𝟓 » 𝒔𝒖𝒏𝒇𝒍𝒐𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒑𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒖𝒓𝒆 «

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Soft music is playing. The sunflowers he gave me are in my back seat. And my eyes are on the road. I have no idea where he is taking me, but I just drive like he tells me. There is a silence, not an awkward one. But a silence when we both are realising we want each other back. "Yes there it is", Thomas his italian voice breaks through the silence. I gasp. He is taking me to one of the best restaurant in Italy.

"No way, this is amazing". He helps me out of my car, and looks at me. He didn't saw my outfit. When he came I was already in my car so he couldn't really see what I am wearing. "Wow Elena, you look gorgeous". I blush and close the car door. Hand in hand we walk towards the huge glass door, with little lights everywhere. It looks like paradise. I see a few people looking at us and taking pictures.

I'm used to it. It's just like when we dated, and when we were walking together people always make pictures. "Did you have reservation?", a chic waiter in suit asks us. Thomas nods and the friendly man leads it to our tables. It smells like all kinds of pasta's in here, and everything is just so chic.

"Wow, this looks amazing", I say after another waiter puts an little cake with ice cream in front of me. I'm already a little full of my pasta, but I can't refuse eating this. "Thanks for this amazing evening, Thomas", I say and he puts his left hand over mine, it's warm and the cold metal of his rings presses in my skin. "It was, it definitely was Elena". He smile secretly, like he is up to something.

The evening passed, way to fast for me. Thomas is paying while I finish my cigarette. It was wonderful. How did I ever survived so many months without him. He wraps his arms around me from behind and presses his lips on mine. I blow all the smoke in his mouth and it comes out of his nose.

On the way home I doubt about something. I want to ask him if he wants to go watch some movies with me at my place. But I know he will say yes, but isn't it too soon. I mean this afternoon we kissed for the first time again. And we just went on our first date again. "Thomas?", he looks up and I keep my eyes straight on the road. "Yea?". "Do you, I mean you don't have to, but would you like to go to my uhm you know", it all rolls out of my mouth. Like I'm such a stupid idiot. Thomas giggles, "I would love to come to your house". I laugh, he already knew what I was gonna ask. I sigh, in relieve.

I open the door to my house, holding Thomas his hand. We said nothing on our way to here. I live on the 4th floor and since three days the lift is broken. I leaned against his shoulder, it was so sweet. He walks straight to my bedroom, I hear him bounce on the bed. "Gosh I missed this bed!", he yells at me and I chuckle.

"Don't get too excited mister Raggi". I make us a glass of red wine and throw out my high black heals. Thomas is lying on my bed and searching through netflix on my TV. "Who said you were allowed to put on the TV", I grin and hand him a glass of wine. He sticks out his tongue to me. "I said". I laugh and jump almost on him.

He wraps his warm arms around he and I close my eyes. I know we both don't want to watch netflix. My fingers run over his arms, giving him chills. "Turn off the TV Thomas". I get up slowly and see the thing in his pants grow, I whisper soft against his lips. As soon as he can he shuts down the TV. I move my legs, so I lay on top of him. His nails are pressing into my back. He looks wanting in my eyes.

I start undressing myself, first my blazer, followed by my pants. My dark red underwear makes him gasp. "Gosh Elena come here". I lean to his face and he presses his lips on mine. This kiss was setting me on fire. With my hands I opened his belt and lips are pressed in his neck. The guitarist enjoyed it, he moaned soft in my ear, almost unnoticeable. His belt flew through the room and lands on the ground.

Followed by his pants and T-shirt. I look at his body, and gasp. "You get deja vu?". His voice is music to my ears, really good music. My lips trace over his upper body, making him crazy. He pulls me up to his face and whispers in my ear. "I want you back", he rolls over me and I wrap my legs around his waist, pulling his body closer on mine.

"I want you back too", my words are like a start signal for him. With one hand he removes my bra, and throws it away. My dark red lace bra lands in the lamp. His lips make a red line of hickeys from my neck down to my belly button. My head falls back and also my slip disappears on the ground.

He opend my thighs with his hands, gently. "O my fucking gosh, Thomas", my hand grabs the sheet and I squeeze it, to not scream. His lips lick me out. I wrap my legs around his neck. My eyes are closed and my other hand grabs the railing of my bed. I focus on his tongue between my legs.

"You're hungry for me?", Thomas comes back to my face. Leaving a wet line from his tongue on my stomach. "Please, go on", my voice sound begfull. My right hand pulls down his boxer.

I scratch my nails into his back. His hands are on my hips, moving them. He moans in my neck and I see the sweat on his forehead. "Cazzo, Elena I missed this so much". The guitarist presses his hands tighter in my hips, it hurts, but it feels so good.


After two hours of pleasure I let Elena fall in my arms, I made her hair messy. And so did she with mine. Her head lays on my chest and my arms are around her neck. Only a grey fluffy blanket is covering us. My lips give soft gentle kisses on her hair.

"Elena?", I ask her and she looks up, covering her body in the blanket. "Yea Thommy". She wipes the sweat on my forehead away, and presses her beautiful lips on mine. "Do you want to be mine again?", I know it's early, like very early. Maybe even too early to ask.

But we both know we can't live without each other. The look on her face changes, to something I don't recognize. "i-if you don't want to i-it's totally fine", my heart start beating loader again. She giggle and wrings herself closer to my body, which is not actually possible.

"I would love to, but if you break up with me again, I think I won't be able to forgive you another time than", I chuckle and my girl kisses my hand. "I won't, I promise". I softly caress her arm, it gives her chills. We don't have to talk. We both enjoy this moment, so much.

*meanwhile in the maneskin groupchat*

V: guys do you know if Thomas came home

D: no, I did not hear him

E: why are we texting instead of talking, we are in the same house remember.

V: to bored to get out of my bed edgar

D: maybe he is going out with Leo of something

V: omg

V: omg

E: what?!

V: Elena told me they were going on a date


E: why didn't that stupid rat tell us

V: maybe he is at her place, I'll text elena

D: if he was without telling us I'm literally gonna finish him

V: calm down Dam, let out guitarist have his time


awhhhh I'm sold, he is just too fucking hot

𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒆 - 𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝑹𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒊Where stories live. Discover now