get my money' I played it off. I turned to Draco

'Draco I have nothing, when I say run. We run.' I whisper

He nodded, she bagged the food.

'Oh and by the way, you' she leaned over the checkout point

'Are you single?' She said seductively raising an eyebrow up to Draco, who flushed a deep red.

This girl for real?

'I-er well.' He said but I cut him off

'We're engaged. So bye' I said sarcastically

'You still haven't payed' she looked at me

'Look I don't care if I haven't payed you'll pay when I hex your ass—' I stopped as Draco nudged me.

I placed the another galleon on the counter

'Miss, like I said we don't accept this kind of...money' she handed the galleons back

'But it's real money, you Mudbloo—' i sneered as Draco held my waist

'Your holding up the line, I'm going to have to call security' she said going to a telephone

'Well, call them but you'll never see us again. RUN!' I shouted as we got the bag and me and Draco started to run

I heard the lady shout for us to get back. We ran all the at up.

I got my wand out to a random car. The lady was still chasing us

'Alohomora' I whispered

'Get in the car' Draco opened the door, I was in the driving seat. I had not clue how to work this thing. I looked around to see so many buttons

'I don't know how to drive this thing!' I shouted

I stepped on the pedal and we went zooming off. I couldn't stop so now we were zooming at speed down the street

'Draco, we're going to crash' i shout turning the wheel as we then kept turning and turning until we crashed into a lamppost. I saw a ballon type thing hug my face and deflate. There was smoke coming from everywhere as bystanders looked at us.

We both go out and looked around.

'We just robbed a car and a muggle store!' Draco ran hands though his hair

'Relax, that was fun' I laughed I looked into a random café to see Potter, Mudblood and Weasel there. That's it I found them.

We went down an alley as I sent a message to the deatheaters to send Rowle and Dolohov to come try and kill Potter.

We both then walked down the street until we saw a big statue and fountains. It was known as Trafalgar Square. And it was pretty. We sat on the steps laughing and eating Mudblood stuff. I mean it actually tasted quite good. I even saw Draco smile more than I've seen in ages.

But obviously all good things come to an end. 

Comedic y/n and Draco! LOL I was so exited to write this chapter because I've been planning this in advance! Lol when they both went into a muggle store!

Anyways ty for reading <33


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