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Today is going to be a day, none of use will ever forget. From now on, I'll be Elena Raggi, instead of Elena colombo. The location is perfect, it's in a sort of forest with a huge country house, were. Blossom tree's are everywhere around us, and the hot sun is shining into the house. My bestfriend, Giorgia, Victoria and Veronica look beautiful in their long baby pink dresses, the best bridesmaides I could ever wish for. "Isn't it time for your dress?", Veronica asks, while she and Victoria are dressing Luna, who is wearing a white dress with little diamonds, and a bow in her hair, also with diamonds.

"My gosh girls, you have no idea how insanely nervous I am", I say, chuckling, looking at my dressing hanging on the door. Shaking I let my fingers slide over the white dress, with diamonds. The diamonds form some sort of pattern. It's just my dream dress. "Let us help, get you into it", carefully, Giorgia takes the dress of the door. And with three girls they have to help me in the dress, but oh gosh, it's so totally worth it.

"Oh my, girl you're making me cry", Victoria gasps, looking at me. I wrap my arms around her, "I love you girls". Before I can even hug Giorgia or Veronica, my daughter starts crying. I take her out of the pram, and start rocking her. "Look at you two", Giorgia squeals, and starts taking pictures. "Aren't you happy for mamma and papa?", I whisper against Luna her cheek, and she plays with my earrings. By now, she is ten months, and she grew, a lot.

My dad is here, to give me away. And he looks so good in a suit, which he never wears. Samantha and my mom are sitting next to each other, and both look very beautiful. "You look so gorgeous sweetie", he smiles, and walks towards his grand-daughter, playing with her tiny little hands. Someone I don't know opens the door, and I see Thomas standing on the end of the aisle, in a white suit, a super cute tie, and a black blouse. Everyone stands up, looking at me, when my dad starts walking, so I follow. All the watching people make me even more nervous than I already was. On the front row on Thomas his side, are Damiano, Ethan and his parents. And my three beautiful bridemaides, with my daughter, and Samantha and my mom are on my front row.

Tears are in Thomas his eyes, and quickly he wipes them away. The guitarist takes my hands, and my dad walks towards his seat. "You look stunning as fucked dolcezza". I feel chills running over my skin, when he calls me dolcezza. "I welcome you all, one this day, where we celebrate the love between Thomas Raggi and Elena Colombo", the man starts, and I stare into my almost husbands eyes. "Is there someone who objects to this marriage, speak now or forever hold your peace". And luckily now one speaks, how could they, we are the best couple in the universe. "Would you like to say something?", the man whispers, and I nod. "I would like to say something", I mutter, swallowing.

"My life has never been very easy, my parents got a divorce, and I got in a big fight with my dad and stepmom. But you was always with me. Every moment I wasn't feeling okay, you were there. And I'm glad you decided to stay with me, although I am that cry baby, to be such a perfect father for our little girl. We actually don't need marriage for knowing that we will always be there for each other. But I'm very glad you proposed", I smile towards Thomas, and the crowd chuckles. I didn't notice the tears in Thomas his eyes, until now. I quickly wipe them away. And I nod towards the man, gesturing that I'm done.

"Do you, Thomas Raggi, take Elena colombo to be your wife, what's your answer on that". Nerves spread in my body, but without a doubt he spoke. "I do", he gave a little squeeze in my hand. "And do you, Elena Colombo, take Thomas Raggi to be your husband, what's your answer on that?". And also I spoke without any doubt, "I do". Thomas smiled. "Than I now pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride", the man spoke, and the crowd started clapping and cheering. Thomas laughed for a tiny second and wrapped his arms around my waist. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pressed my lips on his.

The party started, and the band was about to perform. "Guys, you will have your whole life to cuddle, please get off of each other", Ethan says, when Thomas lifts me again and kisses me. "This is our day, so shut your face", Thomas shove his best friend a middle finger, and I turned his face towards me again, to kiss me. "Come here, the band will go performing", Giorgia signed me to come towards her and Veronica. Thomas, Ethan, Damiano and Victoria went on the stage, and Thomas grabbed the microphone. "For my lovely wife, I love you dolcezza", he yelled, and the music started. They played the song I loved most. 'le parole lontane'.

"Come l'aria mi respirerai

Il giorno che ti nasconderò

Dentro frasi che non sentirai

Che l'errore tuo è stato amarmi

Come se domani il mondo fosse uguale

A com'era ieri

Ma adesso lasciami credere che questo sia reale

Che sento l'ansia che sale

Bevo le lacrime amare

Ti prego lasciami perdere

Dentro l'acqua del mare

Che le parole lontane

Giuro te le voglio urlare

Perché ti sento lontana

Lontana da me

Perché ti sento lontana

I have to admit, I cried pretty hard during this song. But it were tears of joy, tears were I realized Thomas was my husband. I grab my phone. "What are you doing?", Giorgia asked, tried to grab my phone out of my hands. But I pushed her hand away, changing my username on all social media's to 'elenaraggi'. "Now I'm done", I giggled, and so did my best friend. The last few notes of the song came, and I made an air kis towards Thomas, who did it back. "Okay guys, we won't perform all night, since our guitarist wants to spend time with his wife, but one last party song than?", Damiano yelled in the phone and the whole crowd cheered.

"Oh il tempo va veloce, sì seguo le lancette

Ci scrivo le parole

Perché non l'ha mai dette

Chi dice che sto fuori

Puoi stare sicuro mente

Voglio entrare nei cuori, nei cuori di questa gente

Scrivo le canzoni, esprimo la mia mente

Voi poveri coglioni chiusi con le manette

Legati con i fili sembrate sì marionette

Ma scrivo le canzoni perché durino per sempre

Tu lasciami stare, tu lasciami stare

Ehi, lasciami stare

Lasciami volare via

After the song ended, my husband ran towards me, lifting me up. "I want to go to our room so badly", he whispered naughty in my ear, biting in it. "Not until the party is over, my lover", I whispered back, kissing his cheekbone. "I love you so much, my wife", he hugged me, while placing me on the dancefloor. I'm not wearing my wedding dress anymore, but a short version of it. "I love you more, my husband", I yelled, starting to dance around him. His hands took mine, and he pressed his body against mine, whispering in my ear, "it's just you and my baby".  


it's over, and I hate it, I loved writing this book the most of almost all of my books ig. Thank u all for your support, love y'all

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