𝟗 » 𝒎𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒔 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒇𝒊𝒙 𝒊𝒕 «

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The whole way towards her mothers' house we don't talk. Only a few times I wipe her tears away. I feel so bad for my girlfriend. She is right. Samantha isn't a nice person. And she has way too much influence on Elena her dad. She deserves so much more that the stepmom she has now. Elena doesn't even call Samantha her stepmom, for Elena she is just a selfish bitch.

"Thommy?", the soft voice of my girlfriend who is still crying runs into my ear. She grabs my hand and start playing with my rings. Something that helps her distract. "Yes baby". It's quiet for another ten seconds. "Why did you stayed so calm when m-my dad insulted you, normally you would beat someone who would say that up". "Because he is your dad baby, and as much as you probably hate him right now, he stays your dad"

She looks back at my hand and new tears come up. We drive into her mom's street, it's a long on with beautiful huge villa's. Very old fashioned, but so cool. The walls are covered in plants on the outide, and in the gardin beautiful trees.

This house is heaven if you compare it to the house of her dad and Samantha. Their house is in an old village, and it's all grey and white. I can't remember the last time I saw a flower in that house. I give another look at the house. This is the house where Elena grew up. With the lovely family she had.

I park the car on the gravle path, it makes a lot of noise. The engine of the car stops running and my girlfriends looks at the house she grew up in. She hasn't been here in at least two months, she told me. "Baby, look at me". With my hands I lead her head to mine. Our foreheads are against each other.

"I love you Elena", I kiss her forehead and wipe the last tears away. You can see she cried on her face, but her mother won't judge. Because believe me when I say that Kate, the mother of my beautiful girlfriend is the sweetest women in the world.

"I love you too, Thomas". I help her out of the car. And just like in a fairytale we walk towards the huge wooden front door in the middle of the house.


The feeling I have when I hear the soft noise of the doorbell from my mom her house, is so different from the nervous feeling I get with my dad his doorbell. Thomas his hand is on my waist and I feel home, I'm finally home again. "I think she is in the gardin", I say after no one came after at least a minute. We walk trough the gravle path past the house to the backyard.

I see all the things that remember me from my childhood here, my little play house. The trampoline. And the swimming pool. The flowers and threes everywhere make it really look like a fairytale. "Elena, Thomas?!", my mother gets up out the lounge set and runs towards us.

"Hi mom". "Hi sweetie, what are you doing here", she hugs me tight and her short-long dark blonde hair covers my face. I don't answer, afraid of crying again. Her warm huggs make me feel even more home. "Hi Thomas", she smiles bright to my boyfriend. "Hi Kate", he hugs her. The first person I told that Thomas and I got back together, was my mother. She is my best friend.

Thomas is so much more comfortable when we visit my mom. I sit down on Thomas his lap and lay down on my shoulder. My mom comes walking out of the kitchen, bright smiling at me and Thomas. "For the two lovebirds". In my hand I feel a warm mug with hot chocolate, whipped cream and marshmallows.

Like two kids we eat all the marshmallows and whipped cream, than we have to wait til the chocolate milk is cooled down. "Well guys, what bring you here, besides visiting this old lady". I chuckle, and almost choke in my american cookie. "Mom you are only 41", she grins vain.

Thomas knows I will start crying again if I tell my mom about dad and Samantha, so he takes the floor. "We went to Samantha and her dad", Thomas says and I hear my mom sighing already. "Samantha was rude to Elena so she finally said something about it, they both ignored her", Thomas isn't even finished and salty tears roll down my cheeks.

My mom always had a weak spot for seeing people cry, espacially me. "Ow honey, you did the right thing", she hold her tears. Thomas grabs me in his arms and calm me down, just by kissing my hair. His calm heartbeat makes me focus on my own.

"I never want to see them again", I sob, hard. Some people say that I exaggerate when I talk about what kind of horrible man my dad is. But they have no idea how my dad used to be, but my mom and I know. "Don't jump to conclusions to fast honey, please calm down before I start sobbing too", she chuckles, whiping her first tears away.

Three hours passed so quickly. After the dad and Samantha topic disappeared, my mom and I couldn't stop talking, about nonsense. Thomas was making some phone calls for some concerts. My mom and dad got me when my mom was nineteen and my dad was twenty. So she is like a best friend to me. I can talk to her about everything.

"You know what Vic got me?", I start laughing and thinking about the sexy lingerie she got me. I never putted it on before. "fucking sexy lingerie", my mom starts laughing. "Did you already used it?". Talking with my mom about this topic doesn't feel weird to me at all. We always used to discuss all these things.

"Baby, we have to go, is that okay or do you wanna stay", Thomas walks out of the wooden door, interrupting our talk. "No no it's fine, you should go and have fun", my mom winks at me. I give her a deadly face, and Thomas smiles.  


mothers can always fix the problems. 

𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒎𝒆 - 𝑻𝒉𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒔 𝑹𝒂𝒈𝒈𝒊Where stories live. Discover now