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I'm sweating, feeling nervous. Thomas massages my shoulders while I almost spill my tea over my brown sweater. "Baby please, calm down". Thomas and I are back together for two weeks, but it's going so well. We don't spend every minute together, so every evening we have something we can talk about.

University started three days ago, I study law. It seems so cool to me to be a lawyer. My dad asked me when I came over again yesterday, so I told him I would come over. But I didn't tell him Thomas and I are back together.

"I can't Thommy", we leave to my dad and his girlfriend Samantha in ten minutes, but I'm so not looking forward to it. I just wish I could never have to see my dad ever again. He probably still thinks I love him just like I love my mom, but he is wrong. Oh he is so wrong, I only love him because he is my dad, not because he is him, with his cold personality.

You know that feeling you have when you are going to the doctor or getting a vaccination. That is exactly the feeling I have in my stomach right now. Thomas pretends he is okay, but I know he has the same feeling. This time Thomas is driving, very slowly because he isn't the best driver. We both just want to turn around the car and ride back home.

"He is your dad Elena, he loves you. Maybe he does not show it, but I know it", Thomas strokes his hand over my leg and keeps his eyes straight on the road. I smile at my boyfriend and play with the metal rings around Thomas his finger. One of them is with a little moon, from maneskin. I gave it to him at his birthday two years ago. I can't believe he still has it.

The hard doorbell rings as soon as I press my finger on it. Thomas holds my hand and I squeeze in it. My dad opens the front door, "hi Elena, what took you so lo-". He raises his left eyes brow when he sees Thomas. My boyfriend squeezes my dad and laughs nervously. "Thomas, I didn't now you were still in my daughter life, I thought you dumped her". In my head I wanna slap my dad against his cheek, why doesn't he like Thomas.

"Dad please, we are here now, together, as a couple", I smile reassuringly at Thomas to make him feel a little more comfortable. "Ow okay, well come in. Samantha made coffee". The disgusting smell of wet dog overwhelms my nose. The huge dog Trevor runs towards me, barking because he wants a cookie, even the dog is a bitch. Samantha smiles at me, fake. "Thomas I didn't expect you, I'll make another cup of coffee", her thin legs make their way to the kitchen.

We hear my dad and Samantha talking about something in the kitchen. Thomas sits down and I sit down next to him, pulling my legs over his. "Are you okay, baby?", I move his head my way with my hand, and press my lips on his. "Nervous". Samantha hands me a cup of coffee, and we give each other a deadly face.

"So, Elena did your school started already?". Samantha sits down on a pink chair and my dad on the ugly leather couch. I try to sound really excited to be here. "Yea, my university started a few days ago". Samantha chuckles, I raise my eyebrows towards her. My dad ignores our behavior. "You do journalism right?".

I sigh deep, and Thomas looks at the ground. How can my dad not know which university field of study I'm taking. "Dad, I wanna be a lawyer since I was at least 9, how can you not remember?", it's makes me kind of sad that my dad has no idea about what is going on in my life. He acts shocked, "I'm sorry Elena, I was confused with Samantha her son". This makes me even more angry, he does know which study his stepson is taking. But he doesn't know it from his own daughter.

"You study law? I'm sorry, I just didn't expected that from you", I swear to the love for god, if that women says one more insulting thing to me or Thomas I'll kill her. "Samantha, be a little more proud of my daughter, she is about to become a lawyer", I smile at my dad. This is the nicest thing he said to me in ages.

"And Thomas, are you still in that band?", my dad gives his attention to the guitarist and he squeezes in my legs, which are still over his. "Y-yea, we won the Eurovision Song contest, so now we are popular over the whole Europe". My dad looks pretty impressed. "Ah now I get why my daughter fell for you again, successful boys get always the girls". Thomas makes a insulted face and I caress his hand.

"Dad! please don't say that. That is so not the reason", my dad makes his innocent face. "Come on, Elena your father is just joking". I ignore Samantha. "Can you just please shut you annoying face, Samantha", I almost yell at the women. Everyone looks shocked. "Elena, apologize!", my dad looks with an angry face in my eyes.

"No, all this fucking time I pretend to like visiting you, well I don't dad", he says nothing, so does Samantha. I grab Thomas his hand, and get up without facing my dad or Samantha one more time. "I'm leaving", I yell before I slam the door. No one responds, through the window I can see my dad and Samantha still sitting on the couch, saying nothing.

"Baby, please wait!". I run towards the car, tears gathering in my eyes. My hands wants to open the door to the little black car, but it's closed. "Open the car", I ask Thomas, hiding my face full of tears. Thomas grabs my cheeks and let me look in his eyes. "You did the right thing". I let my head fall against his chest and sob away in his shirt.

"Why did he changed, why did that stupid bitch have to change my father". Thomas didn't know my dad before my parents divorced, so he also did not know what kind of amazing man my dad was. "I want to go home", I wring myself out of Thomas his arms, but he grabs my arm and pulls me back. "First you are gonna calm down, baby", he wraps his arms around my neck and let me cry in his chest.

"I want to go to my mom", I ask Thomas as nicely as I can. But the tears and sadness turned into hate and anger. "Okay, whatever you want baby". I press my warm lips against his. "Thank u for not leaving me", he starts the car and drivers out of this horror street. "I won't make that mistake ever again baby".  


my mom heard MAMMAMIA coming out of my room, and she was like 'what the fuck happened with my daugther?' HAHHAHAHAH

𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒆 - 𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝑹𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒊Where stories live. Discover now