𝟏𝟒 » 𝒈𝒓𝒐𝒄𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆 𝒔𝒉𝒐𝒑𝒑𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒔 𝒖𝒑 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕 «

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We are back, and it felt like we were gone for three months. I'm finally back in my own appartment, all alone, just a moment for myself. The flight back home felt like twelve hours, even though it were only three. The band and giorgia went to their house, and Veronica went to hers. So we could all recover from our trip, because it was a trip, and it was amazing.

My balcony doors fly open, making a lot of noise. My lungs fill themselves with the fresh air, which is the first time in days. The last few days the only air I breathed in was the air from cigarettes. The large mint green fridge is empty, only a bottle of old wine is in it. My body tells me to get some sleep.

Last night Thomas and I talked, a lot, about nonsense. Which was so nice, but I didn't got much sleep. My stomach tells me to go the grocery store. My eyes head off to my watch, I lived through the whole night. It's 10 AM. With a lot of reluctance in my whole body I step out of my appartment. I don't need a jetlag so my day isn't over yet.

Milk, eggs, apples, tomatos, one by on it disappears in my basket. Like a dead body I walk through the supermarket, when I hear a voice. And I recognize is immidiately. "Elena?", a blond long thin women with only chips and coca cola in her basket stand in front of me. It's Samantha. I don't look in her eyes, afraid of turning into stone. "Hello Samantha", I say, as cold as possible.

I want to walk away, ignoring her, letting her know I hate her. But with het long pointy pink nails she grabs my arm. The nails scratch into my skin. "Why are you acting like this Elena, your dad wants to know", I can walk away, I can ignore, but Thomas was right, it won't work. These two humans are too disrespectful to respect any of my choices.

"Let me go", I say, starting to sound angry. She ignore me, "why don't you talk to us anymore, Elena?". My blood is boiling. And I just wish Thomas was here, to protect me. "Maybe because you ruined my life, and not only my dad, also you did. My life was perfect until my parents got a divorce, and you came", I few people look around, while I yell at the women in front of me.

Within a second she lets go of my arm. "You are blaming your behavior on me?!", she seems insulted. I wanna beat her up so bad, I make a fist and squeeze in it so fast to not hit het against her cheek. "You have no idea what you have done to my family, to my dad. You have no idea how he was before you, and you really dare to ask me why I act like this".

She looks at me, deadly. But she keeps her mouth shut, which is smart of her, because she knows that I want to hit her. "And one more thing, I don't want to see or talk to any of you two for a while. Respect my fucking choice and leave me and my boyfriend alone". I yell, for the last time, before walking away.

I'm standing in front of the chocolate bars, thinking about if I should take caramel of M&M, when a tear roll down my cheek, A collaborator walks towards me. "Were you yelling at your mom?", the friendly women lays her hand on my shoulder and I wipe away my tears. "She is my stepmom", I hate calling Samantha my stepmom, because to me she is not.

"The evil stepmom", the collaborator says and I chuckle, wiping my last tears away, and nod. She smiles friendly, "don't worry, I had one too. And now I have three kids and a wife, and my stepmom, I never see her anymore". I smile, while thinking about Thomas, maybe we will have three kids once, and a life without Samantha, that seems a really good plan to me. "Thanks", I smile and the women smiles back.

*chat messages between Thomas and Elena*

T: dolcezza?

T: can I come over?

T: or are you sleeping?

T: I wanna know if you are okay

T: baby?

E: no I'm not sleeping

E: I'm doing groceries

E: but you have the key to my house, I will be there in twenty minutes.

T: okay, love you my little cutie pie

After paying all the groceries, I walk home, on my slowest tempo. I need some time, some time to process what happened ten minutes ago. I hate that women, even more than my dad. I didn't lied when I said she ruined my life, because she did.

*Elena posts a picture with Veronica and Giorgia*

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Tagged: nicaddd, giorgiasoleri_

Elenacolombo: Berlin with the badass girlsss

Comment: 29.291


Vicdeangelis: I wish I was there too

Elenacolombo: vicdeangelis we are nothing without our fourth member of badass girlsss


Ykaaar: awh my girlfriend looks so hot

Giorgiasoleri_: ykaaar don't get too excited

Ykaaar: giorgiasoleri_ ILYSSMMM <33


Thomasraggi__: my beautiful girl

Elenacolombo: thomasraggi__ I stole your belt, hope ya don't mind. LOVE YOUUUUU! < 3


Fan1: you are like so pretty

Fan5: thomasraggi__ you are so damn lucky

Fan8: for a moment I wish I was Thomas 


You thought your bf was perfect, have another look at Elena her bf

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