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"You also need this?", Ethan points at a light pink blouse, while I pack the last things into my suitcase. Thomas and I leave for a vacation in Paris in three hours, and Ethan helps me packing the last things. I nod, "yea and also the blue one". The drummer sighs, wondering why he wanted to help me. Damiano, Victoria and Ethan have an interview tomorrow, but Thomas isn't there because he's with me, in Paris. People are probably gonna think he died.

"Finally, you're done", Damiano walks in while Ethan and I try to close the suitcase, which is almost too full. He carries my bag and suitcase downstairs, to put it in the backseat of my car. "Are you ready?", Thomas lifts me from behind, kissing my neck. "Yea, totally". Everyone comes out, to say goobye to us. Giorgia hugs me, "have fun". The next hug comes from Victoria and Veronica, "but not too much fun, we don't want a little Raggi walking around right now".

Everyone laughs. And Thomas opens the car door for me, since I'm driving. "Bye guys, see you next week!", they all wave at us while I drive us down to the road. "I can't fucking wait, Thommy", he lays his hand on my leg and smiles, bright. "Me too, this is gonna be amazing".

We arrived at the airport, and after Thomas took some pictures with fans, we walk towards the customs. There was also a girl who wanted to take a picture with me, which was so sweet. It's 2 PM and we fly in two hours. "Want something to eat or drink?", Thomas walks to a starbucks, taking my hand. I nod, "I need coffee, if I don't I'll don't make it to Paris".

"Hi, are you Thomas Raggi his girlfriend?", I'm fixing my hair in the mirror in the girls bathroom. A girl around the age of sixteen steps to me, a little nervous. I smile at her, "yep, that's me". The girl smiles and looks for something in her purse. "Can we maybe make a picture?", I nod and she takes a picture, still a little nervous. It feels weird that fans want to take pictures with me, just because I'm Thomas his girlfriend.

A little package appears out of her bag, "can you give this to Thomas? It's handmade." She hands me the little package, "yes of course I'll". She smiles and walks away. This girl was like the sweetest fan ever. Thomas is waiting for me in the gate. "What took you so long?", he kisses my cheek when I sit down. The plane leaves in ten minutes, so we get in. The present I got from the girl, I hid it in my purse, to give it to him in Paris

"The flight is over, welcome to Paris". I wake up, seeing that we arrived in the beautiful capital of France. "Baby, we are there, Paris", I smile and Thomas takes my hand, taking me out of the plane. "Do you first want to have diner, or straight to the hotel". I yawn, while leaning against Thomas his shoulder. He opens a cab door, and helps me in. "Can we go to the hotel, I really don't need food right now". Thomas smiles and says something to the driver.

The guitarist struggles with our suitcases, I already asked him if I could help, but he does not allow me. I open the door to our suite. It's in one of the best hotels in Paris, and it's damn beautiful. The door to the suite has a text on it, 'love suite'. I look at Thomas before I open it, "Thomas Raggi, a suite, really?". He blushes, and I press a strong kiss on his sweaty lips. "Everything for you".

I open the door and look into the room. A brown velvet couch with a master bed, are the first thing I see. Followed by a huge batroom, with a bubble bath, a small but deep swimming pool, and a shower made of glass. Wide-eyed Thomas steps next to me, looking at the huge bathroom. "What the fuck, Elena, this is fucking amazing", he lifts me, and jumps into the pool with me. "Thomas!".

I yell at my boyfriend, before my head touches the warm water. My clothes are heavy, when our heads come up. "Never do that again, Thomas", he laughs, hard, leading me to the edge, squeezing my hips. "Thomas no, I'm tired". He playes with my hair, pulling me close to his body. His lips move to my ear, whispering. "Tell me your limit and we'll cross the line again".

I feel his hands pulling off my shirt, "I don't have a limit", I smile at my boyfriend. His hands remove my clothes, as quickly as possible. In my underwear he lifts me, and I wrap my legs around his body, removing his shirt. "Stop looking at me like that, Elena, just fuck me". My eyes are pressed on his, while he is wanting, for me. "Gosh, Elena, please I beg you". I love hearing him, begging for me.

My hands slip through his hair. As softly as I can I brush my lips against his, teasing him, letting him beg for more. He presses his lips hard on mine, first I want to push him away, but my body gives itself over to the guitarist. His lips are on my neck, leaving purple spots on it. "Give me all of you, Thomas", I moan load in his ear. "Dolcezza, I will, everything".

The floor is covered in water, and our suitcases are still waiting to be packed out. "We are going to the bed, my princess". He kisses me, carrying me out of the hot water. Thomas undressing himself, til he is only wearing his boxer, he wraps a towel around me and dries my hair. While stroking from my hips to my breats, giving me chills. "Let's go", he whispers in my ear, throwing the towel away. He leads me to the bedroom, and crawls on top of me, as soon as I lay down on the bed, removing my underwear, Thomas gasps.

His lips trace over my body, stopping at my belly button. "D-don't fucking stop", my eyes are closed and I grab the satin bed sheet, squeezing in it. Thomas his lips trace towards my aching spot. I moan load, letting my head fall back, in the light brown pillow. "Fuck, Thommy", I moan against the air, while I feel Thomas his lips everywhere between my tights.

"Thomas Raggi, you are amazing", his face returns to my face, leaving a wet line with his tongue on my body, making me gasp again. "And now we are having diner, somewhere, that is what I call, the perfect evening". His lips are pressed on mine, and we are not planning on letting go of each other. My eyes go to the window, it's dark outside, but gosh, Paris is so beautiful. "Thommy look, Paris is so beautiful", he smiles, handing me over a bathrobe, which is laying on the night stand.

"Put it on, everyone can make pictures with you, but your naked body stays mine", I chuckle, dressing myself into the bathrobe, Thomas does the same. He leads me to the balcony, which looks over the city. I gasp, "Thomas this is beautiful", he wraps his arms around me. It's just like in a dream, a really perfect dream. "Just like you", he kisses my cheek, listening to the cars and talking people everywhere.

"Dress good, I found a chic place", he walks back inside, leaving me on the balcony. I look over Paris, once again, it's a beautiful, romantic city. And I know, even though it didn't even started yet, this vacaction is gonna be a one I'll never forget.

*Elena posts a pic of Thomas and her in Paris*

Ethaneskin, ykaaar and 279.738 other liked this photo

Tagged: thomasraggi__

Elenacolombo: je t'aime Paris <3

Comments: 3.289


Ethaneskin: seems like you are having fun

Elenacolombo: ethaneskin YESSSSSSSSS 😉


Ykaaar: my french is bad, translation please

Thomasraggi__: ykaaar ti amo Parigi asshole


Thomasraggi__: Je t'aime Elena

Elenacolombo: Je t'aime Thomas <3 


for you my little thomas whores <3333

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