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With my daughter Luna in my arms, I vacuum the floor of the kitchen, looking at my little wonder, who is sleeping in my arms. Thomas and the band are practicing and Veronica is doing the groceries, since I can't do everything alone anymore. Three months ago, Luna Isabella Raggi came into this world. Thomas and I both wanted kids, but we never expected it to happen so fast. By now I am twenty four. Thomas and I still live in the bands house, and we never thought about moving out. We want Luna to grow up in a lovely family, with her parents, aunts and uncles.

"I'm back", Veronica yells to me from the hall, and I lay Luna down in her crib, which is standing next to the couch. "Mamma will be right back my little Luna", I tickle her belly and run towards the hall, where Veronica is standing with four bags with groceries. "Did you get those candies we saw in London?", I ask, getting on my knees to search through the bags. "No I couldn't find them, help me carry these to the kitchen". I carry two bags, very heavy ones, towards the kitchen. "And also help me with packing them out please", Veronica says, grinning. But even before she can finish her sentence, Luna starts crying.

I walk towards my baby, "sorry, Luna comes first", I grin and take my daughter out of her crib, starting to rock her. "Hello beautiful, why are you crying", Veronica says, caressing Luna over her cheek. "I'll go breastfeed her, can you do the groceries alone dear best friend?", I pout against Veronica. "Just because your daughter is the cutest thing ever", she giggles and places a small kiss on Luna her head.

The moment when I start breastfeeding my baby, I hear the band coming back from rehearsels, and Luna starts crying loader. "Shh little girl, mamma is here", I rock my daughter and the band steps into the living room. "Shh guys", I gesture everyone to be quiet, and rock my little girl. "Hello my loves", Thomas comes near me, and places a kiss on my forehead. Than his face goes to Luna, and she looks in her dad his eyes. "How was rehearsels?", I ask, when everyone sat down on the couch.

"It was okay", the drummer raises his dumb and looks exhausted. "I think, I'm going to walk a little while with Luna, she needs to get out, and so do I", I say. "I'll come with you", my boyfriend says, placing a kiss on my hair, taking his daughter out of my arm, to rock her. Everyone starts minding their own business and I make Luna ready for a walk. I wrap her in blankets, since it's pretty cold outside for her. "Ready, baby?", Thomas asks, handing me a coat and grabbing the pram out of the corner. "Let's go", I smile, pulling on my own coat.

"We should go on a date, without Luna, just some 'us' time", Thomas says, when we walk down the driveway towards the sort of forest. My boyfriend wraps his arm around my shoulder, and we look at our baby, who is looking around happily. She looks like Thomas so much, and she is just the most beautiful baby I have ever seen. "Are you sure, we've never done something without her", I look at Thomas, who looks so happy. "Baby, everyone at home will take care of her, they are all pretty good aunts and uncles", he chuckles, and I stop the pram, taking my baby out, to lay her down on my chest. Thomas wraps both his arms around us, and places little kisses on Luna her face.

"When?", I ask, pressing my lips on Thomas'. "What when?", he asks, and I chuckle. "When are we going on a date?". "I'll plan something", he grins, taking Luna out of my arms, to put her back in the pram. It's fall, and all the leaves are falling of the trees, ready for the winter. A cold but warm wind is blowing against my face and I shiver, "shall we go back, I'm hungry and do you see, also Luna is bored", I say, laughing because our baby fell asleep.

Diner is already standing on the table when we make our way back towards the house. Veronice left to, I have no idea where that girl is going every day. I bring Luna to her crib in the living room, she is still sleeping so insanly cute. At the table I sit down next to Damiano, who is playing impatient with his fork. "Buon appetito", I say and everyone starts eating the risotto. "We should play hints again, it's been so long. The last time we played that was during your pregnancy", Victoria says. Everyone agrees. "Oh my gosh I'm claiming you Elena!", Ethan grabs my arm and I chuckle. "We are gonna win this Edgar!", I yell, finishing the last risotto on my plate.

"Three words", "A tv show", "The voice!", "Idols", Giorgia yells some things at her boyfriend who is trying to gesture something I can't even guess. "Time's up, no points!", Victoria yells. Disappointed, Damiano and Giorgia both sit down on the couch. "Out turn Edgar, be smart", I look strict at him and grab a cart, when Victoria starts the time. "One word!", Ethan says and I nod. "A movie", I nod again. Within less than five seconds I hear Ethan scream the right answer. "Titanic!". "Yes!", I yell, and Ethan and I do a victory dance. "This women still is the best", I raise middlefingers to everyone, causing them all to chuckle. "Motherhood did not change you", Thomas says, pulling me on his lap.

"We can just stop, Elena and I already won!", Ethan yells, giving me a high five. "Yes we can", I yell, and in that moment I hear my daughter starting to cry. "I'm sorry guys", I say, and everyone sighs. "It is okay Elena, just go to bed, both of you, you need it", Giorgia says, placing a kiss on my hair. "Goodnight guys!", Thomas and I say in union, taking our daughter upstairs to our room.

"Can you change her into her pajama, I need to take a quick shower", I ask Thomas, and he nods. "Sure, we can also take a bath together", he says, pushing me against the wall, giving me a deadly face. "Thommy no, I really need to get some sleep", I say, and he let's go of me, chuckling. I take a quick shower, and with a towel wrapped around my body I walk back into our room, seeing Thomas sleeping on the bed, with Luna on his chest. She is wearing her pink pajama, with little stars on it.

Without making too much noise I dry myself, and dress myself into my pajama. Thomas and Luna are still sleeping, when I tap off the light. I lay down in the bed, with my head on Thomas his chest, next to Luna. While listening to his heartbeat and Luna her breathing in my face, I feel Thomas his arm, wrapping around me. "I love you girls", he whispers, and I crawl closer to Thomas. "I love you guys more", I whisper, and together we fall asleep.  


FINALLY FINALLY adding 4 bonus chapters to this amazing book, but after this it will end 

so enjoy the last 4 chapter, and adore their cute daughter 

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