𝟏𝟗 » 𝒂𝒏𝒈𝒓𝒚 𝒂𝒕 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒘𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏? «

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We arrived home, after a long day. And gosh, how tired am I? Thomas and I are packing out our stuff, while we are listening to soft music. Damiano cooked and we all are having diner together. "Thomas, where is my laptop?", panicking I search through my whole suitcase, not finding my laptop. "You packed it in, where is it?". Thomas comes out of the bathroom. Meanwhile I threw everything out of my suitcase, to find my laptop.

"Calm down, we will find it", Thomas takes the clothes of the ground while I keep searching. "Shut up, you said you had it!", I can't find it. "Honey it's just a laptop". I turn around while Thomas cleans the room, "no! it's not, everything is on my laptop". The only thing I find is the cover what's supposed to be around my laptop. "I think I might have forgot to pack it", Thomas talks quiet.

"You did what!?", I throw the laptop cover towards Thomas, "asshole". Thomas sighs deep, and walks away. "It's your laptop, Elena not mine", I slam the door, and lock myself on the balcony. I light myself a cigarette. Thomas lost my laptop, and now it's gone. "Elena, why are you angry, you know it's your laptop, so not my responsibility".

Thomas comes out and I ignore him. He sighs, lighting a cigarette for himself. "You said you'd pack it, and now it's gone, everything was on that thing Thomas". I walk inside, when Thomas grabs my arm. "You are being weird, why are you so angry, you are never angry when this happens, come on honey, we can replace it". My eyes avoid his.

Last evening on the plane

I just woke up, and the flight still isn't over, 30 minutes left. Thomas is snoring next to me, and so does another women next to me on the other side. My phone buzzes again, it's my dad. I sigh, why is he texted me, I thought he finally respected my choice of not talking to him.

*chat messages between Manuel and Elena*

M: Hi Elena, can I talk to you?

E: sure

M: As you know it's my birthday in two weeks

E: yes...?

M: I would really love it if you and Thomas would like to come over, only if you feel good about it.

E: ow uhm... let me think about it dad

M: okay, I hope I'll hear from you soon.

Thomas squeezes in my arm, and I look at the ground. "Elena, what's wrong?", I think about what my dad asked me. My heart says to just go, and see if my dad learned something from the last time. "Elena!". I close my eyes, to avoid tears. But Thomas sees my tears, "ow no dolcezza, what is wrong?". His arms wrap themselves around me.

I want to cry, but the tears don't come. "My dad texted, to ask if we come to his birthday", Thomas gasps when I say. "Do you think we should go Thommy?". He looks in my eyes, grabbing my cheeks. "What do you want, it's your choice dolcezza". He presses a long intense kiss on my lips, before walking inside. "I'll buy you a new laptop, dolcezza". I smile at my boyfriend.

I finish my cigarette, and walk back inside. Thomas is still unpacking our things, I sit down on our little couch and sigh. "Thomas I don't know, if I go maybe it will happen again. But if I don't he will be angry maybe", Thomas sighs, throwing me a shirt. "Help me, it's also your stuff". Insulted I look at my boyfriend, "I was talking".

He chuckles when I get up, placing a kiss in my neck. We both clean up everything and talk about the new dad issue. Thomas told me to follow my heart. I also asked if he wants to come with me, just like my dad asked. His answer was lovely, only if I wanted to.

*Thomas posts a picture with you in Paris, on the beach*

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Tagged: elenacolombo

Thomasraggi__: paris with my love, a dream <3

Comments: 12.483


Ethaneskin: for the fans, they are already home AHAH

Thomasraggi__: ethaneskin you ruined everything

Ethaneskin: thomasraggi__ ethan torchio, crushing dreams since 2016


Giorgiasoleri_: fancy bikini Elena

Elenacolombo: giorgiasoleri_ thanks bestie <333


Elenacolombo: MAMMAMIA why so hot?

Thomasraggi__: elenacolombo cuz we're italianooooooooo

Elenacolombo: thomasraggi__ ti amo! <3333


Thomas and I cuddle each other, I sit on the bathroom table with my arms wrapped around my boyfriend his neck, who is kissing my shoulders. "I think we should go, to your dad I mean". His eyes are presses on mine, and I swallow. "You sure?". He smiles at me, to make me feel less nervous. "Yea dolcezza, maybe your dad really did change". Before Thomas can press his warm lips on mine, Victoria interrupts, by walking into the bathroom.

"Gosh guys, you just spended a whole week together, non stop. Please come downstairs", she sighs, Thomas and I laugh, walking after Victoria down the stairs. "Gosh, they are finally here, did you guys fucked or something". Veronica opens a bottle of wine while looking disgusted our way. I laughs, grabbing a glass of red wine.

It's amazing to be back, and seeing everyone again. I missed them, and as much as I miss Paris, I missed these people even more. "What a jerk!", Victoria yells and Thomas chuckles, "I thought exactly the same". The topic about the guy who slapped my ass dropped and everyone is sharing their opinion. "Guys, enough about it, it's giving me a trauma", I grin at everyone, taking another sip of my wine.

"Did people say something about the fact that I wasn't at the interview", Thomas asks his band members and they start giggling, before Damiano opens his mouth. "Like at the beginning we told them you were with Elena in Paris, bu-", Victoria interrupts the singer. "But on instagram I saw lots and lots of messages when they said, 'is Thomas dead?'", I choke in my wine, from laughing.

Giorgia does the same, and also Veronica starts giggling. Thomas seems insulted and raises his eyebrow towards us, and giving us his middle finger. "You are laughing about the fact that people think I'm dead", I nod at my boyfriend, before he gives me a soft slap on my cheek. "Don't be rude, dolcezza!", he says, grabbing my hips, pushing them against his body.


only two parts left, I'll miss this story :(

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