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387 11 4

April 5th 2017

I open the door to my dad his house. It still feels weird for me. Moving every week from my mom her house to my dad his house. I never enjoy going to my dad his house, he changed, too much for me. I know he also has a lot of trouble with prosessing the divorce, which is almost two years ago now.

"Dad I'm here", surprisingly he immidiately comes to the small hall and takes my leather jacket. "Good that you are here sweetie", it's weird, he never is this sweet to me. "I want to introduce someone to you". My heart skips a few beats, my dad found someone else. "Y-you mean like a-a women?". He nods, a little nervous.

With the slowest steps I can take, my legs bring me to the living room. It's everything I didn't hoped. A very thin blonde women sits on the couch, not even smiling. She gets up and gives me a fake smile and a little hand shake. "I'm Elena", I smile, as friendly as possible. "I'm Samantha", she sits down again. This cannot be true, my dad can't date this women. I really really hope this is just a bad dream.

"What did your mom meant by 'having fun'", my boyfriend closes the door of my appartment. He already knows what my mom meant. I walk away, straight to the bedroom. "Now I know what she meant", he grabs my hips, and pulls them against his.

I let myself fall on the bed. "I need some distraction from this day". "I think I can be a really good distraction". My thought go to the lingerie Victoria gave me. "Thommy wait, I'll be back in a minute". The guitarist lets go of me, looking a little disappointed.

The lingerie still gives me a disgusted feeling, but Thomas deserves it. He also had a rough day. I feel bad for him. His parents always welcome me with open arms, and my dad just wishes he wasn't my boyfriend.

"Che cazzo Elena". he plays a game on his phone, but as soon as he sees me, the phone disappears in the night stand. "What the fuck baby, you are so hot, it hurts". I push his upper body backwards, and crawl on top of him without saying a word. I look deadly in his eyes, "o my gosh baby, you are so hot". His eyes slide over my body.

With my lips I give him soft kisses, very tiny little kisses in his neck. Just to make him beg for more. His own hands start pulling off his shirt while he breathes load, enjoying my lips in his neck. "Baby please, don't tease me like this. Give me all of you", he wants to take of the bra part from the lingrie.

I slap away his hand, "all I need was you, begging". My soft kisses turn into rough kisses, leaving purple spots on his neck. His hands are on my back, squeezing in it. "Don't touch me, boy", my words make him gasp and he pulls his hands away.

My lips and tongue move towards his upper body, while my hands remove his belt and pants. I'll tease him again, by not giving attention to the thing in his pants. Thomas' eyes are half closed and I see he wants to touch me, but I want to tease him. Because I know it gives him pleasure. My fingertips stroke his hips, very gentle, giving him chills. He moans when my hand slide into his underpants.

"Baby, p-please let me fucking touch you", his hands move towards my breasts and I stop giving him pleasure, he gasps. I return to his face, leaving a wet line of my tongue from his belly button to his neck. "I said no touching. And now you ruined it for yourself".

I'm not planning on stopping, this is also heaven for me. But until I give him the best night we ever had, I won't stop teasing. "I'm s-sorry baby, please don't stop. I need it". I spit on his face. "One more misbehavior and you wish you never crossed the line". he licks the spit of his lips.

*chat between Ethan, Damiano and Victoria*

E: I'll be home a little later, is Thomas already home.

D: no, but I can guess where he is

V: yea he went with Elena to her dad, she didn't dare to go alone.

E: you realize it's past 12 at midnight, they probably aren't with her dad anymore.

D: I have the feeling they are having fun.

V: AHAHAHAHHA yea me tooo...

I pull down the lingerie. Naked I lay down inside my boyfriend his arms. "I expect nothing less from you the next time baby", I play with the rings on his finger. "T-that was so g-good", he still is breathing load. Me hearing that my boyfriend enjoyed it, is making me so happy. "I love you so damn much baby", he bites in my lower lip, and pressing his lips on mine.

"I love you way more baby, and you know". The fact that I'm back together with this guy, is still a little unbelieveable for me. It's only been two weeks, but it feels like we are together for more than seven years.

"Elena, we have the pre listening party of MAMMAMIA next week in berlin, would you like to come with us". I smile, bright. "You really want that?", he nods, very convincingly. "I would love to, baby". This is the first thing ever he asked me to join. When we dated a half year ago, I never joined touring or intervieuws. I just stayed here, all the time, missing my boyfriend.

*maneskin posts the photo of MAMMAMIA*

Elenacolombo, nicaddd and 5.393.102 other likes this photo

Maneskinofficial: MAMMAMIA, out next week

Tagged: ykaaar, vicdeangelis, ethaneskin and thomasraggi__

Comments: 4.290


Elenacolombo: love you guyssss

Ykaaar: elenacolombo love you tooo

Thomasraggi__: ykaaar don't steal my girl

Ykaaar: thomasraggi__ your girl is just my bestie


Maneskinfan1: wait ? As in 'mama mia here we go again'???

Maneskin7: maneskinfan1 probably not, it's manekin not ABBA 


I know, it's a little bad, I'm sorrryyyyyyyyyyyyyy 

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