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Everything is going to be perfect, and everything is already perfect. I'm making myself ready for Elena and mine's date, the first one since Luna was born. And it's not going to be just a date, oh no it surely won't be a normal one. Tonight, I'll be asking Elena to become my wife, and to take my last name. Elena Raggi, it suits her perfectly. Ethan is trying to calm me down, and I look at myself in the mirror, I'm wearing a creme colored suit with a white blouse under it. The nerves are getting higher when I hear my girlfriend yell from down the stairs. "Baby, are you coming?".

Ethan grabs my face and makes me look at him, "Thomas, stop acting like a child before she notices something. Elena will love it, and surely say yes", he snaps, and I smile nervously, running down the stairs. She looks breathtaking, so beautiful. In a dark green tight dress, she walkes towards me, smiling bright. "You look breathtaking beautiful, my love", I wrap my arm around her, and Giorgia, Veronica and Victoria squeal, causing us both to chuckle. "You too, my rockstar", she says, getting out of my grip, walking towards Veronica, who is holding our daughter.

"Mamma is back tonight, will you be nice to your aunts and uncles", she says, earning a laugh from our baby. "Baby, are you coming?", I say, looking at Victoria, Giorgia and Veronica, who know exactly what I mean, and they nod at me, without Elena noticing anything. "What have you planned for us?", my girlfriend asks, when I drive away, towards the busy city. "You'll see, my love", I say, taking her hand, letting her place little kissing on it.


This romantic is taking me to Rome's best sushi restaurant, or acctually the only one, but he knows I love it. He takes my coat, he pushes my chair. "What can I get you two", a male waiter asks, and I quickly scan the menu for the drinks. "A white wine", I say, and the waiter writes it down. "And for me a red wine", Thomas says, taking my hand. The waiter leaves and I stare at my boyfriend. "I'm not used to go out with you without Luna", he chuckles, and I smile. "We should do this more often".

The empty plates are getting removed and I rub over my stomach, "I feel pregnant again", I sigh, and Thomas finishes his second wine. "Luna is getting a sister or brother, the food baby". I sigh offended and kick my boyfriend's knee. "Thanks for calling me fat", I shove him my middle finger, before the waiter gives us the paycheck. "I assume you are paying, since I clean your room", I stop, giggling. "I make your diner, I gave birth to your baby", I shove him another middle finger, and the guitarist chuckles. "Okay okay, I know what you're saying", he laughs, shoving me his middle finger.

"Where are we going?", I ask, while we walk hand in hand, out of the restaurant. I walk close against him, since it's winter and actually pretty cold. "You'll see", his deep voice is music in my ears. We walk a while until he stops a cab. "I thought we were staying in town, Thommy?", I smile, and the driver opens the door for me. "You thought it wrong princess".


I kind of starts feeling the nerves right now, while Elena is just enjoying a 'regular' date with me. Damiano texted me that everything is ready, and I kiss Elena her cheeks, "almost there baby". She smiles at me, while I drown in her eyes. "Stop acting like you're obsessed with me", chuckling she says, pushing me away. "I am", I laugh, winking at my girlfriend.

A eye mask disappears out of my pocket, I brought, to surprise her. "Put this on", I say, and she looks like I'm some kind of idiot. "Why?". "Put it on!", I snap, giggling. She didn't even looked around her, and just pulled on the eye mask. I pay the driver quick, seeing Victoria, Damiano, Ethan, Giorgia and Veronica waiting for us, in front of a heart made of roses. Gosh I'm such a romantic. Damiano helps Elena our of the car, without making her notice that wasn't me, but that was actually a stupid idea. "Damiano David! What are you doing", she yells, chuckling. "Just follow me", he whispers.

My heart is about to fall out of my chest. Ethan, our photographer has set up the camera. And Victoria is holding our daughter, who is currently sleeping. The lake is empty, and there are barely people on the streets. Through the grass, Damiano is helping Elena walking towards me, who is cursing, since she obviously can't see anything. Giorgia gestures me to do something, which makes me wake up from my thoughts, I was just looking at my girlfriends.

I go on my knees, and Victoria gasps. "Victoria de Angelis, you too, what is everyone doing?!", cursing, my girl yells, when Damiano stops her in front of me. Tears gather in my eyes, when I open the little box with the ring in it. The band help me choose it, and It's gorgeous. Little diamonds on every side and a big one in the middle. "Take it off", I whisper, and everyone is quiet. Until Elena realizes what is going on. "Thomas Raggi, no no no!", out of shock she steps a few steps back, and I cry and laugh at the same time. "Oh my gosh asshole, you are not meaning this", she hides her face in her hands, and behind me I hear everyone giggling. "Elena Colombo", I start, seeing Elena crying. "Will you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?", I say, stopping my fingers from shaking.

"I do, yes yes fucking yes asshole", she yells, and with my shaking hands I pull the ring around her ring finger, and it looks amazing. "Oh my gosh, no way", she pulls me up, wrapping her arms around my neck. "Fucking hell", she screams, hugging so tied, I can barely breathe. I take her in my arms, pressing my lips on hers. "You guys knew", she jumps out of my arms, running towards our friends. "The whole time", Ethan squeals. Everyone hugs each other. "Hello my love, mamma will be a Raggi too, very soon", Elena laughs, kissing her daughter her nose.

And again, my fiancee jumps into my arms, hugging me, while sobbing. "I love you so fucking much mio amore", she sobs in my ear, and I hold her tied. "I love you more, way more".

*Thomas posts a picture Ethan made of Thomas proposing to Elena*

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Tagged: elenacolombo

Thomasraggi__: she said yes.


Elenacolombo: how could I ever say no

Thomasraggi__: elenacolombo I  don't know, no one can resist my hotness.


Ethaneskin: feeling honered I was allowed to make this pic

vicdeangelis: ethaneskin that is just because you're a great photograper, not bc you're special

Giorgiasoleri_: vicdeangelis *ethan crying*


"We're getting married!", I scream in the phone, while we are videocalling with my mother. She squeals, and a see a tear in her eye. "Oh my gosh sweetie, I'm so happy for you", she says, holding back her tears. And to be rally honest, I am also not able to keep myself from crying again, I mean, I'm getting fucking married. Thomas kisses my cheek, while I show my mother the ring. "How the hell did you paid that", my mother gasps when she sees the diamonds, causing Thomas to chuckle. "That are the secrets of you future son in law", he says, lifting me.  


next chapter will be to die for, I mean

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