𝟏𝟓 » 𝒄𝒉𝒐𝒄𝒐𝒍𝒂𝒕𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒉𝒖𝒈𝒔 «

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I unlock the door to my appartment, after I walked home in ten minutes, but it's possible to walk in three minutes. My head is pounding and my hands are shaking. The groceries are heavy and I drop them as soon as I step in. "Hi baby", Thomas comes inside from the balcony and wraps his both arms around my neck, kissing my cheek. "Hi Thommy", for minutes I enjoy my boyfriend his kisses and hugs, but then tears gather up in my eyes again.

"What is wrong Elena?", I stare at my arm, and the lines of Samantha her nails in it. "I s-saw Samantha, s-she grabbed my arm and asked me again why I don't wanna t-talk", Thomas sighs deep, annoyed, and starts unpacking my groceries. "You were right Thommy, they don't have any respect and they are not gonna leave it", warm salty tears roll down my cheeks, landing in my mouth. He stops, pulling both his hands on my cheeks. "If they ever bother you again, you call me". His warm lips place a soft kiss on my forehead.

Thomas made me a hot cup of tea and gave me a blanket. I'm sitting on my couch, watching my boyfriend unpacking all the groceries. "Shall I make you a warm bath, dolcezza?", he asks after the last pack of milk disappears in the fridge. "That would be amazing, but I also can take a quick shower", I say. Thomas is tired, I see it. He just yawned for the 7th time. "Let me take care of you, you had a tough day", another kiss lands on my forehead before Thomas disappears in the bathroom.

"Your bath is ready miss", Thomas makes a little bow and takes my hand. I chuckle and he leads me to the bath. My heart melts as soon as I see what he did, candles, little lights, soft music on the background. "Awh Thommy, how are you so perfect?", I place a kiss on his hand and lean against his sweaty chest.

Thomas helps me get rid of my clothes, and getting into the warm water. His lips presses themselves on mine, "Should I go?", his eyes are placed on mine. "Please don't, join me". His face light up by my words. "I'll be back in a minute". I smile at my boyfriend, and wipe the last tears in my eyes away. I should stop feeling bad about my dad, because Thomas is right, it's not my fault.

I play with the foam in the huge bathtub, when Thomas steps in, with a tray with two cups of tea and all the chocolate he could find. I can only smile, it's unbelieveable how sweet this guitarist can be. Within ten seconds he joins me in the bathtub, letting me lay between his legs, with my head on his chest. The soft music in the background calms me down, while Thomas his fingertips run over my arm. I softly start caressing his arms, giving soft kisses on his chest.

"Thommy?", I take a little piece of chocolate and lead it to his mouth. "Yes dolcezza". I swallow and crawl myself a little closer to his warm body. "One more thing about Samantha and my dad, c-can you maybe talk to them. I know I said to leave it, but I'm scared it will happen again", his hands stop caressing me. "Are you sure baby?".

I nod heavily, and take his hand. "Don't be scared, dolcezza". His words are music to my ears. The guitarist gives me my cup of tea and we both drink the caramel tea. "Thank you Thomas", I smile, gentle, and place little kisses on his chest.

The water starts getting cold, and we both finished our cup of tea. All the chocolate disappeared in our stomach. "Shall we go out?", Thomas grabs a large towel. I nod, almost freezing. My boyfriend helps me getting out of the bathtub, wrapping the warm towel around our bodies.


I lead Elena to her bedroom, helping her into her pajama. She looks straight to the ground, thinking about I have no idea. In her pink satin pajama, she lays down, inside my arms. "I didn't brought my pajama, but I think I will call your dad, is that okay?", Elena says nothing, she only crawls closer to me. "Please five more minutes". I chuckle, while taking my girlfriend closer in my arms.

She sleeps, so insanly cute. As quiet as I can, I get out of the bed. She asked me to talk to her dad or Samantha ones more, and I said I would do it, so I can't let her down. But I have to be honest, I'm also a little scared. I've always been scared of her dad and stepmom. These people have gone too far, and now it's time that they leave my girlfriend alone, for however long she wants.

My shaking fingers search for the phone number. Her dad immidiately picks up. "Hi Manuel", my voice cracks and I giggle, "I'm sorry". He chuckles, "Thomas, where do I owe this call from", his cold voice gives me chills. "Elena told me what happened today, and to make sure it won't happen again, I'm giving you one more chance to leave my girlfriend alone, or I'll call the fucking police".

The angriness in my voice is raising. "Why are you always calling actually, doesn't my daughter has a voice?". I sigh, deep, to not scream into the phone. "Just listen the fuck to me Manuel, she is scared, and disappointed. If you guys just listened to her when she asked to stay away from her, than she wouldn't be this mad, and so wouldn't I. For the last time, respect her choice and leave my girlfriend the fuck alone".

He seems shocked by what I say. Without even saying something more, he hangs up the phone. I throw my phone away, luckily it lands on the couch.

For minutes I stand there, in front of the kitchen. Thinking about how Elena must feel. She deserves so much more than a shitty dad and stepmom. Carefully Elena steps into the kitchen out of her room, "I h-heard everything", tears gather up in her eyes. "I want a normal dad Thommy, one who respects me", she says quickly before running into my arms, crying, again.

I have know idea how much she cried today, but I want it to stop. I don't want her to cry, I want to make her happy. And of course I know I make her happy and the tears aren't because of me, but I hate, hate, hate it so much seeing her so upset.  


I have such a great idea for a damiano story, more news soon!

and also, I really got the feeling you guys don't like this story :(((

𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒆 - 𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝑹𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒊Where stories live. Discover now