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The week passed, like it was nothing. But it was amazing, and I loved every second of it. I loved seeing Elena being so happy about being in her favorite city. I loved spending every single minute with my beautiful girl. We saw the whole town, Eiffel tower, louvre, and we visited every store. Tomorrow evening we leave so we still have a little time. Today I'm taking my girl to a lake, an hour away from here, but she will love a little sort of beach day.

The morning sun shines bright into our love suite, and gosh, believe me when I say we had lots of fun in this room. Our clothes are everywhere on the ground, and the bathroom is also a mess. Elena still sleeps, in my arms. Down in the streets I hear people talking and a few cars. My arms are wrapped around her waist, and with my hand I softly caress her cheek, not trying to wake her.

My clock says it's 8:32 AM. I ordered a cab to drive us to the lake, at 10:30, so it might be time for Elena to wake up. Since I know she hates me when I wake her, I do it softly, just by kissing her cheeks, and caressing her back. "Wake up, dolcezza, we are going somewhere", I whisper in her ear, seeing her eyes opening, half.

Elena is grumpy, and I love her when she is. She is showering, while I pack out bags for the lake. I know there are going to be many other people, but today I only give attention to my girl. She doesn't know where we are going yet, so I'm packing the bags. Just with regular things, towels, drinks, sun cream and Elena her favorite book, since she loves reading so much.

"Don't be grumpy dolcezza, you are gonna love it", I help my girlfriend into the car, while the sun is burning into our skins. Elena sighs deep, "I just don't like the morning", I chuckle, and telling the driver where we go. He smile friendly and whispers something, "I think you should be really nice to her, my girlfriend is grumpy every morning", I smile and place a long kiss on ELena her cheeks, making her blush.

We arrive at the lake, and as I thought, there are many people. "Wow this is so cool", the whole way towards here Elena didn't spoke, she sighed a lot and yawns, signaling she was tired. But now, that she sees where we are gonna spend our day, her face lights up, making me smile. There is a beach with sand and grass, followed by a lake, you can barely see the opposite side.


I spread our towels over the sand in the corner of the beach, to avoid too many people who wants to take pictures. "Are you coming, I'm gonna swim?", Thomas undresses himself til he only wears his swimming trunks. I hand him over the sun cream, "can you cream my back, than I'll come". Thomas kisses my hair, and sits down on my butt, to cream my back. I get sun burned every time, so I really need sun cream if I don't wanna die. The hot sun burns into my back.

After cuddling for ten minutes to let the sun creme dry, Thomas lifts me, carrying me towards the water. "No no no, it's so cold", I yell at my boyfriend, who doesn't seem to be impressed. My feet touch the water and the cold freezes my whole body, but Thomas keeps walking deeper. He stops when he know I can't stand, and only his head is above the water.

The whole world disappears for me, and it feels like we are the only one here. I wrap my legs around his waist and cuddle his head, kissing his cheekbone. His arms are wrapped around me, tight. "Can we just never go home again", he returns a kiss, and the noise of water on the background, feels so calm. I chuckle, "you have work". He rolls with eyes, laughing.

We swim back, trying to drown each other. I told Thomas not to make my hair wet, because he know I hate that. But he doesn't listen. For the third time he pushes my head under the water, "Thomas, stop it". I crawl out of the water, running back to our towels. I'm so happy there are no fans who bother us today. Thomas and I lay down on the towel and he opens a huge box with chocolate out of the cool box.

"I'm thirsty, you want something too", I get up, to walk towards the little restaurant. Thomas nods, "ginger ale". He closes his eyes, trying to sleep I guess. "Salut beauté", I turn around when a French guy looks at me, he is around my age. "I have a boyfriend", annoyed I turn around, seeing Thomas look at me. "That's sad, I could have done so much beautiful with you", he slaps my ass and walks away. "Shut up", I turn around again, giving this guy a middle finger.

I see Thomas heading towards me, anger is burning in his eyes. "Touch my girlfriend again, and you wish you didn't touched her". Thomas is taller, but the guy has more muscles. "Relax man, it was just a joke", I look at the guy who is about to beat my boyfriend. "Thommy, leave it", I pull Thomas away from the guy, but he pushes me away from him. "Dolcezza no, this asshole touched you, I'm not leaving it". I sigh, wishing I could stop him, but I know Thomas. And he is not gonna leave it.

"Okay okay, I'm sorry, please man don't make such a big deal of it". The man sighs and walks away, Thomas wants to follow him. "Thomas Raggi, no!", I stop him, wrapping my arms around his body. "That jerk", he says, wrapping his arms around my neck. "Come, we are going to get a drink, together", Thomas takes my hand, slapping my ass. "I'm allowed to do that", he chuckles and I start laughing.

Thomas is sleeping on his towel, while I read my book, lying on his chest. I caress my boyfriend his arm, while reading a beautiful novel. This day is perfect, the whole week was perfect. Spending so much time with the love of my life is amazing. My phone is buzzing. Veronica texted me.

*chat messages between Veronica and Elena*

V: are you guys having fun?

E: yea!!! We are at a lake right now, and Thomas is sleeping

V: and what are you doing?

E: I was reading a novel

V: you guys come back tomorrow right?

E: yea, but I don't wanne leave, it's amazing here

V: AHAHAHHA you have to, your guy has work

E: I know AHAHAH

V: have fun your last day in PARISSS

E: awh tyysmm V 


I was in Paris with my bf once, and wow, IT IS the most beautiful city ever!


𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒆 - 𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝑹𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒊Where stories live. Discover now