𝟐 » 𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒅 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 «

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The sisters De Angelis just walk into my house. Nica opens the fridge and opens a smoothie. "Hey I wanted to drink that", Nica already drank everything. I give her a middle finger. Victoria and her little dog Chili sits down next to me. "You are literally white, are you dead". She pokes with her finger in my cheek, and I roll with my eyes. I feel digusting again. "I had the most weird dream tonight, and I keep having flashbacks".

Veronica sits down on a chair and looks giggling at me, "about what?". I hide my face in my hands, it's too embarrassing. "About Thomas". Vic starts laughing and so does Nica. "What kind of dreams", Vic asks curious. "You know, hot dreams". The sisters laugh even harder. I blush, and Nica lights herself a cigarette. "Give me one", I steal her lighter and a cigarette. "So you are having dreams, hot dreams about your ex", Victoria continues talking about it.

I stick out my tongue to Victoria, so she maybe shuts her mouth about it. "Okay okay, I'm sorry I'll stop". She smoke in my lungs make my head clear, all the thoughts fly away. For minutes it's quiet, not awkward, but there just is a silence.

After Nica and I finished our cigarette, Victoria breaks the silence. "Let's go, I need new clothes". I look wide-eyed in Vic her eyes, "girl have you seen your wadrobe". "You only saw it a few weeks ago", Vic smiles nice. Nica raises her eyebrow. "Sis, it only became more". Without saying something Victoria and Chili run towards the door, and open it. Nica and I cuckle.

"Omg I love my new clothes so bad", Victoria is looking at one of her new tops. We shopped for three hours and Nica and I are tired as fucked. "How can you still have energy, my legs hurt", I start my light green Fiat 500, the iconic car makes noice and we drive out of the busy city.

"Shall we go to my place, we can lunch?", Victoria sits next to me and asks, Nica sits on the back seat. "Is Thomas there?", she starts laughing and give her the holy finger. My eyes stay on the road, I don't want to kill people. "Maybe, I don't know. You can ignore him, you cannot keep avoiding him forever. An-", she stops talking and giggles. Nica isn't here with her mind, she's on her phone.

"What Vic?!", I stop the car for some kids who want to cross the road. "And I won't tell him about your wild dream last night". "Shut up, I mean it. I throw you out my car now and you can walk home, bitch". She can't hold her laugh. "It's not funny miss de Angelis!".

I stop in front of the bands house, it's a huge house at the outide of Rome. I'm kinda nervous, it's gonna be so fucking awkward if Thomas is here. "Elena watch out!", Nica scream. I just killed a flower. "Rest in peace", Veronica says and I giggle, "I'm sorry flower".

I'm so relieved, Thomas is not here. Vic was probably not gonna hold her laugh when Thomas was here. And than she would probably tell him about my dream last night. "Want something to drink?", Vic opens the fridge and Nica and I sit down. I really missed Victoria, I haven't spoke to her in at least three weeks, and I never came here after Thomas and I broke up. It still feels weird being here.

October 21th 2019

I wake up early, like early early. it's 6:09 AM. Thomas his legs are over mine and one arm is wrapped around me. He still sleeps. A smile appears on my face, he looks so hot. I wring myself out of his arms without waking him, giving him a few little kisses and his forehead. His hair looks messy.

So does the room, our clothers everywhere. As quiet as I can I walk down stairs, only in a shirt and slip. The floor makes a noice when I step into the living room. I look around and my heart stops for a second, damiano is sleeping on the couch. I think I got a heart attack.

"O my gosh", I whisper-scream. Maybe a little too load, because Damiano wakes up. "What the fuck are you doing here", I sit down next to him, he looks pretty tired. He yawns. "I have the room next to Thomas, and the walls aren't that thick".

The singer sighs annoyed, I chuckle. "I'm sorry". "Did you really had to scream, I was almost asleep", now he laughs too. "I'm sorry Dam, next time he can come to my house".

Someone is ringing the doorbel. Veronica, Victoria and I are playing monopoly, I'm winning. "I can open the door". I run towards the door. You can't see who it is so I open it quickly. "Hi I'm sorry I forgot my key-", Thomas stops talking and my heart stops beating. "Hi Elena", he looks straight in my eyes. I can't talk, but I try. "H-hi Thomas", we smile awkwardly.

"Uhm h-how are y-you?", I ask him. "okay, you?". I nod, "also okay". I go out of the way, to let Thomas in his own house. Chills on my arms, and I think my whole face is red. He changed nothing, I even recognized his shirt.


Seeing Elena again feels so weird. The last time I saw her, I broke up with her. It was not because I did not love her anymore. My metal health wasn't stabil, and I just needed to focus on myself instead of on my girlfriend. I told this to nobody, only my therapist. I'm doing so much better now.

She looks so beautiful, I look at her while she walks back to the living room. I really think she hates me, or she just thinks I hate her. I should have told her what was going on with me, instead of dumping her without telling her a reason. I feel bad about it. And she deserves so much better.

I lay in my bed, it's late, almost 3 AM. I can't sleep. Elena was broken when we broke up, that is what Victoria always told me, but when I saw her today I could see it in her eyes. She still wanted me. But I'm too pussy to explain her in real life what was going on with me back than.

*chat messages between Thomas and Elena*

T: Elena, I want to explain something.

E: over the phone

T: I can come to your house right now

E: no, please don't.

T: let me explain why I broke up with you

E: couldn't you do that, like uhm.... four months ago

T: You have all the right to be angry Elena, but let me explain.

T: my mentall health status was bad, and my therapist told me to take some time for myself, to focus on my mental health.

E: and you couldn't tell me when you decided to dump me after 3 years of dating.

T: Please Elena I really dont want to fight with you, can we talk tomorrow.

E: ok

T: I'll be at yours at 2?

E: ok 


:P :P :P :P :P these bitches are just too cute 

𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒆 - 𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝑹𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒊Where stories live. Discover now